Chance of survival is shrinking fast
A Tiny Child Chapter 19
· original author:
You tried to get to the ship, however the two of you weren't fast enough. You helplessly watch your only hope fall into the trash can next to the bed. You were pretty much stuck on your mother who was about to feast on you.

"Maybe if we jump on her breasts, we will survive." Adam said, looking for any solution. Suddenly, mom's giant teeth took a big section of the cupcake, barely missing your friend. You watched as the food was mashed up to paste.

"We can jump, but we'll be farther from her ears, and her breasts might crush us." You said.

"It can't be worse than being eaten! What other choice do we have?" Adam said. You knew her teeth would return, and probably snag one of you for good. After a second…
May 12, 2023
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