On to the kitchen
A Tiny Child Chapter 9
· original author:
"CUPCAKES AHEAD!" yells Scott from behind you, frantically gesturing at the house sized delights, all iced and lined up in a row. They're your Mom's favourites and you've never even been this high up the shelves of the pantry since there's no walkways built in. You've always wanted to see what your Mom keeps up on her own shelf there. All your snacks are right at ground level in a miniature room and the only times you get anywhere close to the top shelves is when Amanda is carrying you. Your Mom usually just brings the food out for you when you ask.

"Dude, this is insane. I've never seen so many of them this close. Check out those chocolate chips, they're almost as big as our hovercraft!" Scott's enthusiasm is infectious and you slow the craft down and hover over the chocolate chips. Taking a look around, you spot a jar of cookies, some canned whip cream, condiments, packets of sweets and other treats. Part of you feels a bit guilty being up on your mother's shelf. Though you know there's nothing to feel bad about, after all, this is what Amanda sees every time she comes by, it feels strange to you being so close to your mom's personal stash of goodies. You had long ago gotten over your fear of being close to her food and you can't remember the last time you were worried about her accidentally eating you on account of how much care she takes every time she's eating around you. When you were younger, Carolyn actually brought you close to her lips while she was eating, just so you wouldn't be shocked if it ever happened to you. Then, there was that one time...

"Man, I know this is your Mom's stuff but, I never get to eat Normal..my dad says it's too dangerous for me to be close to normal food. Could we like, you know..try?" Scott asks, looking out the side of the craft at the top of the cupcake. The face must be almost the size of a basketball court, one of those huge cupcakes your Mom buys back from the neighbourhood bakery. Chunks of chocolate stick out from it, a couple larger than your craft. And right in the middle, a tremendous blob of white frosting, twirling upwards at least a couple of stories high, to you. Your craft, at a meager 4 centimeters in length would certainly fit somewhere between those chocolate chunks and the frosting.

"Yeah man, why not..my mom won't be home for...an hour or so at least," you say checking the time, "Just em..well, gimme a second to figure out how to land this thing.."

"You don't know how to land? Seriously dude? After all that Battlefield 3, you're telling me you don't know how to land a hovercraft?" says Adam.

"Look if you're so great at it, why don't you take over.. Mr I Can Pilot Anything With Ease The First Time I Sit In It.." you say sarcastically, while fiddling with the throttle.

May 12, 2023
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