Last chance for escape from her mouth
A Tiny Child Chapter 20
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You kept arguing with yourself in your head. Your friend did have a point, but you might still be able to get her attention from here. Suddenly, a loud scream scares you, making you turn around. You were able to see Adam for a second before your mom's teeth made him disappear. You helplessly watched him get swallowed up. Your mother moaned, loving the taste, unaware of the extra ingredients.

"What have I done?" You questioned yourself. If you reacted and listened to Adam before, he might still be alive. The deadly tongue licked the lips, ready for the final bite.

"You are so tasty, my little cupcake. You're better than normal in fact." Mom said out loud, thinking she was alone. As of right now, you had two options.

You could take Adam's advice and jump to her breasts. They would cushion your fall and get you away from her mouth, but she might accidentally crush you. Plush she wouldn't be able to hear you as well, not that she did before.

The second option was to stand there and take it like a man. After all, your decision to try out the hovercraft caused both of your friends to fall victim to your mom's beautiful body. She wasn't able to hear you before, so yelling wasn't an option. Besides, you wouldn't have to do any work, mom would take care of everything. After a moment of watching her lick her lips, you…
May 12, 2023