Don't shout, just holler
A Tiny Child Chapter 17
· original author:
"Don't shout, just holler, don't shout, just holler," you repeated the phrase like it was a mantra and you felt yourself calm down slightly. You would definitely get out of this, all you needed to do was ring your mother's phone which was lying right beside her on the bedside table. Before you could reach into your yogurt soaked shorts however, the spoon arrived and you were hit by a tsunami of yogurt.

Coughing and spluttering, you surfaced at the back end of the spoon as it was lifted unceremoniously up towards your mothers waiting lips. The heat coming from the darkness behind her lips was tremendous and you felt your face getting hotter and hotter as her breath washed over you in waves. Soon you could not even see her eyes anymore, blocked as they were by her nose, her nostrils flaring ever so slightly with every breath. Her slightly parted lips closed tightly for a moment and you heard the unmistakable sound of swallowing before her mouth yawned open to show you the horrific sight of her wet, hot maw, slick with saliva and dripping white strands of unswallowed yogurt, remnants of blueberry mush coating the molars.

And the smell. Till today, you never forgot the smell. The usual sweetness of her breath, the minty flavour that greeted you every morning was replaced with a sour, fetid smell. The smell of food being digested. Within a moment, she passed the spoon between her lips, totally unaware of you and in seconds you found yourself lying on her slimy tongue. Blasts of hot air pounded you from behind and the slick surface of her tongue made you slip each time you tried to get up, causing you to roll around and cover yourself in her saliva. The sticky, slimy covering made it even harder for you to resist the movements of her tongue as the light inside your mothers mouth dimmed, her lips beginning to close. You screamed in horror, truly alone and even your screams were muffled by the choking saliva filling your mouth. Everything was wet, sticky and meant to silence you. You wished and wished that she would somehow feel you inside her mouth and pluck you out, but at your size, you knew that you felt like nothing but a small blueberry. As her tongue undulated beneath you, you found yourself being pressed and forced against the roof of her palate. She was tasting you, savouring you like you had seen her do so many times before with every spoonful.

A loud "Mmmmm" reverbrated throughout the cavity and in the semi darkness, you could just about make out your bearing and you realised you were very, very far away from where you had entered. Panicking and looking around, you realised that you were flowing with her saliva, pooling at the back of her tongue. Your body felt weak from fear and the exhaustion of being sucked on and you struggled to find your phone in the dark. As you scrambled around, you found yourself looking straight up at her bobbing uvula, the fleshy ball coming close enough to touch her tongue right before you. You thought of grabbing on to it but you could barely move. Then a drop of saliva dripped off it and disappeared right down into the black sucking hole and you screamed again. Illumination burst into your prison suddenly as another spoonful of white sticky yogurt landed on your mother's tongue, drenching it in white. Rivers of the white stuff flowed past your body and over you, pushing you ever closer to the edge. Your struggles were futile as in a quick roll of her tongue, your mother sent a wave of saliva and yogurt flowing over you, swallowing, sucking you down into her depths.

It was not a quick fall down, even at your small size, the total load of yourself mixed with the swallow of yogurt and saliva caused you to be slowly pushed down her esophagus. You felt the inner walls of your mothers alimentary canal squeeze you and suck you lower and lower into her. You had frequently heard the splashes of food into her stomach and this was no different. Moments passed in the dark as your body was squeezed along with the mouthful, deep down her gullet, dragging through slime and saliva before you felt yourself being pressed into an even greater darkness. Then, with a splash, you landed.

The air was hot, stale and the stench...the stench was unbearable. You could not begin to imagine how your beautiful, sweet smelling and caring mother could have such a foul pit deep inside her. You had no idea how bad it was going to be. There was only a slight glow of light coming from one of the walls around you and you realised that it was the glow of the outside, the top of her belly where you had spent so many afternoons lying down and listening. The noise inside was terrific. Loud gurgles and pops shook you up just as much as the constant churning. You felt yourself constantly being shoved around and you were shocked as a semi warm, semi cold glob of goo suddenly dropped right down onto you, coating you again with the sticky bolus of your mother's last mouthful. Unable to contain yourself, you screamed, the sound of your voice echoing inside your mother's belly. In response, the chamber shuddered and you fell deeper into the much gathering in the center of it.

"Don't shout, just holler," you heard in your mind and with renewed vigor, you reached in and grabbed your soiled phone from your equally soiled pants. Your phone was intact, being a tiny meant having gear that would be able to withstand all types of forces and your phone was built for emergencies like this. The dim glow of the screen illuminated the massive chamber and you suddenly realised how tiny you were compared to your mother. The sack of her stomach could easily contain an entire stadium of tinies and have room left over for a blimp. And this tremendous chamber had only one purpose. Digestion. Chunks of chocolate seemed to be melting away and the walls were dripping a thick greenish goo that seems to dissolve everything it came into contact with. Deeper down the middle, you watched as food began to melt into a soup of brown, white and blue mixing together with every churn of your mother's stomach. You could understand now why your mother didn't want you close to her food, it was a horrific ride down, but then your fingers and toes started to tingle, and then they started to hurt. Absorption?

You were running out of time and you hit the speed dial. To your relief, you could hear the familiar ringing tone of your mother's cell and your whole world shifted, throwing you closer to the deep center of her stomach as she turned over to answer it.

"Jake? What?! Where are you?" her voice rising as she turned over again, knocking you around. She must have turned to look for you on the pillow.

"MOM! PLEASE! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" you screamed into the phone, sobbing.

"JAKE! Honey,where are you!" she asked, her voice in a near panic.

"MOMMY! I'M GETTING ABSORBED! PLEASE MOMMY LET ME OUT OF HERE! I'M SO SCARED!" you shout, sobbing hard into the phone.

"Ohmygod Jake you didn't, oh oh, my baby!" cried your mother as the world suddenly turned over and you were tossed around slamming into walls of your mother's belly.

The next few moments passed in a blur and you lost hold of the phone. You could hear your mother speaking to you from outside, her voice was loud even though you were in the depths of body. The air and the movement were too much for you and all you could really concentrate on was the ever-present heartbeat, the thumping of your mother's heart as she rushed to expel you from her body.

When you came to again, you were floating in a pool of liquids. Smelly liquids but less so than before. It was cool though, not the oppressive heat that had assailed your body before. And as you opened your eyes, you looked up at the most beautiful face you had ever known. Her eyes were red and her cheeks smeared with tears. Her lips were redder than red and you instinctively looked away and up at her eyes instead.

"Jake, Jake, honey are you okay?" your mother cried above you.

You moved a little, as her palm came down to scoop you up. The liquids drained away and you found yourself lying exhausted in the palm of your mother's hand as she sobbed and her body shook with her cries.

"I'm alright Mom, you were right about the digestion thing. It's not nice," you say before closing your eyes again.

"Oh my baby, my baby, I can't believe I...oh God..," you hear her say before you consciousness leaves your body.
May 12, 2023
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