It's Carolyn
A Tiny Child Chapter 12
· original author:
The light coming through the glass doors of the pantry cabinet is suddenly blocked by a gargantuan figure. You immediately recognise your mother, Carolyn, her monumental figure eclipsing the entire shelf, her tremendous bust level with the shelf you're on. She's wearing a tight fitting tank top, the pink one you recognise as being her favoured attire for working out. She must have gotten home early from the gym and you watch as her breasts bounce slightly against the tight fabric as she reaches for handle.

"Omg, omg, omg..your mom..omg," Adam stutters, you're unsure if from fear or from watching her burgeoning breasts hanging slightly over the shelf, 20 feet or so above where you're standing.

"We have to get inside now, hurry!" you shout as you bolt to the cockpit.

Carolyn seems to be looking around and you watch as her hand overshadows the cupcake you're on, before passing by deeper into the cabinet. Her other hand is resting on her hip, and you stare downwards at the 1000 or so foot drop to her feet. There's no way you're gonna be able to jump from the shelf and find your way to safety from here, without any walkways. With some luck, you might be able to attract her attention if you can start up the craft. Maybe shine the headlights on or something. You know she is going to be very, very angry but this might be your only chance to get out of here today. You know her habits pretty well and the next time she comes searching for a snack it will be after her next workout tomorrow and that won't be option. Suddenly, you realise how stupid you're being. You can just call her with your cell. Scrambling around your pocket, you search frantically for your miniature cellphone but come up empty.You always have your cell with you, you pause and look around wondering if it fell out.

"Fuck. Any of you guys have your cells on you?"

"It's in the cockpit," Adam says as he tries to heave open the cockpit window.

"I don't have a cell right now," Scott shouts back as the hand of your giantess mother withdraws with a white frosted cake that she immediately brings up to her mouth. Even though you're used to watching her eat, you've always been absolutely sure she knows where you are and watching the building sized cupcake being lifted up to her waiting lips sends a shudder down your spine. Her workouts always make her hungry and by the looks of it, she's really hungry. You hear a deep rumbling moan of approval as she takes a gigantic bite out of the side of the cupcake and reaches out with her other hand. You struggle with the others to open up the cockpit but it's slippery and partly covered in goo making it pretty heavy. Suddenly, the ground beneath you begins to shake hard and you feel a familiar vertigo as your mother picks up the cupcake and carries it closer to her body, shutting the cabinet door behind you.

You stare up in awe and fear at her godlike figure, her immense lips opening again as her tongue snakes out to lick what must be tiny crumbs of chocolate and icing to her, from her upper lip, though some of those tiny crumbs look as big as your torso. Her eyes, wide as lakes look down on you and you are sure she sees you but she says nothing and only then do you realise that she's not paying attention to you, she's just looking at her food. And from the slight frown playing around her lips, she doesn't look happy.

"Must be getting stale," she voices out to no one in particular, probably referring to the crumbled down frosting and what must look like a lump of broken frosting covering the middle of the cupcake. "Oh well.."

She turns and begins to walk out, and you can see the terror in your friends eyes and it becomes clear to you why she doesn't recognise your figures. It's bad enough you're all covered in white, the ship itself is largely silver and white now and it looks like one of those little silver balls used to decorate cakes your mom used to give you to play with when you were a kid.

"Guys, we need to get inside the ship now. I need that phone."

"Dude, it's not budging and.." Adam says, before stumbling onto his knees, "it doesn't help that your mom keeps swinging us up and down."

Sure enough, as your mother walks out of the kitchen you look to your left and right, getting your bearings and you spot her purse, phone and keys lying on the kitchen counter.

"Why is she not stopping to pick up her stuff," you think to yourself.

Looking up at your mother, you see her take another bite from the cupcake in her other hand as she heads out of the kitchen and right past her stuff. As she walks up the stairs, you feel nauseated and so do your friends as all three of you stop fumbling around the cockpit and just sit down. This isn't the careful and gentle mother you know that has always carried you slowly and deliberately. Now, your mom is just a hungry woman who's about to satisfy herself with a chocolate treat after the gym. And she certainly doesn't care how she carries her food.

"Mmm, delicious.." she exclaims after another bite as she gets to the top of the stairs and rounds the corner into her room.

"We're so screwed," Scott says, despair evident in his voice.

"Dude, try the hatch again, we'll be fine if we get inside. Just keep trying," you say, but as you watch your mother devour the last bite of cupcake, simply tossing it into her massive maw, you begin to dread what will happen if you don't somehow get her attention.

But for now, that means getting back inside your hovercraft..
May 12, 2023
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