No such luck
A Tiny Child Chapter 13
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The ride ends abruptly as your mom enters her room. Immediately, the sweet fragrance of her perfumes mingled with her scent fill your nostrils. It's a welcome change after inhaling sweet chocolate and icing for the past hour. Still, you feel yourself beginning to panic as your mom places her loaded cupcake on her bedside table before sitting down on the bed to remove her gym socks. You watch as she bends over, her cleavage forming deep and dark as her breasts rest on her thighs and her hair slips by her cheeks and cover her face from your sight.

You turn around and the guys are back to struggling at the craft. How could this have gone so wrong, you wonder to yourself. In silence, all three of you struggle to lift the craft out, struggle to pull the hatch open, even trying to slip a hand into one of the ports on the side of craft to see if it will help dislodge the sticky hatch. All the while, your mother continues to undress herself, oblivious to your struggles.

"This isn't working. We should just jump off," Scott says after awhile. You can see that he is half paying attention to your mother who has now gotten up and is beginning to remove her top.

"Jump where, onto the bed? If she even sits down on the bed, we'll just end up rolling down to her ass and you know the stories man. That's the last thing you wanna do, be on a soft surface when a normal is sitting on it. It's suicide. And even if you're lucky enough to survive the squeeze, how are you going to get her attention huh? There's no easy way off the bed," Adam says, his hands on his hips.

You simply stare at your giantess mother, her body rising hundreds of feet up into the air above you, her hands pulling her top away. As the fabric passes her breasts, the bounce out and jiggle against her flat stomach for a moment before she bends forward again, this time to lower her tights. Her eyes drift to the table you're on and you can see her eyeing the cupcake, unwittingly eyeing your friends and yourself too. Oh if only she knew. She had always warned you not to enter her room. Under no circumstances were you allowed to be anywhere in the house without her knowledge, if only to prevent this from happening. You knew it was her nightmare as much as it was yours for you to be lost around her or your sister, them being unaware of where you were.

There was only one other time ever in your life when that had happened and after that incident, she had become super protective of you. As much as she teased and messed around with you, you knew your mother was terrified of the thought that she could hurt you. It was the peril of raising a tiny sized child and the greatest fear of a normal sized parent. The last time, you were alone however and now you had gotten your friends into this mess with you. If you survived, you promised yourself that you would never, ever be as foolish as this again.

May 12, 2023
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