Flashback chapter
A Tiny Child Chapter 14
· original author:
While the other two argue about the best way to proceed, you continue to watch her undress. At your size, everything about her was all consuming. When you were younger, before you hit puberty, she would often bring you into her room with her and let you play on her body while she caught up with her reading or watched TV. Especially on days where Amanda would be out at her friend's houses, she would bring you in and spend the afternoon with you, letting you explore her gigantic form. And, occasionally, you would sleep in her room safely tucked in at the top of the bed with her.

At first, she would let you climb around while she was clothed, at your size, her body was a playground and you would climb up her blouse and slide down her curves, generally having a good time. She never let you get too far though and you were largely confined to the area between her breasts and hips but when she was in a particularly playful mood, she would drop you in her cleavage and watch you try to climb up. Then as the two of you grew more comfortable with each other, she would just lie in bed wearing nothing but a bra and her panties and you would travel the expanse of her flat belly, occasionally stopping to sit at the edge of her bellybutton before slipping your feet in and lying back like it was a recliner and joining her while she watched her favourite shows. At first, being so close to her was a bit frightening, especially the first time you heard her stomach rumble and you didn't know what it was. Her laughter had shaken you up even further and you ended up falling into her bellybutton which just cracked her up even more.

You panicked though as the walls of her bellybutton closed in on you with her every rumbling chuckle and started to pound on them before she finally eased up and stuck her finger in to let you climb out. Then she brought you close to her face where you saw her lips part in a wide smile as she explained to you the basics of the digestive system and how just like her, your food went into your stomach which was a sack slightly under where your heart was and after being melted down, you had a bunch of tubes inside you where your food would pass through and be digested. When you asked her what digestion meant, she simply explained that all the food you ate had to be digested and absorbed by your body to give you energy. Then she patted her belly and told you that if you ate too much, you'd get fat as some of the food you digest gets stored, in her case, especially around her hips and her belly. You nodded thoughtfully as you stared up at her pretty eyes before looking straight at her lips and the darkness lying behind those rosy red blimps.

"Mommy, does that mean that if you eat me I'll get absorbed too?"

You remember the look on her face, a momentary shock when you asked her that, her jaw dropping open slightly as she contemplated the question your 8 year old self had asked her. The sudden opening of her mouth entranced you as you caught a close up glimpse of her gargantuan tongue, and it was the first time you looked all the way back into her mouth which at the time you reckoned could easily fit one of the miniature buses used to carry tinies to and fro from their workplaces. You'd seen one up close one day when you went on a school trip to the museum.

Her sweet smelling breath washed lightly over you as she replied, "Well honey, that will never happen because I'll always have my eyes on you. And, you be a smart boy and stay away from Mommy's food alright?"

"Does Amanda have to stay away from your food too?" you asked absentmindedly as you watched the massive tongue undulate within the confines of her mouth.

"No honey, Amanda doesn't have to. But you do because you're so itty bitty and tiny that you'd fit easily inside Mommy's belly and if you're not careful Mommy might mistake you for a tasty treat and gobble you up," she said laughing.

As she laughed, wave after wave of hot air washed over you and the smell of her breath become slightly overpowering but it was not unpleasant.

"I don't mind if you gobble me up Mom," you replied back before turning around to face her body, "then you can absorb me and we can always spend time playing!"

"Oh baby, that's not how it works. If you end up inside me, Mommy's body will break up your body and you won't remember you had one...you'll just become a part of me like everything else, not like how you are now.." she said, a serious tone in her voice. You remember feeling confused at the time because you didn't understand what that meant, how could anything about her be bad for you?

You paid special attention from then on to when she was eating and occasionally, when she would eat in bed you would scramble up to right where her stomach was and lie down and listen as the food fell into her stomach with a loud splash, to you at least, and you would listen to the sounds of her body digesting. It was a curious feeling, your mother loved to eat and she would always seem so happy after a good meal so you wondered what was wrong with you that she didn't want to let you in.

May 12, 2023
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