Scott has mom's back, or it has him for good
A Tiny Child Chapter 18
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Your mind quickly snaps back into the present. You saw that your mother was only wearing a bra and panties now, which meant she was about ready to eat. Meanwhile, your two friends were arguing about something.

"Guys, focus. We have to figure something out, maybe if we-" You started to say, however, Scott got impatient.

"No! I told you guys, we have to jump. If you're not going to try, then I will." Scott said. Both you and Adam tried to stop him, but you were forced to watch him leap to the bed. Though he made it, his timing couldn't have been worse. Just as he landed and got stable on the bed, your mother laid down on her back right where he was. Scott screamed as he was pushed against the bed, becoming trapped.

"That idiot! I told him it was too dangerous." Adam yelled, pissed off. You knew that Scott was basically gone, there wasn't really any way to get your mother's attention in time to save him. However, that problem was soon replaced with another one, as your mother grabbed the cupcake. She used her giant tongue and licked a big section of the cupcake. "Dude, the craft!" Adam yelled. You weren't sure what he meant until you looked over to see it starting to fall off, her tongue had dislodged it, maybe now you could get Adam's phone.

"Now is our chance, hurry!" You yelled. The two of you ran to the ship.
May 12, 2023
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