Flashback continued
A Tiny Child Chapter 15
· original author:
To reiterate the seriousness of the food situation, your mother had expressly forbidden you from coming anywhere near her food unless it was at the dinner table and she was specifically keeping an eye on you. You had gotten very used to her eating in bed though and she had gotten into the habit of bringing a small tub of yogurt with her to snack on while watching TV. As long as you were careful, she had even begun to let you climb around the bed and pillows and sometimes, instead of lying on her belly, you would just lie on the pillow beside hers where she was propped up with a bowl of tidbits and her tub of yogurt beside her on the bed.

After being curious for so long about the hidden workings going on inside your mother, you one day decided to find out for yourself what it meant. Very often, your mother would not be paying attention to you, particularly during that one show when she would pick up her tub of yogurt and savour it while watching. You could never forget what the show was about, it was a talk show hosted by a matronly woman of African American descent where guests would discuss all sorts of issues, particularly those relating to women and such. Carolyn watched it religiously and you found that it was the perfect time to have an adventure when once you tried to get her attention by climbing up her breast and standing waving at her and she had not even noticed. You ended up having to call her phone with your little cell just to get her to realise where you were. So, in your young mind, that was the best time to find out more about your current fixation.

The afternoon started off as it usually did with your mom sending Amanda to a friends place after lunch and the two of you headed back home to relax and enjoy the afternoon in. On the way home, she stopped off at the convenience store and picked up a tub of blueberry and vanilla yogurt, along with a pack of cupcakes and some M&M's for you. M&M's were the best, your mom would crack a few for you and you would just rip hunks of chocolate and crunchy candy to snack on all afternoon. As was the usual, she placed you on the pillow adjacent to her own before slipping out of her sundress and climbing into bed in just her bra and her panties. You watched helplessly as the weight of her rear pressing into the bed made your pillow to dip slightly, causing one of your M&M's to roll of and slip under her. She didn't seem to notice and you figured that you'd just go track it down and bring it back later.

"Comfortable honey?" came her soft and gentle voice as she settled into bed, propped up slightly against the pillows.

"Sure am! What are we watching today?" you asked, not particularly interested.

"Oh you know, the usual..do you have enough M&M's, I'm pretty sure I put three down for you," Carolyn asked when she noticed the missing M&M.

"Yeah I'm fine Mom, it's enough," you replied back, ripping a chunk out of one of the candies.

"Well, alright then..now be good and if you need anything you know what to do right?"

"Yup, don't shout just holler!" you said repeating the catchphrase she gave you to remind you to use the phone.

"You got it honey bunny, and it works even if I fall asleep okay?" she said, repeating the usual rules.

"Yup, I will Mom,"

Taking a bite out of your candy piece you couldn't help but feel excited about the whole thing. It was going to be a great adventure. You had already explored all over the outside of her belly, now you would get to see the inside too. You were sure that your mom wouldn't absorb you. She probably just didn't want the trouble of having to get you out, but you figured you could always climb out like how you did when you got stuck in her bellybutton. You'd do that when she fell asleep so that you could also go and get your M&M back and she would be none the wiser.

May 12, 2023
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