Flashback part 3
A Tiny Child Chapter 16
· original author:
Soon enough, your mom had finished a couple of cupcakes and the talk show was about to start. You could feel yourself getting more excited as the start of your adventure was moments away. You'd have to be careful not to attract any attention as you snuck down the pillow right to the edge of it. You'd have to wait for your mom to peel open the lid of the yogurt tub, and then you'd have to jump. Within moments of you getting to the edge of the pillow, you watched with glee as her tree trunk like fingers reached down to pick up the tub. For a moment, you were worried that she would just pick up the whole tub and open it elsewhere but as you had observed before, she simply peeled it back there and then before lifting off the cover and turning to throw it in the bin.

With a deep breath, you made your leap and dove deep into the gooey white substance. It was chillingly cold and your clothes immediately stuck to your sides. It was easy to stay afloat but you were deeply submerged, almost up to your neck. In wonder, you looked around at the plastic edges that contained the vast lake of sweet liquid you were hiding in. Slightly to your right, a blueberry larger than your whole body floated and you waded over towards it, giggling at the strange sight. You had never been this close normal food before, and it was quite a sight. Suddenly, the blueberry began to shift and float away as you felt the tub being lifted up. From outside the confines of the tub, you could hear the roar of applause as the show started and you looked up to see the magnificent face of your mother Carolyn, staring straight ahead. This was the first time you'd been this close to her without her eyes watching you and you marveled at how calm she looked as a slight smile played across her lips.

Based on the distance, you figured that she was holding you right around her breasts, but you could not see them, floating as you were within the container. Nevertheless, you had a perfect view of her neck and her face, her hair cascading down her shoulders and disappearing from your sight. Your peaceful floating reverie was interrupted suddenly, as a massive spoon suddenly dipped down below the surface of the yogurt, breaking a wave of goo all over you from behind, pulling you under. You surfaced just as it was pulled out , headed towards the cavernous mouth that was opening up before you. Your mother had lifted the tub closer to her lips in the moments where you were submerged and you suddenly found yourself staring right into the gargantuan maw of your protector. Something inside you snapped and fear filled your entire body, though you could not understand why. You watched, half in excitement, half terrified as the first spoonful of yogurt crossed the red lined threshold of your mothers mouth, past her boulder sized teeth before being deposited on her waiting tongue. Her saliva pooled hungrily in the middle of her tongue, in expectation of the tangy treat and for the first time, her mouth was open wide enough for you to finally see what was a the back of it.

Her uvula dangled over a tremendous black hole at the end of her tongue and you watched with a shudder as her mouth closed and she licked the spoon clean. Her lips parted as she drew the spoon out and in its trail you could see a streak of white running right down the middle of her now darkened tongue. You strained your eyes but could not see as deep inside as you did earlier. Still treading yogurt, you braced for the next spoonful. This time, you held on tight to the blueberry next to you as the yogurt broke over you and it but the spoon missed you as it did before and you dared enough to climb the blueberry slightly, your body dripping yogurt onto its slick skin. Staring fixatedly at the sight unfolding before you, you watched again as the gigantic mouth opened up so large that you were sure your mother would have been able to fit a miniature house inside it and chomp it up with ease. A thought wormed its way into your mind and you wondered if your mom had every actually eaten a tiny before, and if so, what had happened. Either way, you would find out for yourself. She would be so surprised when you told her about it. Then again, perhaps you wouldn't.

Your excitement faded a bit when you saw this next spoonful of yogurt being dropped onto your mothers tongue. Instead of licking the spoon clean like she did before, she simply tumbled the white liquid around her tongue a bit before letting it slide naturally down to the back of her mouth where you watched it disappear into the enormous hole. Something inside you was really getting antsy and you felt your heart beating really hard. You'd been close to your mothers mouth before and it had never scared you, but for some reason this time watching her eat was getting you very agitated.

A sudden blast of hot, sour air wafted over you as she started to laugh and you watched as the last remnants of yogurt just dissipated into her saliva and flowed right down her throat. You struggled to hold on to the blueberry this time as the spoon dipped in right beside you and within moments, you found yourself pushed to the other side of the tub as the blueberry that had been your buoy disappeared up with the spoon and the next time you saw it was a moment later as your mom dropped it with a plop right in the center of her mouth. You watched in suspense as she pulled the spoon out and through the gap between her lips, you saw the ball of blue rolling against the red background of your mothers tongue. You watched in horror as your mother's tongue quickly maneuvered the fruit between the massive grindstones of her mollars and in a splash of liquid, you watched her obliterate your one time vessel, mashing it up into a paste. Your body trembled with fear when you suddenly realised the flaw in your plan. She might not absorb you but if she didn't know you were there...what if you didn't even make it past her mouth, the strong sturdy blueberry hadn't and you were even smaller. What if she simply chewed you up too?

You began to panic as the spoon descended again, and you started crying and shouting up at her.


As the slick surface of the spoon descended, you watched your mothers fingers move it around to scrape up some of the yogurt on the sides of the tub. Still in a state of panic, you kept screaming as the spoon made a circuit around the edges in front of you, every second getting closer to where you were. You looked up in despair at your mother's still smiling face, her eyes focused on the television set in front of her not even glancing down at your tiny form. You had never felt so alone in your life. She couldn't hear you and she wasn't even looking at you. With a shudder, you watched her whale like tongue slip out of her mouth and slide all over her lips, leaving a sheen of glossy wetness that glistened red, miniscule specks of white imperceptible to a normal eye getting caught in the tiny fissures on her lips.

The sight of your mother's red glistening lips sparked a memory in your mind and you could hear her voice in your head, "Don't shout, just holler!"
May 12, 2023
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