The mother of all mountains
A Tiny Child Chapter 20
· original author:
You nod to your friend and jump to her breasts just before the teeth returned. You and your friend somehow landed in the crack safely and unharmed. You looked up to see the giantess finish her cupcake and grab another one that had been on the table next to her.

“Man, that was a close one.” Adam said. You nodded and looked at your surroundings. There were quite a few crumbs on her breasts that were as small as you. As you looked around, you noticed the only real way to get down safely was to slide down your mother’s belly, which would take you farther away from her ears. Still, it was better than staying.

“We better try to get down, she might mistake us for crumbs and I don’t want to have to worry about that danger again.” The of you started to slide down towards her torso. Though it wasn’t a fast process, it was pretty safe. . . for now. You soon reached her bellybutton and stopped. “Just think, we could have been on the other side a few minutes ago.”

“Don’t remind me.” Adam said. Suddenly, the giant belly started to groan, wanting more food, like it knew you escaped.

“Teehee, don’t worry, I will get you some more food later.” Your mother said to her stomach, giggling. You and Adam looked down and saw you didn’t have far to go before you were on the actual bed.
May 12, 2023