Leap of faith
A Tiny Child Chapter 21
· original author:
You desperately try to clear the horrific image of your friend disappearing down your moms throat, and what kind of hell awaits him if he’s not already mush. You focus on the idea that if there is even the tiniest chance your friends have somehow survived, getting your moms attention was the best chance to save them.

Adam was right you needed to get off this off this cupcake now , knowing how your mom was with food you fully expected her to playfully launch it from distance into her open mouth any second now. Looking over the edge you are almost directly above her left breast, it was a long way down, it’s probably the biggest jump you had done but you couldn’t ask for a softer landing. You close your eyes take a deep breath and let yourself fall naturally forward off the spongy surface, hoping to feel the embrace of an equally spongy one.

To your relief, your moms gigantic breast cushioned your fall perfectly, all the momentum of the jump was absorbed, and you end up led on the flat of your back with a brief sense of relief and watch as your mom decided to playfully lift the last bit of cupcake above her head and drop it onto her awaiting tongue. She tilted her head back in enjoyment.

After a few moments of recovery, you gather yourself up off the soft surface ready for action. You were very used to exploring your moms torso like this, and her reclining position was very familiar to you. When she used to let you climb on her, she was often wearing next to nothing, but for some reason her being completely naked made it very uncomfortable for you. You tried not to glare at the colossal nipple right next to you as you planned your next move.

You predict she would remain motionless for a few, she tended to rest on her bed for a few after a workout, she normally makes her after workout snack last ages but I guess she must have been hungry. She would be heading for a shower or bath before too long but now was probably the perfect time to get her attention... .

You could head south, her hands are now resting on her well worked abs, from experience you knew she has a particularly ticklish belly button..

Or head north to her ears, this was your normal way of getting her attention,
but normally she’d know you were there and be slyly watching you pretending not to see you till you got within earshot..
May 12, 2023