Take her for a spin indoors
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
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"Maybe we should try it out inside first to see how well it handles," answers Adam, a note of caution in his voice. "Wouldn't wanna crash outside and have to walk back in right guys? And uhm, it's getting late and I'm supposed to be home for dinner so..."

"Man, relax, there's plenty of supplies packed inside here. And we'll probably never run out of power on account of the lithium battery I'm using," you reply, powering up the machine.

"Speaking of dinner, I'm hungry. You gots anything good back there man?" says Scott from the passenger seat behind you.

"Uh yeah, but hey..lets hit the kitchen first then. I'm pretty sure my mom left some food out this morning when we were rushing out. Oh..man..we could raid the pantry if you guys want, it's not like anyone's here to stop us.."

Turning around, you look at the guys and grin.

"This is gonna be epic!" exclaims Adam, obviously game and ready to go.

"What you looking at me for man, I'm hungry," says Scott.

With a jerk, you push the throttle and the craft hovers over to the edge of the dresser shelf. It's an easy course from your closet in the guest room, out the door, past the other bedrooms and downstairs to the kitchen. You feel strangely nervous but now that you're here all you can do is...

"Go!" shouts Scott, and you slam the throttle forward and float over the railings. Immediately, your stomach lurches as gravity hits and the craft dives.

"PULL UP!!" Scott shouts again.

"OmiGOD this is a bad idea..we're gonna die," Adam mumbles.

Pulling back on the steering, you feel the wings catch air and with a light swoop, you level off and begin floating in the right direction.

"Chill, I got this.." you say calmly, even as your heart pounds against your ribcage. You've had your fair share of drops and falls and sudden lurches in strange directions but that has always been in the relative safety of your mother's or sister's grasp. This on the other hand, is turning out to be one of the most amazing feelings and you feel a light thrill inside zooming past the doors of your room, gripping the throttle firmly in your hand.

May 12, 2023
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