"Who's this girl?" Jen said with more serious tone, snapping out of the scenario that unfolded in her mind and if anyone asked her, a pretty terrible one.

"Her name's Rose, Rosa, Rosary? Something like that" Jim said, scratching his head.
"But, you know, she only tried to approach him a few times back in Mully Ully Gue, now that we are in a bigger school with more boys around she might not even be interested in him anymore"

"I hope so, I really hope so" Jen sighed "I have no idea how to compete with that kind of disadvantage"

"Disadvantage?" Jim laughed "I already told you, you're pretty much his type!"

"Yeah but there are some things I can't offer" Jen frowned "He can hug a Lillie girl... he could only hug parts of my body at best. And obviously he can't pick me up and carry me like he would a Lillie girl either"

"Jen, I think even you realize Blaise's not the kind of guy that cares about that sort of thing. Hell, I might enjoy those things but I'll happily trade them away for the massive thiccness Brob or Gullie girls can boast!" Jim replied.

"Remember to be careful, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing as we saw with Lulu" Jen giggled.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I might need to work out more so I can withstand that sort of weight" He said but the way he did sounded like he actually meant it rather than just playing along with Jen's joke.
"Anyway, at least Blaise doesn't need to be that careful... as long as he's got you" Upon hearing that, Jen quietly gasped and stared at him more intently.
"He feels safe with you and believe me, he doesn't with just anybody and if he considers you safe, I trust you too"

"Thanks, you two won't regret it, I promise" Jen smiled and then she mulled over Jim's words.
"So... you think that you can withstand someone of Lulu's caliber if you work out?"

"At least better than I can now for sure. Besides I'm not your average Lillie, I'm half Gullie! I've got more potential but I have to work for it I suppose. Maybe Brob girls will be a challenge but at the very least I should be okay with Gullie ones" He explained.

"Well, good luck with that... seriously" Jen said. Now that she thought about it, she recalled that he mentioned before that apparently you were pretty good at PE and that you were 'sturdier' in his words yet you didn't seem too sporty, or at least your personality so far hadn't shown much of that side.
"Come to think of it, you said Blaise's already stronger than usual, right? Does he do any sports?" She asked, maybe she could use that to get to know you a bit better as she was a fan of soccer herself but also enjoyed volleyball and basketball to a lesser extent.

"Huh?!" Jim was about to blurt out an answer about that but then he recalled a text he got first thing in the morning. It had been from your mom and in it, she asked him to help you stay out of trouble or at least, Brob-sized trouble and she specifically asked him to help you not to give away your status as a hybrid, mentioning that it should only be shared with someone either she deemed trustworthy herself or you did. The awkward moments he noticed with you and the girls earlier made a lot more sense and he realized then that he had to help you stay undercover.

'Shit, how do I explain that without getting us tangled into nonsense?' He thought, if he made up something and Jen asked you later, she'd realize that he lied and that'd probably sour things between the two, plus it'd hurt her that he didn't trust her. In a few seconds, a lightbulb metaphorically clicked and lit up in his mind.
'Half-truths! Because then technically I won't be lying in full, just skipping some details. Goddamn, Jim, you're a genius! One day I might win the Bonel prize!'

"Well, for sports you're gonna have to ask him yourself, c'mon" Jim chuckled.
"But I can tell you that his big sis is kind of a gym nut and he's been her workout buddy on occasion so, yeah, that's where he gets that extra exercise that most of us don't"

"Oh yeah, I remember he said his sister was strong" Jen then blushed a little, also remembering that you had told her they were alike. She pictured the typical Lillie athlete with a slender body and chiseled muscles, kind of the ideal body type for a ballerina or a gymnast. How would she judge Jen when she'd quit the soccer team a while ago for the sake of growing her curves larger, following Lillian's advice? Knowing what her fellow Brobs tended to think about her, she figured that your sister would probably be even harder on her and would tell her to burn those extra calories padding her body off

"Yeah but don't worry too much about that, you'll probably get along when you meet her, you'll see" Jim said somewhat nonchalantly but with complete confidence, in fact he said it like an absolute, yet ordinary fact, like stating that the sky's blue.

Jen raised an eyebrow but she figured that a Lillie family living in the capital of Brobdingnag itself had to be quite progressive and open-minded, otherwise why would they be here? Your usual Lillies online either were incredibly chill and reasonable or rabid about their nationalistic pride plus their race, somehow there was no middle point.

"Anyway, can I eat? I'm quite hungry, probably because all what I went through" Jim then asked with such an innocent tone and look that he reminded Jen of you.

She nodded and gently set him on the plate the cake slice was on. To him, the whole thing was like a small mountain but he didn't hesitate, he simply rushed towards the cake and began tearing off chunks of it with his hands and eating those. Jen couldn't help but giggle, she had heard from Zuemy that Lillies could have a surprising appetite and that in order to recover from intense effort, they usually consume large amounts of food.

Just then, the memory of the thing she did back on lunchtime came back to her, she wanted you to explore her cleavage and to feel free about moving around so she told you that some of your books had fallen off your backpack and were making her itchy when in reality there were no books to be had and instead ended up finding some tortilla crumbs that were "salted" with her sweat and innocently ate those, figuring they were pretty fresh and were bothering her anyway 'Thank god he didn't figure that one out, freakin' Cindy' She thought with a sigh while blushing considerably and to try to stop that she looked at Jim eat, finding it surprisingly cute.

Moments earlier, back at the empty classroom where Cindy is...

Cindy walked over to a desk and carefully placed you on it. At first you thought it was empty but when you turned around you saw that there was a stack of Brob-sized papers. It was moderately thick for Brob standards meaning that it was like a city block to you although and as tall as a 2 or 3 story house. Considering the gargantuan dimensions of everything else around you, didn't seem like that much.

"Uh... Cindy? What's up with this desk?" You asked scratching your head in confusion.

"You'll see" She giggled but then she looked down at you and put a hand on her tummy.
"You and your friends are the first Lillies I've met in real life, the ones I've seen online seem to be much more... uh, afraid?"

"Afraid? Of what?" You asked, this seemed to have come completely out of the blue.

"Of us Brobs, silly!" Cindy giggled again. She found it cute that you seemed to be more innocent than the average Lillie though something in the back of her mind nagged her, your lack of fear towards Brobs was at least a bit odd, making a mental note to bring this up with her friends later.

"Uh, good and bad people come in all sizes, I have no reason to be afraid of you" You replied.
"Should I?" You then asked with a slight laugh. You noticed that Cindy blushed and froze for a moment before she chuckled at your response.

"Well, actually no but kinda yes" Cindy said, sounding surprisingly cryptic. Before you could ask her to elaborate, you saw that she lad her hand down on the desk near you, implicitly asking you to hop on which you did. Moments later, you were raised to her face's level.
"If you wanna stick around with me there are... some things that you'll have to get used to" She explained and she looked a bit nervous as she spoke. You looked puzzled enough that she took notice and that only flustered a bit more.
"It's nothing too bad... well, I wanna believe it won't be too bad, I honestly don't know but at least it's not on purpose" She almost sounded pleading but you still couldn't even begin to guess what she could be possibly talking about.

There was a brief but tense pause, you could practically feel the awkwardness rising but just as suddenly as it started it ended when Cindy continued talking, having apparently gathered the courage to do so.

"You could say Lulu's class opened my eyes a little" She said with a slight smirk. For some reason you looked down and saw that she'd been holding one hand to her tummy this whole time and only now, with the context of mentioning Lulu is that you got an idea of what she might mean.
"See that stack of papers on the desktop behind me?" Cindy asked and moved you a little to the side so you'd have an unobstructed view.

"Yeah, I see them" You said a bit slowly, unsure why she pointed them out.

"How big is that for you?" She asked. Normally you would've thought this was an odd question asked in bad faith but you saw in her face that she was being genuine and so you answered sincerely.

"They're kind of like the size of a small city if I had to walk across it, or a city block from a larger one. It's like 2 or 3 stories tall to me... why?"

"Alright" Cindy nodded "Now, take a deep breath, hold it in and watch" She instructed you. Her wording made you a bit nervous but you nodded and did as she said. Just then, a loud, booming explosion was heard, sounding like thunder but thousands of times even louder and more powerful but that rumbling roar lengthened and sounded more like a gigantic bike's engine revving up. The enormous stack of papers scattered to the wind as if they weighed nothing when they would've been like several tons to you.

July 14