Your average Lillie would've been deeply scared by Cindy's unwitting show of force, her one fart sounded far more powerful than any military weapon they knew. But fortunately or unfortunately you weren't the average Lillie, far from it actually. Your mom, sister, relatives and some other people closer to your family all got used to how they all could casually be like forces of nature with their simplest actions or even bodily functions.

But you weren't sure if all other Brob women outside that group were like that and then there was Lulu, more than a match with how immense those farts were and you didn't even have to endure them up close like Jim did. And reaching that thought reminded you that you owed him big time. Now it wasn't just Lulu, Cindy just proved that she was no slouch compared to your family.

You went over what just happened in your head, replaying it like a video. Just out of the blue without much of a warning Cindy simply bent over and let out that massive fart that sent the entire stack of papers flying all around, together they were as tall as several houses together and their surface was comparable to a small city or a city block of a larger one. Their weight together was definitely in the realm of several tons as far as Lillies were concerned and all that was sent flying with apparently zero effort.

Cindy's giggling snapped you out of your thought and then saw that she placed her hand near you so like before you hopped onto it and once you were on her palm she let out another enormous fart and then left the classroom in a hurry. You didn't even question it but you guessed that this was probably some kind of prank she played on some friend of hers. A few minutes later, she entered another empty classroom, this one was truly empty with no sign of anyone having been there since class ended.

"What was that about?" You asked, almost feeling the silence shatter as you spoke.

"The papers? Oh, that was a nasty girl's homework. I'm not strong like Jen or Lillian so I can't exactly fight her but hey, making her day worse counts as 'avenging my friends' or so I hope"

"Huh" You were surprised to hear this. Cindy didn't seem like the kind of person to hold a grudge but then again this also showed she cared about her friends. One would have to wonder just how much or how many things this person would've done to earn this much of a dislike from someone as sweet as Cindy. But then you shook your head, she answered the wrong question even though the answer was quite telling.
"Wait, I didn't mean that... I mean... what was that about the farts?" You asked, feeling quite embarrassed yourself and even feeling a bit bad, bringing this up almost seemed like you were trying to embarrass her instead.

"Oh that" Cindy smiled just as radiantly as it appeared to be the usual for her.
"I wanted to give that 'little' demonstration... well, not that my farts are little at all but you know what I mean" She said "The thing is that if you wanna stick around with me, that... that's gonna happen... a lot" Her slight hesitation was the only actual hint you got that she was probably more embarrassed about this than she let on.
"And thanks to Lulu I realized that could be a bit much. I can't even make them small or silent, they're pretty much always that loud if not even louder and I was worried about you. I'm trying to imagine but the only thing I can kinda compare it to is... fireworks?"

"I-I see" You replied nervously, unsure how to actually respond to that kind of thing. To you this was particularly remarkable since everyone else you knew treated this more like an everyday occurrence. It seemed that Cindy, as happy-go-lucky and silly as she might look she was aware that these kinds of things could be a bit much for a Lillie to handle. Not only that but she was concerned for you and was even trying to imagine what it'd be like.

"It's a tad louder than fireworks" You thought out-loud but quickly realized and were about to apologize but Cindy simply giggled and nodded in agreement "But don't worry, I can handle the noise" You said.

"You don't have to worry about the smell either" Cindy added "I mean, I can't lie and tell you that they smell like flowers because they really don't. Unless you count that giant flower that stinks to high heaven" She giggled rather cutely, once more giving you that vibe of a nerdy little sister that you never had and yet it felt like something familiar, like something you once had and now missed. As in previous times, trying to dig deeper into those thoughts yielded nothing but a bit of a headache that dissuaded you from pursuing them further.

You definitely had no idea how to respond to that so all you could do is give her a confused look that only elicited more giggling, finding it endearing and cute. At this moment Cindy was able to figure out at least one more thing that Jen probably liked about you.

"What I'm saying is that you don't have to worry because I'm not gonna fart on you like Lulu did to Jim" Cindy spoke again, choosing to make things clear "All I was saying before is that if we hang out together you probably will hear them a lot but I'll try my best to make sure you don't have to suffer them beyond that"

Now this was news. Cindy obviously had no way to know but she was the first one in your life to ever make this sort of promise. Then again your mom, family and their close friends treated it as either a form of affection outright or a minor inconvenience at worst. Cindy here was just letting you know that while it'd be pretty much inevitable that she'd unleash more of those enormous farts she already demonstrated at the very least she wasn't going to directly subject you to them.

"I'm serious!" Cindy pouted cutely, mistaking the reason for your surprised reaction.

"I know" You said and couldn't help but smile "I really appreciate that, Cindy. Really do" You then walked over to her thumb and hugged it at the base.

"Awwww" Cindy then brought you to her tummy and lightly pressed you into it. Clearly, her own equivalent to a hug but you weren't really complaining and simply hugged the pale, squishy expanse as best as you could. Unlike before, it no longer felt taut and the fierce bubbling and gurgling noises couldn't be heard anymore.
"I'll take it as a yes" She then said but still kept you pressed against her belly.

"I'd be an idiot to not make a friend over that" You said, chuckling silently because she had no idea how much you truly meant those words given your case. Moments later she raised you to her chest level before speaking again:

"I wouldn't mind giving you my more special hugs but I guess that it needs to get aired out some more, you know, back there" She giggled and then slowly lowered you down into her cleavage.
"I can still give you a comfy ride though, I saw with Jen that you like this one too" She lightly teased you and then dropped you in.

Once more you found yourself fully enveloped by warm, soft and squishy flesh but this was one of the nicer instances. Everything then began to tremble and you heard Cindy's cute laughter but this time you hadn't even moved so you had no idea how she could possible be getting tickled.

"Ooh, you feel pretty warm in there" She said, unwittingly explaining what you were wondering about just now. Apparently your body was feeling quite warm and when you took a look at your arms you realized that your whole body had been blushing intensely. Getting called out on liking Jen's boobs definitely had quite the impact on you even if she didn't mean it in a bad way. Being fair you knew that she was most likely stating a mere fact in her cute but nonchalant ways.

"I dunno how you're doing that but it feels good, don't worry" Cindy said with a smile, as far as she knew this was probably something only Lillies could do but she appreciated it as a gesture of affection.
"Hey, I'm heading to the cafeteria, we're gonna get to eat dinner in a while but I could sure use a snack while waiting, I'll take you out when we arrive so maybe think of some dessert you might want?" She said to you before she went on her merry way.

A few minutes later...

Cindy wasn't expecting to find many people at the cafeteria since most used the time window between the end of classes and dinner for doing homework, studying or hanging out with friends so she was pleasantly surprised to see Jen, seemingly sitting by herself though there was a plate with a slice of cake in front of the seat next to her rather than her own.

"Hey!" Cindy waved at her as she happily walked in her direction. Jen seemingly snapped out of some deep thinking she was doing and even looked a little flustered but the recovered quickly and cheerfully greeted her friend back.

She stood up and Cindy hugged her, almost accidentally tackling her because she jumped a little but Jen was able to keep fer footing firm. Unknown to the latter, this little stunt made you feel a lot more pressure but Cindy's mountain-sized boobs remained as incredibly soft as before and simply engulfed you all the more thoroughly than before. Thankfully it only lasted a few seconds but you wondered what it was that you were against, it felt a lot heavier than Cindy's own chest and that was no easy feat.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one who wanted a snack before dinner" Cindy giggled.

"Yeah, I wanted something too" Jen said "And Jim's having the time of his life too" She added, smiling as she pointed at the lone slice of cake.

"Oh, that explains it... I was gonna ask about that" Cindy replied.
"But maybe you should be a bit more careful, a hungry girl could just pass by, steal that slice of cake and eat it without knowing there was someone else on it"

"Y-Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I need to keep watch then" Jen said as she hurriedly sat back down on her spot "By the way, how's Blaise?" She asked and looked Cindy up and down, failing to find you on her shoulder or hand "Cindy...? Where is he?"

July 15