"Anything else?" Jen asked, still full of curiosity. This was a unique chance after all and she wanted to get as much of an advantage over Lillian as she could get but that was only half of it, because she legit wanted to know more about you and Jim already made it clear that there was more to you than you let on yourself, which she already suspected but it was nice to have actual confirmation.

"Whoah, you still want more?" Jim chuckled and gave her another mock-stern look though he wasn't able to hold it for long as he burst out laughing. There was something utterly adorable about seeing such a massive yet beautiful girl being so infatuated with his bud, when said bud believed he had zero or negative game.
"I dunno, I feel like I'm selling out my bro too much... maybe other girls should get their fair shot? Competition being healthy and all that"

Jen narrowed her eyes, throwing Jim an unamused look and the two stared at each other for several seconds until she decided to break said silence.
"Really? Do you really think I need any more competition?" She raised an eyebrow as she spoke.

"Hmm... oh yeah the other girl seems to be into him too. Damn, that ass is way huge" Jim said, barely keeping himself from chuckling.
"You know, I haven't been able to talk to her that much yet"

"I mean she's not bad. But she wants him too and she's not only bigger than I am but also way more intense. She probably will have a harder time holding back with Blaise" Jen explained.

"Huh... She seemed pretty gentle back in the cafeteria" Jim said but at this point he more than knew that Jen was getting annoyed. Unable to hold it in any more, he laughed a little, giving away that he wasn't as serious as he sounded earlier.
"Alright, alright! I have a bit more intel I can give you but it shouldn't be entirely for free"

"You want a bribe?" Jen asked with a cheeky smile, having regained her good mood upon realizing that Jim was only pulling her leg again, though she remained lowkey worried about Lillian.
"Now you'd be selling him out for sure"

"Ehhh... It just feels that if I give away all this info for free it's as if it were worth nothing" Jim shrugged and in response, Jen brought him very close to her lips.

"Who's saying I'm not gonna treasure that info~?" She whispered and the way her soft voice caressed him made him shudder.
"Anyway, I saved you a slice of the nice cake Dolores gave me" She added as she lowered him down, closer towards the slice. To him, the whole thing was as large as a city block but given his experiences as a long-time friend of yours, it's not like he wasn't used to Brob-sized food.

"Oh? I didn't know you were Dolores' daughter" Jim joked.

"Hah! I wish, kinda..." Jen giggled as well, glancing down at her stomach and then at her hips.
"If I were, I'd probably be bigger than Lillian" She added, briefly imagining what it'd be like to be endowed with Dolores' genes and boasting a much plumper figure than her current one. She couldn't help but shudder in pleasure as she imagined stuffing you down into her much bigger ass.

"Wow, this is like the first time I hear a girl saying she'd rather be bigger" Jim said. Technically true as this was indeed the first time he heard someone outside of your family and close friends of your mom's.

"Yeah, that's Brob beauty standards for you" Jen giggled "Well, now some people think it's old fashioned, a lot of girls wanna be twigs like Lillie ones"

"I mean it's not like you're lacking in the curves department" Jim blushed a little.
"Jokes aside, I can practically guarantee Blaise appreciates" He said and Jen nodded in response, smiling as she remembered your flustered reaction after she showed off her ass for you "Anyway, the cake is good enough pay but I can't eat all that myself. Any chance we can take it to the guys so they can have some?"

"Sure, Dolores gave me a tupper to store the other slices and I can eat this one after you guys are done" Jen replied and her mind briefly flashed back to when she was licking sauce off you. Even if she was careful, she was getting a bit too into it and she might have swallowed you by mistake... and yet, she was picturing such a scenario again but this time with the cake slice's frosting.

"Okay. Well... I really don't think I should tell you this but on the other hand I think you earned it with how you protected him" Jim said "You've got way more of an advantage than you think"

"Huh?" Jen paused and her chest bounced a little from the slight surprise.
"What does that mean?"

"It was info that was extremely hard to get out of him but it turns out he has a type" Jim said, smiling as he saw Jen's porcelain skin gradually redden into a full-blown blush.
"He told me years ago that he likes brown hair and brown eyes, specifically mentioned light brown eyes"

"What?" Jen's hazel eyes widened. She was quite surprised at the revelation but even more so at the fact that she was getting this kind of info in itself.
"O-Oh" Jen looked away, giggling as she got increasingly flustered. She even felt a bit bad, she was trying to hard to use her ample curves to win you over that she didn't even stop to consider more innocent things like hair and eyes, hearing that she was pretty much your type made her heart feel as if it were full of fluttering butterflies.

"You have to swear that you won't ever tell him I told you that though" Jim spoke, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"No problem. In any case you could always said I threatened to eat you and see if you helped me thiccen up some more" She said with a chuckle.

"That's not so bad for a way to go" Jim responded, sounding and looking so serious that Jen once again paused and gave him a confused look that then shifted into concern.

"Goddammit, Jim!" Jen shook her head.

"Oh, you're learning! Blaise says that a lot" Jim said with a smug grin and Jen couldn't help but laugh some more for a few seconds.

"And here I was gonna ask if you were feeling alright" She said.

"Don't worry, I'm a tough nut to crack. But that doesn't mean I'm nuts... then again, I might go nuts for some crack... booty crack" Jim said and only made Jen laugh harder at how cheesy those puns were, yet she thought they were good.

"Careful with what you wish for, girls here might have much more than you can handle" Jen playfully warned.

"Well, I already had a run-in with Officer Bertha and almost got nuked to oblivion by Lulu... I better just stick with girls more my age range" Jim said.

"Probably a wise choice. I wish I could help you land some dates but sadly, my friends and I are lowkey seen as weirdos and a bit of outcasts" Jen sighed.

"Oh yeah, the thing about liking Lillies, right? I've seen some arguments online. Don't mind those mofos, they will just cope and seethe while girls like you get to have a bf"

"I hope so" Jen blushed a little again "At least I don't have to worry about competing with Lillie girls"

"Y-Yeah, sure!" Jim suddenly sounded nervous out of nowhere and it was conspicuous enough that Jen couldn't help but notice and find it odd.

"What was that?" She raised an eyebrow once more "Do you know something I don't?"

"It depends. Did you know that Lillies are much stronger for our size? Some can lift up thousands of times their own body weight" Jim replied with his characteristic cheeky grin but Jen simply kept staring at him.


"Okay, okay, you win!" Jim gestured as if he were waving a white flag to surrender. Being in Jen's grasp, he couldn't be any more vulnerable even if he knew she wasn't going to hurt him.
"Look, there might be a few Lillies to be concerned with"

"What? Why? He said they all hated him!" Jen replied.

"Well, in part that's what he feels" Jim explained "But on the other hand, it was kind of the state of things that Chrissy enforced. Our teachers and the Principal back in Ully Mully Gue were no help either"

"That bitch" Jen huffed and then thought about how she sentenced to suffer in the depths of Dolores' truly monstrous ass. She smirked, reaziling that Dolores probably hadn't even noticed yet.
"Ok, spill the beans, who are they and why do I need to worry?"

"Well, I've always suspected that a few of the Lillie girls were actually interested in him but Chrissy would bully the hell out of almost anyone that acted friendly to him" Jim said
"As for me, well... Pete and I were considered outcasts too, kinda, that was the reason"

"Well, I can't say I blame them" Jen said with a sigh and a resigned chuckle but then she looked at Jim again "I feel that's not the full story tho"

"Okay, there's this one girl that I'm pretty sure likes him but she's always been a bit shy and Chrissy's treatment doesn't help. The thing is that she's a Lillie, yes but somehow she packs curves like a Brob girl..." Jim said and looked down at Jen's mountainous chest.
"You know, I think that she's kinda on your level of thiccness in proportion to her size" Upon hearing those words Jen's mind worked lightning fast to visualize the scenario:

She was just about to finally ask you out after several months' worth of teasing you and getting you to ease up on both your apparent shyness and on the idea of dating Brob girls but just then, an insanely curvy Lillie appears to grab you into a hug and pull you away from her. Jen's depiction of this girl made her about as curvy as Cindy, considering that she had a comparable chest to her own together with an ass comparable to Lillian's.

"Blaise, please... you don't need to go out with a monster" She'd say with a siren-like voice, possessing an almost unnatural allure that resonated with uncanny innocence, yet carrying venom with those words
"You want big boobs? No need to risk getting lost between those blimps" She'd then say and put one of your hands on her bountiful chest while the other hand placed yours on her curvaceous booty.
"Isn't mine more than big enough? It won't squash you if I sit on your lap" The Lillie girl would say while eyeing Jen's hips with a disdainful look and you seemed to be caught into her spell, bewitched by her voice and looks.

What happens next?

July 9