If anyone told you that on your first day in this new exchange program school thing you got enrolled in you'd end up kissing the prettiest girl you'd ever find in your life you would've thought they were insane and if they told you that on top of that' you'd be kissing her in the ass you would've completely disregarded the whole thing. And yet, here you are... as your parents often told you "Life takes the most unexpected turns".

Soon you found yourself pretty much before Jen's ass, holding onto the denim of her pants, which had been lowered quite a bit to expose most of her smooth, pale and plump cheeks. Your palms felt as if strong electrical currents surged through them, the nerves in your arms overtaken by a barrage of wild tingles while your palms felt warmer than they should be. Your heartbeat and breathing quickened but you managed to retain enough control of yourself not to let your grip slip.

Very slowly, trying to give yourself courage at every turn you climbed up until the enormous round and almost porcelain-white expanse of squishy soft flesh was right before you, mere inches away from your face. It looked so surreal and yet in some other way this looked like the most real thing in your life. You gulped again, you couldn't believe that this was happening for real but you knew that it was, as unbelievable as it appeared.

Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to kiss the gigantic glute and the moment your lips made contact with that silky smooth flesh you felt as if massive surges of electricity rushed all over your body, making all the nerves in your body go haywire. Your face heated up and you guessed you must be really blushing a lot. Your hands were trembling intensely but you forced them to maintain their grip on Jen's squishy soft cheek which came in handy because it shuddered when you kissed it and it resulted in a large amount of jiggling that could've thrown you off if you lost your grip.

"Hey, Jen... where exactly did you want to get kissed?" Zuemy asked "You didn't specify" She added with a smirk and it took Jen a few seconds to actually catch on to her drift, for her mind had become clouded by the waves of tingly pleasure that radiated up her back. She almost couldn't believe that it was the first day only and she'd already gotten you to kiss her and on her ass, which turned her on even more.

"Oh, that's right" Jen giggled "Sorry Blaise" She said although she didn't sound really that apologetic.

"Huh?!" You were the most confused one in all this "I don't get it" You said.

"You haven't completed the dare because Jen didn't specify where she wanted you to kiss exactly" Cindy said and even though you saw that she was amused by it as well the look in her eyes was genuine, she was trying to help you by at least telling you what was going on.

"So... the kiss just now didn't count, did it?" You sighed, feeling like all your effort had been in vain.

"Was it that bad?" Jen asked with enough concern in her voice that you noticed.

"N-No!" You replied almost reflexively. If you weren't clinging to her cheek with both hands you would've slapped yourself, this was one of those things that you simply got too conditioned to react and thus you didn't even give it any conscious thought until it was too late.
"I was just confused, that's all" You then said, looking away to try and hide your embarrassment.

Unknown to you, Lillian shot both Jen and Zuemy an annoyed glare but she knew that Zuemy got her on a technicality and nothing good would come from trying to complain but she took a mental note to exploit the same loophole when the chance presented itself.

"Well, in that case... how about kissing them on the middle? You'd just have to climb a little more" Jen said while trying to hide how flustered she was getting herself.

'Them'? Ooh, then she wants you to do both" Cindy cooed and winked at you. Somehow, you kinda got her intent, she was telling you what Jen meant for sure... to avoid further misunderstandings?

"Alright" You said rather timidly and given that were already doing this, might as well go all the way to the very end. Besides, it's not like you hated the idea of kissing Jen's sexy albeit gigantic ass. Half of your brainpower was still devoted to trying to decipher Jen's signals because up until recently you thought she was into better looking guys like Jim but then she's having you do this? The simplest answer was that maybe she actually liked you but when is life ever that simple? There had to be a catch, something you were overlooking and you couldn't find it even if your life depended on it.
'Maybe I should've eaten more fish as a kid as grandma Regina said, I would've been smarter to figure these things out' You thought and slowly continued your climb. Jen sure wasn't kidding when she admitted to having a pretty huge ass, it was akin to some of the largest lillie mountains you'd ever seen and quite possibly was larger than an entire city.

It was also incredibly smooth and plenty squishy though it had a subtle hint of firmness that Lillian's or Cindy's lacked, just enough to actually give you a pretty comfortable grip. You wondered if doing all this climbing wasn't all that hard to you because of your hybrid blood or because you grew up with very well endowed women and ended up climbing their gargantuan assets plenty of times. By just eyeballing it, you estimated that Jen was actually comparable to your mom in terms of butt size which was pretty impressive because hers was definitely a massive one.

Meanwhile Jen closer her eyes and tried to solely focus on the feeling on her skin, how your tiny hands gripped her flesh and sank ever so slightly into it. She could also feel your tiny feet sink into her squishy asscheek if she tuned out everything else. Her insides felt like they were full of old tv static but in a pleasant fashion. Her nethers were borderline ablaze at this point as the feeling of your little impact on it earlier had yet to fully fade away and she could feel that the front of her panties was getting even more moist.

It took you several minutes but you climbed up what must've been like 300 meters/900-ish feet in lillie-scaled distances. You had been paying attention to the curvature of Jen's cheek to be able to tell that you had reached its apex. Your phone making a sudden pinging noise and buzzing interrupted your thoughts and when you looked you saw that you got a text from none other than Cindy.

"Take your time, if you just get to it right away she's gonna think you don't like it in there. You could even rest for a bit and let her know you really enjoy it and if you give her a little rub I'm sure she's going to love it even more! But you didn't get this from me "

'Well, I always try to listen to advice' You thought but you could feel that your face was warming up again though that wasn't the only part of you that struggled with all this stimuli because your own nethers had grown stiff for quite a while now. Come to think of it you really should've expected this since you've been essentially been climbing all over and rubbing yourself against Jen's buttcheek. Plus, that odd scent in the air that got you feeling strange still lingered though you weren't sure what that one was.

You climbed a bit farther up so that you could lay on Jen's cheek without falling or rolling off. It really felt like an immense, gently warmed waterbed with perfect memory foam as the smooth, pale fleshy mass eagerly molded itself to your own body's shape, even though your weight should be negligible compared to hers.

"Uh... Is it okay if I rest for a bit in here? That was some climbing I had to do" You said while feeling your nervousness spike. You were following Cindy's advice but you didn't trust yourself to pull it off well.

"Oh?" Jen snapped out of her happy little trance when she noticed your movement and inadvertent fondling of her cheek stopped and then heard what you said, blushing subtly for a split second while her eyes practically shone with joy. Both Zuemy and Cindy exchanged a knowing look and giggled silently while Lillian rolled her eyes and huffed in frustrated annoyance.
"Yeah, yeah! Of course! Rest as much as you need" Jen giggled and looked at Lillian, sensing the brief glares she was sending her.

'You may have gotten him to look at your ass but he's kissing mine' Jen was able to convey this message with a simple smirk. Lillian could practically feel her own blood pressure increase and clenched her hands tightly. If she didn't keep her nails short she might've hurt her palms.

'Goddammit. She learned well... way too well' She thought as she took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down. Just like Jen's, her groin was feeling uncomfortably warm and there was this feeling of a strong built-up frustration or maybe some form of anxiety that she couldn't relieve and yet something in the back of her mind kept telling her that you were key in finding said relief.

Removed from the silent conflict that brewed between the two titanic beauties all you knew was that Jen's buttcheek was one of the most comfortable things to lay on, the gentle warmth that her body radiated made your muscles and joints feel better, not too different from the healing effect hot springs had. After a few minutes, enough for your muscles to cool down from the effort that all that climbing entailed, you decided to follow the next part of Cindy's advice: You got on your knees and began kneading Jen's flesh with both hands.

Funnily enough, you had learned these motions from your dad and their original purpose was to prepare the dough before baking bread but you found that they were surprisingly effective to give Brob ladies a pleasant feeling. Your mom, sister, Arianna, Dolores and several more people were probably addicted to it and according to them, your skill at it surpassed even your dad's. This was the first time that you were employing these skills of your own accord instead of fulfilling someone's request and you wondered if that was a little selfish but the more you kneaded Jen's cheek the better it felt and the more you told yourself that it was fine to keep going...

September 18