This was like the beginning of the school day all over again, though this time you were only dealing with Lillian's humongous ass instead of hers and Jen's both. On the other hand, you'd gotten yourself into this one of your own accord and it didn't seem like Jen would be able to rescue you should anything take an unexpected turn. Then again, you promised Lillian you'd trust her more.

What you couldn't deny was that her gigantic ass was all the more hypnotic up close, the way it bounced and rippled seemed unreal. Not only it was larger than your mom's and sister's but it looked even squishier and doughier, definitely fatter. You remembered that several times, Ariadne joked that your mom would make sure that your future wife would be a girl who could surpass her own booty on size and on how far it was. You found that a little confusing because your mom always seemed to seek your reassurances that her behind was neither too big nor too fat.

Slowly, these thoughts were eroded away by the more primal, simplistic pleasure of looking at these enormous expanses of incredibly squishy flesh wobbling to such a degree that they were rippling as if they were a liquid. She was for sure taking her sweet time, shimmying out of Cindy's shorts little by little. It might not be entirely intentional though, as you noticed that she was actually struggling while at it but the fact that she was still trying to give a show was all the more incredible to you.

The ground also quaked as she bounced a little on her seat but she didn't scoot back any further. The sheer weight to make the ground tremble like that though, that alone was intimidating and weirdly intriguing at the same time. It looked like things were in slow motion, Lillian slid out of Cindy's shorts extremely slowly and you could practically see her already enormous cheeks expand once freed from their constrictive denim prison. Your eyes widened when you saw that her supposed panties were more like a tooth-floss type thong, getting lost into her crack while leaving pretty much nothing of her humongous ass to the imagination.

Lillian smiled, she knew she had your full attention and on the inside she was relieved, she was worried it might be already too late to break Jen's spell over you. She glanced at her bestie and saw the fire in her eyes while barely keeping her composure and figured that the competition was about to get even fiercer. She gave her a smug, playful wink and wiggled her hips some more for your enjoyment.

"Lillian wasn't joking when she told us her mom used to be a model or something, she got the moves and the style" Cindy whispered to Zuemy who simply nodded in response, smirking in amusement, seeing that these afternoon games were definitely going to get a lot more interesting.

"That was harder than I thought" Lillian giggled and scooted back a very tiny amount, trying to get as close to you without squishing you underneath "But hey, I hope the show was worth it"

You gulped and felt your entire body tremble for a moment, not counting the booming quake from when she raised her gigantic behind and sat down a bit closer. You weren't too sure on whether you should answer or not but decided to just try and follow your heart without overthinking, as both your mom and sister had long advised. You didn't feel brave enough to give a verbal answer but you nodded to her, prompting more of her giggling. Something about it sounded... peculiar to you, it was a sweet girly giggle though not exactly as Cindy's, and yet you felt you knew it from somewhere, that you missed it. Trying not to get caught overthinking again you shook your head but the doubts lingered in your mind.

Lillian figured that she could give you an even better view yet so she raised her butt a little and scooted even farther back, now she was practically pushing against the chair's backrest but most importantly, her immense globular cheeks hovered over you, wobbling and rippling with the smallest movements she made. You couldn't help but keep looking, these meaty spheres were way larger than anything else around and they looked perfectly smooth, her skin was pale but with a slight rosy tone to it that suggested she wasn't completely indoors all the time. There was a small beauty mark on one of her cheeks as well, probably about your size if looked at from up close.

"Ok, I think that's too much" Jen whispered, her frustration and worry were growing by the second.

"Jen, chill! I'll give you a hand on my next turn" Cindy whispered to her. Zuemy still heard them but simply smirked in amusement, looking forwards to Jen's and Lillian's heating competitiveness.

Lillian made sure to sway her hips in a way that both her huge butt and thighs jiggled hypnotically, slowly pulling Cindy's shorts down, trying to delay the end of the dare as much as she could. Her own heart was beating incredibly fast and her body felt like it was on fire on the inside, she had captured her crush's attention and he was enjoying what he saw, she couldn't ask for much more and yet she knew Jen would probably try harder to even up the score. She briefly considered "accidentally" slipping and sit on you but she remembered you were intimidated by her size earlier and decided against it.

You had been so enraptured by Lillian's show that you didn't even notice that it had ended, nor that she carried you back to your spot, giggling all the way in delight at how stunned you were. You only snapped out of it when you were hit by some cold air from the AC and finding yourself back on the floor, sitting between Jen and Cindy. At some point Pete was freed from under Zuemy's massive booty and also put back in his original spot.

"There we go, a flawless first dare for me" Lillian chuckled "That was a good one, I hope you keep it up for the next time" She teasingly said to you and winked for some extra effect. Jen's hands clenched hard enough that she would've effortlessly crumpled any sort of metal cans. After taking a few minutes to calm down, she spun the bottle on your behalf and it ended pointing at you with the small end and Jim with the big end.

"Bruh" You couldn't help but say that out loud, already seeing his cheeky smirk.

"Hey, it's not just the girls playing after all" Jim said "Now, you better think carefully because picking truth might not be as safe as you might believe"

Jen, Lillian and Cindy all looked at Jim and then at you with a mix of curiosity and amusement, wondering how many things he knew about you since he's your best friend.

"God-dammit Jim" You sighed but chuckled as well. It might be annoying but you still managed to see the fun in it and right now, your heart was beating insanely fast. Knowing him he's probably planning on getting you to do something "funny".
"Alright, you win, I'll go with a dare" You threw your hands up in the air in resignation but a part of you was curious about it just like the girls were.

"Excellent!" Jim put his hands together in a way reminiscent of a certain rich old man from some popular cartoon "Welp, let's think about it, I just got a golden opportunity here"

"Pero no te pases de lanza, compa" You said, hoping only he got the message but overlooking the fact that Jen understood Spanish with no issue and unknown to you, so did Lillian, the two of them giggled quietly in response. [Translation: Spanish for "But don't abuse/don't cross the line/don't overdo it, bud"]

"Shush!" Jim laughed a little "Okay, I got it! You know... I was gonna have you do something difficult or embarrassing or both but I'll go easy on you"

"Just shoot already, cowboy. Stop twiddling with the gun" You said, knowing Jim tended to get quite smug and cheeky in these exact kinds of situations.

"I dare you to... Kiss Jen!" He said with unprecedented enthusiasm, pointing at you in a way that made him look like a character from the game Accomplished Advocate, all but missing the iconic "Objection!" shout.

"...what..." You were so baffled that it seemed like it looped back into negative numbers and you just stood there dumbfounded in the most absolute disbelief. It was as if it was taking you longer to process what Jim just issued you for a dare.

"You heard me!" Jim crossed his arms "But Jen gets to choose where to kiss her" He spoke as he looked at her "If you don't mind, I mean"

Jen blushed a little, she was also surprised by Jim's bold approach but she couldn't be happier, this couldn't have been more perfect and she didn't even need to feel like she was being too obvious although she remembered she still needed to fix your misconception from earlier. But this sure was like getting free help against Lillian and to get your mind off that giant meaty ass of hers.

"Sure! I-I mean, I don't" Jen smiled and gave you a very sweet look "Don't worry... all I ask is for you to kiss me on the cheek"

"Oh, before I forget! You have to climb her yourself to kiss her. No cheap hand-elevators this time" Jim said. Cindy looked at Zuemy and the ebony Cuban knew what she was about to ask and nodded.

"Yeah, people can make additions to the dare before the player actually starts said dare but within reason" She whispered.

"Alright, here I go, I guess" You said as you walked over to Jen and began the arduous task of climbing up her titanic body though the idea of giving her a kiss didn't sound bad at all, in fact it felt like it'd be more of a reward than a punishment. You wondered what was Jim's aim with this one, his schemes could get crazy complex when he really set to it.

Jen giggled as you climbed her side, your tiny hands and feet lightly tickled her, first on her hip and then her ribs. When you reached her shoulder you stopped for a moment to take a breather but then continued, feeling increasingly flustered when you climbed her neck, her skin was so smooth and the gentle warmth it gave off was just perfect. Eventually, you reached her face and then...

September 11