"Besides, your commanding officer should've made you aware that I'm performing as a simple teacher on this deployment, I'm bound by class schedules and interactions with other professionals in the area, my availability is more limited than you may be led to believe" Dr. Frelock said, practically scolding the man across the phone line while barely keeping his composure.

"Fine. We need your status report" The man replied.

"Physically I'm fine, no injuries nor incidents to report. Mentally... I don't know if I'm going to be able to endure working with these gigantic beasts. Their scale is simply too much, even Gullies would've been more manageable" Dr. Frelock sighed.

"Even a scientist such as yourself is a proud trained soldier of the Lilliputian Imperial Armed Forces, you won't die easily"

"Heh, maybe if I were a fresh recruit in my 20's but I'm already past my prime, you can't expect an old man to have the same strength and durability of a youngster" Dr. Frelock said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Dr. Frelock, you're only 39"

"In the older days, that was already retirement age" Dr. Frelock replied "Yeah, modern medicine, lack of wars and improved quality of life has put us on par with the other 2 races but Lilliputian bodies wear down fast regardless, it's the price to pay for the accelerated hypermetabolism Nature endowed us with"

"I'd say wars were what kept out people strong, it's these awful peaceful times that weaken our race"

"If you wish for tough times that badly why don't you come and take my place? Try surviving around these gargantuan behemoths and I promise you that you won't need any more wars" Dr. Frelock smirked, he could practically feel the phone on the other side trembling in fear.
"That's what I thought. As for my report..."

With that, Dr. Frelock proceeded to tell his entire school day in greater detail, as was the protocol for these sorts of missions where they wanted every last detail to be used for intel or research.

"I was expecting to work alone, even though a classroom full of hormone-riddled Brobs might be too much to handle. The Principal, perhaps the only reasonable one among these humongous barbarians, saw it fit to assign me a Brob coworker and while I'm not fond of her decision, I can see why she chose to do so. Fortunately she has been significantly helpful though I can't say I deal too well with their mannerisms and culture"

"Would you care to elaborate on that?"

"Brobs are notoriously touchy-feely. Dr. Godfrey consistently placed me in pockets that had me pressed against her body even though I'm certain there were better options. If it wasn't a chest pocket where I had to contend with her monstrous udders, it was a back pocket where I had to deal with her even larger posterior" Dr. Frelock explained with visible disgust.

"Other than being scared by their sheer size in itself, I don't think many of our male soldiers would complain there, doctor"

"I have no need for carnal desires, nor do I have any interest. If I have no need for our beautiful Lilliputian women, what makes you think I'd have an interest in these enormous monsters? They're nothing more than beasts bearing a vaguely human-like visage but distorted to a ridiculous extent. It's going to take a very long time to get used to this, or I'll have to get used to forgo food to avoid having to throw up" Dr. Frelock huffed. It was times like these that he really could use a smoke.

"Noted. Surely it can't be all that bad, can it?"

"You think that's the bad part? I haven't even gotten started!" Dr. Frelock laughed sarcastically "Oh no, that wasn't even the start of it. I was taken to the teacher's lounge where I was to meet the other teachers and some school staff and, oh my Blundecral... the Brob women are something else. The sheer amount of extra weight, the sheer size of the curves on their bodies... even if these women were our size, they'd still be massive! I'm concerned they are more than hefty enough to critically injure me or even kill me without even needing to try too hard"

"Excessive bodyweight even in relation to their size, might be heavy enough to pose a serious threat to Lilliputian physical integrity" The man mumbled as he was audibly typing notes "How many of them would you consider a physical danger?"

"How many? All of them for Lustrog's sake! Their chests and rears are the size of mountains to us! They could obliterate entire sities by simply resting on them! Even a strong soldier might not be able to withstand their ludicrous weight. And I had a few close calls of my own" Dr. Frelock said, his heart rate slightly accelerated and then took a few breaths, knowing he'd be expected to elaborate further.
"Among them, there's this redhead with a quirky, playful attitude. Sure, she looks innocent enough but her rear is stupidly huge! I'm 100% certain she could obliterate 2 entire cities by simply sitting down. What's worse is that she acts like all that excess blubber is alluring to the male gaze and almost sat on me several times. To the other teachers it was nothing more than a joke but at this point I blame their culture more than those in specific" Dr. Frelock then wiped some sweat off his forehead and slicked his hair back. As bothered as he was, he refrained from relaying the repeated jokes he heard about Lulu being more fond of younger men, considering that to be irrelevant to his report.
"I believe there were more agents assigned to work alongside myself at this deployment, where are they?" He asked, regaining the stern tone he had earlier.

"They will be deployed as soon as possible. Our resources are stretched thin at the moment, we simply do not have the manpower"

"Why am I not surprised? Are they putting our funding on a stranglehold again?" Dr. Frelock sighed.

"Not intentionally, but you know that all 3 branches keep using up resources from the same common pool, as the Emperor has yet to decide on which one shall be the primary doctrine for the Imperial Armed Forces"

"Curse that stupid debacle between High Heels and Low Heels! It was better when those idiots only argued about fashion" Dr. Frelock shook his head, referring to the Lilliputian equivalent to a Parliament, which was divided in 2 political parties. The Lilliputian Emperor had yet to take his pick, instead compromising with both on different affairs.

"And that's why we need valuable data to give further credence to the Super Soldier initiative! If we get our projected budget we will have enough to let you go back to your lab and keep tinkering with your mechanical toys"

"Highly advanced robotic suits and artificial intelligence are very far from what anyone would consider a toy" Dr. Frelock said with clenched teeth, the anger in his words was evident although restrained.
"Though, come to think of it... if I were to support the Mechanization program, you guys would end up losing all funding and cybernetic developments would resume"

"And you shall never touch a single screw on government labs. Do I need to remind you that you're currently a disgraced doctor? Your initiatives were turned down at the Oslo Conference for a reason"

"They were turned down by these very same titanic savages you have me working with. Of course, they fear the day that they will no longer be able to lord their physical advantage over us. But... I suppose that's a valid point. At least under the Imperial government I would be free to resume development of my programs" Dr. Frelock sighed again.

"That's more like it, good doctor. Don't you ever forget why you're there. Now, have you received the files we sent you?"

"Yes, I already read them all" Dr. Frelock replied "I've already located the subjects mentioned"

"Subject JJ0-RD4N78G?"

"Jim Jordan. Lilliputian-Gulliverian mix originating from the Brobdingnagian state of Québec, he's in one of my classes. However, his father is a very wealthy businessman, we risk facing severe legal prosecution should he be abducted"

"Only if caught, doctor. Only if caught... Now, subject RSC-457311N?"

"Rosario Castellanos. Lilliputian-Brobdignagian mix of Hispanic origin. Rare instance of a Lilliputian-sized female. Records indicate that the mother is from Mexico but I can't find much information about her father other than some old reports flagging him as a deserter, I suppose that explains it, he must've been erasing his trails"

"At this point the daughter is way more valuable than finding that traitor though if you do, I promise you a juicy bonus. We haven't had a good public execution in a long time and those really rake money in"

"I don't believe you have the authority to make that sort of promise" Dr.Frelock said, somewhat tensing up.

"My commanding officers do. If you find the man and kill him you'll still get a reward but if you can bring him to us alive it will be way better"

"In any case, she's in my classes too. I give no guarantee on whether or not I'll be able to secure the father to be court martialed" Dr. Frelock couldn't help but sigh, he was a man of science, he thought himself above these dirty deeds but if he wanted to get back at the work he was passionate about he would have to listen.

"Yeah, best to exercise caution. They say that one must always beware of an old man in a profession in which men die young after all. So... about our mission's prime target: Subject BS-1509SPT?"

"Blaise Santos. Of the exceedingly rare type: 3/4 Brobdingnagian-Lilliputian mix, both parents of Mexican origin although he has full Lilliputian citizenship. I did my research on the parents already... Wasn't the mother the woman involved in the LD-9 incident in 2007?"

[Note: Most main canon routes are assumed to take place anywhere between 2020 to 2024 at the time of writing. The Gulliverse takes place in 2024]

"That was classified info that should've been beyond your reach. But yes, indeed, it's the son of that woman"

At that moment, Dr. Frelock burst out laughing, breaking his previous professional-looking demeanor "I still can't believe a single woman was able to destroy the largest military base on Lilliputian soil. She demolished it with what, her rear and gas? She made you guys look like an absolute joke!"

September 2