The man on the other end of the phone line could only wait in silence as rage filled his body but unable to do much about it other than letting Dr. Frelock enjoy his hearty laughter. Working with such a formerly prestigious scientist was proving to get him to his limits but he knew he had to make it work for the sake of their mission.

"In time we will address the situation with the other two hybrid subjects plus the ones we haven't even mentioned yet, but right now we need any and all info gathered on subject BS-1509SPT"

"Physical description matches the reports. However, it's going to be extremely difficult if not impossible to conduct an abduction" Dr. Frelock said after he took a few moments to regain his composure.

"And why is that?"

"He appears to be constantly surrounded by Brob females" Dr. Frelock replied rather dryly.

"That makes no sense, most Lilliputians fear and distrust Brobs"

"You said it, most. Have you forgotten that this one was literally raised by them? I've gotten info on his family and early life already. Not only his mother is one, he has an adopted elder sister that is also a Brob, plus their aunts, grandmothers and friends of the mother that function like additional aunts. You couldn't find a Lilliputian more acclimatized to them than this one" Dr. Frelock then said, frustration noticeable in his voice though he was also impressed.

"But how did he socialize so rapidly? A new kid in a foreign environment shouldn't have made friends so quickly, specially not from such a drastically different race"

"This so called foreign environment is a whole less foreign when the kid grew up surrounded by Brobs. Interacting with them is second nature to him at this point and it shows. In less than half a day he already got 4 females who appear to be pretty interested in protecting him" The doctor shook his head, already seeing that trying to deal with you would bring him many a headaches in the future "In addition to that, research data indicates his biochemistry is most likely more aligned with that of Brobs than our own. It's very likely he's secreting pheromones that further entice the females' interest and that means it's going to be extremely hard to separate him from them. Brobs' acute sense of smell only complicates this yet further"

"Well, the Imperial Army needs candidates for the Super Soldier program and a 3/4 hybrid is about the best recipient we're going to get. You must get your hands on him somehow and bring him to us! If we can secure him we can finally break this accursed political deadlock on the military budget!"

"With all due respect to your commanding officers, I will need advanced supplies and more personnel to undertake a task of that magnitude. I'll put it in terms your highschool educated posterior can understand: There is no way in Lustrog's 27 circles of the Underworld that I'm going to risk trying to snatch that kid off 4 massive, hormone-riddled females that will probably all defend him with extreme libido-induced violence. I'd much rather try hunting a Marsupial Lion with no weapons and I'd stand better odds at making it out alive" Dr. Frelock replied and he could almost hear the phone on the other end of the line get strongly squeezed.

"We... we will see about that, in due time when resources permit. For the time being we need you to keep tabs on all hybrid subjects at school with most emphasis on the 3/4 one. Conduct any further research into the subject's biology at your own discretion, it will also aid our future efforts and it might help figure out how to get him alone and vulnerable for capture"

"Understood. Certainly, we will need to find any weaknesses or vulnerabilities for hybrids in general and we definitely must find a way to get BS-1509SPT away from his protective herd" With that and few more words, Dr. Frelock's mysterious call was over. Shaking his head, feeling it already beginning to hurt, he decided to see if he could find lillie-sized coffee.

Back in the cafeteria...

Dinner was relatively nice and relaxed but you wouldn't be able to call it uneventful. Just the fact that Jen had you eat dinner on top of one of her massive boobs was already way beyond anything you had expected when you arrived to this school. Definitely not complaining, plus, watching her eat was also like a bit of a spectacle, it was still awe-inspiring to see how easily she devoured gargantuan amounts of food, both in absolute terms due to its relative size to yourself and in proportional ones, as her enormous appetite seemed to be a close match to that of your mom's and sister's.

Your friends other than Jim seemed to be done with their food as well, only the former was still gobbling ice cream remnants on the bottom of Cindy's bowl, much to her amusement. Come to think of it, Jim himself had told you that he really had a sweet tooth and that he hated the most the slop that passed for food back in Mully Ully Gue.

'Why did I tune that out again?' You wondered, but then you remembered that easily half of your talks with Jim and Pete ended up being about perverted stuff and as much as you tried to ignore it, at least some of it did make it to your subconscious.

Maybe that was to blame for how you'd been looking at Jen's voluptuous body, a part of you kept telling you it was wrong but another part of you, a stronger unseen force compelled you to, some kind of deep impulse that made it feel like this is natural, that you shouldn't feel all that ashamed. In some way, you had bigger concerns because Jen wasn't making this any easier. For starters, in spite of eating as carefully as you could within reason, the makeshift tacos you made were slightly unwieldy and you got some sauce splattered on your shirt and arm, Jen thought the best solution was to pick you up, raise you to her mouth's level and lick it off just like she'd done earlier on lunch time.

You were every bit as flustered as then, even if this time the experience was much quicker. Jen's warm tongue, in spite of being as large as a skyscraper and over twice as wide it was almost unbelievably dexterous, gently rubbing on you without hurting at all, easily removing the sauce off your body but leaving a relatively small amount of saliva. Not that you were complaining, it didn't even feel disgusting, feeling mostly like water albeit a tad stickier and the scent that it gave off was oddly intoxicating.

Throughout your life you'd gotten quite a lot up close and personal with Brob women's mouths and had inevitably gotten some saliva on you most of those times but this was the first time that it gave off an inexplicably alluring scent. You couldn't tell what it was, but it was definitely unique to Jen's, something about it screamed into your brain that this was her very own scent and that only made you feel all the more flustered, almost feeling static all over the inside of your limbs while your stomach felt as if it were full of butterflies. The fact that Jen kissed you afterwards as an apology only cranked up everything you felt several levels.

After you were done eating, Jen also proved to be surprisingly creative and crafty. She asked Dolores for a small bag of marshmallows, Cindy and Jim happy to devour most of them while Jen needed a single one, which she carefully shaped into a makeshift boat, a pretty decent one at that, though to you it was more like those galleons of old, mighty imposing ships that could make lillie islanders tremble with fear without firing a single shot from their seemingly endless rows and rows of cannons.

Last year's birthday gift sure came in handy right now. Your big sis Ariadne got you a pretty neat device, a retractable straw, designed to allow lillies to share drinks with the larger races in a safer way than swimming around and drinking from it. Your dad seemed fond of that method but then again, he was very much in love with your mom so you could understand in some capacity. You pulled it our of your pocket and briefly explained to Jen what it was. She watched in fascination as the straw rapidly extended, increasing its length, allowing you to put it in the sea of chocolate milkshake.

The taste was glorious, just as good as the best chocolate milk you, your mom or grandma Xóchitl made. Cold, refreshing and just the right balance between fluid and thick, you could almost taste the love that Dolores put into making it. It was hand blended for sure though you had seen that the cafeteria had a couple of milkshake and coffee machines. Something compelled you to glance at the cafeteria and Dolores and for a short moment you made eye contact, she smiled, winked ans sent you a blown kiss before she returned to cooking just as more girls were ordering food.

After you'd had your fill, Jen gracefully picked you up and put you back on her chest, then she winked at you and grabbed the marshmallow ship, dipping it in some more of the milkshake before eating it. Somehow, she ate it sexily, it was something that yet again you wouldn't be able to explain but she turned what would've been an intimidating display at best into a captivating spectacle. You noticed that she glanced down at her phone's screen and then drank the milkshake rather quickly. It looked like she had something or somewhere to be but you didn't think you were anyone to pry into people's private affairs.

"Wondering what's next?" Jen spoke with a cute giggle, snapping you out of your thoughts while also making you blush. You had no idea how but she seemed to be already quite decent at reading you.

"I mean, I was wondering but I wasn't going to pry" You replied timidly, which she found adorable.

"What are you talking about, you're saying it like you're not part of the plans" Jen said.

"Huh? Plans? What kind of plans?" You scratched your head in mild confusion.

"Well, we've got 4 Brob girls, 4 Lillie boys and a whoooole free afternoon and evening. You do the math" Jen smirked.

"Funny you say that, I'm pretty bad with math" You said with a laugh.

What happens next?

September 3