Cindy spun the bottle and it ended up pointing at Lillian with the smaller end and the bottlecap that was standing for you, as you were still resting on Cindy's round belly.

"Whoop, look at that! You get to give a truth or dare now" Cindy said, gently scooping you up with her fingernail and putting back in your spot. You were caught off-guard and these things felt as if they happened too fast, making everything feel like a blur. In spite of all that, you managed to catch the gist of it, that it was your turn now and you'd have to ask Lillian something or give her a dare, depending on what she chose.

"So... Truth or dare?" You asked somewhat timidly, still not recovered from the blow that was finding out Jen was apparently into Jim.

"Hey, hold on... what's with the attitude?" Lillian said with a raised eyebrow while Zuemy hesitated, wanting to stop her but unsure on whether to tell her outright what was happening.

"Huh? Oh, nothing! It's nothing at all. Maybe I'm just a bit tired, that's all" You replied, instinctively trying to hide what made you feel down.

"Hmm, really? I thought you got plenty of rest with Cindy" Lillian smirked "I can offer you softer places to rest on if you like"

"H-Hey!" Jen's eyes widened, almost freaking out as Lillian was trying to capitalize on her unintended blunder.

"How about it? Put some more enthusiasm into it! I don't bite~" The seductiveness in Lillian's voice rose to higher levels, surprising even Zuemy.

"Heh... okay. So, truth or dare, Lillian?" You appreciated Lillian's attempt at cheering you up and tried to do as she said.

"Dare!" Lillian replied, a fire was almost visible in her eyes "Come on, you can make me do what-ever you want~" She smirked.

"Are there any rules about a player getting her own dares?" Cindy whispered to Zuemy.

"We never made any rules about it" Zuemy whispered back.

"I've never really played these sorts of games, sorry. I only know of them from tv, movies and stories my parents told me" You scratched your head and tried to think of a dare, Lillian clearly was in the mood for something even if you didn't know exactly what that something was but you didn't think yourself bold enough to ask outrageous things like Jim did.

Still, you knew you had to think of a decent enough dare for Lillian... and after seeing the little show she put on, you couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity, you wanted to see more of that huge, jiggling ass, something in the back of your mind nagged you, compelling you, making you want more of it. However, you felt weird and a bit bad about making a girl do things, probably due to growing up with a sister, plus a loving mom and several other women that played an important role in raising you.

"I'm still thinking of a dare but please tell me if you're uncomfortable or if you don't want to do it I can just change it, I'm not about to make anyone do something they don't want" You said.

"Actually, you can only refuse a truth or dare once but then that nets you a double dare, which you can't refuse without consequence. If you fail a truth, dare or refuse a double dare you get a punishment" Zuemy explained.

"But don't worry, punishments are just like dares but a little bit crazier and maybe some more embarrassing. It's nothing too bad, I promise" Cindy said, anticipating your concern. In all honesty, all girls had been surprised by your stance on giving dares. Lillian's and Jen's hearts in particular melted at it but they had to force themselves to keep a straight face, or as straight as the situation allowed.

"No rush, just think of something good, something you want to see me do" Lillian smiled, glancing at Jen who periodically stared daggers at her, annoyed that the balance in their competition finally seemed to be tipping against her.

As you were trying to think of some dare for Lillian that fit her mood you looked at her and noticed that she was slowly shifting around on the floor, uncomfortable with how tight Cindy's shorts were on her, squeezing her meaty glutes too uncomfortably. Then it clicked in your head and without any further considerations, you blurted it out:

"I got it! I dare you to take Cindy's shorts off"

"Ooh!" Lillian cooed in delight, this was right up her alley but she didn't think you'd be so bold for your first dare, she had already figured that she'd have to slowly coax you into her flow "That's a good one! Guess you liked what you saw before, huh?"

Jen's hands twitched and trembled, everything had been going so well and now, due to a slip up she didn't even understand, Lillian was recovering and putting back the pressure on her. She couldn't even be too mad at you for being receptive to her teasing, even Jen herself knew that such an enormous ass had a unique allure of its own, one that she envied as she couldn't match her sheer size.

"Huh?" Lillian's teasing remark snapped you back to reality and it took you a few seconds to process what just happened and what you had just done, at which point you blushed furiously while feeling your entire body overheat from sheer embarrassment.
"Wait, I didn't mean it like that! I just saw that you were uncomfortable and... and I thought you'd be comfier taking it off" Your words grew weaker and weaker as you sensed that you were most likely digging yourself deeper into the figurative hole, making your case look all the worse.

"Awww! Hey, I appreciate it!" Lillian giggled "Tell you what, I'll fulfill your dare but I'll spice it up some" Lillian then put her hand upside-down and flat on the floor, indicating that she wanted you to hop on. Cindy then turned to look at Zuemy but before she could open her mouth, the latter spoke.

"Nope, we have no rules against that either. As long as she fulfills the dare she can go about it any way she wants, the only restriction is that if she wants to involve another player, they can refuse" She explained and then looked how you hesitated at first but then began walking towards her hand "I don't think he's refusing"

"You trust me, right?" Lillian asked when you hopped onto her palm.

"I wouldn't have climbed on your hand if I didn't" You replied, feeling your heart pounding harder and that only accelerated further when Lillian stood up. She walked a couple steps and grabbed a computer chair, pulling it closer to where everyone was sitting. Although not formally, the girls had an unspoken rule that all dares, double dares and punishment had to be done in everyone's view whenever possible or provide a way for them to witness.

"Just relax and enjoy the show, I'm the one doing the dare after all" Lillian said as she gently deposited you right on the middle of the seat and when she did you immediately noticed two things:
- The surface area of the seat was very much comparable to an entire lillie-sized city.
- There were two enormous, deep, round and almost unnaturally wide imprints on it. You remembered Jen mentioning that this was Zuemy's and Cindy's dorm so this chair most likely belonged to either or both.

Those thoughts were abruptly cut off when your whole surroundings were covered by a massive shadow. The lights in the room were moderately strong so it was surprising that they got blocked rather easily but when you looked up you immediately understood: Lillian's planetary booty was looming above, seemingly hundreds of meters high into the air and in spite of that distance, its shadow covered the entirety of the chair's seat and then some.

"Doesn't look too bad, does it?" She teased, giving her ample hips a slight wiggle that sent the countless billions of metric tons of doughy, fatty flesh contained in her mammoth asscheeks into a jiggling and wobbling frenzy, even with the tight denim that tried to constrain their sheer mass.

"N-No, not at all" You gulped, still feeling your face heating up while your hands felt all tingly on the inside while there was a certain tightness and stiffness in your loins. The way you replied was similar to when your mom and other ladies displayed their humongous assets, asking for your opinion about them but never in your life had you gotten this flustered over it.

"I think we already established back in lunch that you don't need to fear these buns even if they're... enormous" She said in a huskier tone, accentuating her last word with another seductive shake of her hips.

"Don't worry, they're not so big... You have a healthy figure, that's all" You then tried to reassure her by reflex, earning a surprised look from the other 3 girls. Lillian was mildly surprised but she was able to sense your intent and that only made her coo internally while her heart melted yet again.

'Looks like he really likes 'em big' Cindy thought, smiling as she glanced down at her tummy and boobs while feeling her big ass against the cold, hard tiled floor.

'Homeboy has a type, huh' Zuemy thought with an amused grin.

"You think so? Then you don't mind if I..." Lillian giggled, slowly lowering her huge ass towards the chair as she spoke, making her intentions beyond crystal clear. You stepped back in sheer surprise but Lillian's humongous meaty moons were descending steadily and they were far too massive to escape, even if you ran a full sprint in any direction you'd still end up caught under one of those gigantic glutes.


"Whoah!" You said when Lillian sat down, narrowly missing you. You were right in front of her immense bottom assets, seeing up close how tightly those titanic juicy buns were struggling against the denim shorts' threads, even hearing them stretching to their absolute limits. Lillian then slowly shifted around on her seat, causing relatively minor quakes that made her huge ass wobble some more as she opened the front of the shorts and took her sweet time shimmying her way out of them, maximizing the jostling and shifting to give you as much "eye candy" as she possibly could. Meanwhile, Jen couldn't decide on whether she wanted to faint or to strangle Lillian right there and then but all she could do was watch helplessly...

September 8