Pete looked at all the girls. He knew Jen wasn't really an option as it was crystal clear she had set her sights on you already so that left him with 3 choices. Lillian was the biggest one, her huge ass was the heaviest for sure and that alone intimidated him.

'Between Cindy and Zuemy it is' He thought, recalling that both girls had pretty huge asses themselves but Cindy's had been incredibly squishy and soft. But he had already experienced the terrifying power of her immense farts, even if it wasn't on purpose.

"Hold on, are you serious?" You asked Zuemy, worried about your friend.

"What? It's not that bad, all of us here have a lot of soft padding back there if you're worried about him getting hurt" She replied with smug confidence "Weren't you paying attention to Lulu's class? Or did you get too smothered in Jen's boobs to listen?"

"Hey!" Jen blushed and glared at Zuemy, who giggled cheekily while still looking at you.

"It's fine" Pete then spoke and looked at Zuemy. She or Cindy were the safest options and given the fact Zuemy seemed to have some sort of restraint despite all her teasing, his decision was made "I'll go with you, Zuemy"

"Excellent choice" She then raised her hip and Pete got the clue, walking towards her until he ended up right under one of her humongous cheeks. He couldn't help but feel his heart accelerate as he admired the gigantic, wobbling globe of squishy doughy flesh, barely contained by a pair of jeans that looked like it was painted on. It looked like all that fatty meat could crush him like an avalanche any second but instead, Zuemy descended gently, even telling him to lie down on his back before her plump glute engulfed him.

"You know... if Cindy had her way that could've easily been you" Zuemy teased you, once again earning annoyed glares from not just Jen but Lillian too, now that she was paying more attention to the game. By reflex, you tried to back away but that only sank you a little more into Cindy's squishy belly, tickling her a little.

"I mean, she's not wrong" She giggled "But we already talked about this, haven't we? You'll be safe even if you end up under these buns or better yet, between them" Cindy then gently rubbed you and pressed you some more into her tummy, unintentionally dragging you closer to her belly button but stopping before making you fall into it. You were still concerned about her eagerness but compared to Zuemy's smug teasing and Lillian's sheer size, it seemed like Cindy was one of the safer bets. Cindy sensed that she was being watched and turned to Jen, who was giving her a very unamused glare.
"I just like cuddling, I don't mean anything else" She said to her. You were a bit surprised, it almost seemed out of character for Cindy to sound cryptic but you had no idea what she could possibly mean.

'Hmm... Maybe Jen's worried I'd try to take advantage of her? I suppose I'd worry too if I were her long time friend and she got this playful with some guy she just met' You thought, making a mental note to let Jen know you didn't have any weird ideas in mind with Cindy.

"Well, I guess I'll spin the bottle on Pete's behalf" Zuemy spoke, possibly trying to get the girls' attention back on the game to get Jen off Cindy's back. This time, the bottle ended up pointing at Jim with the big end and Lillian with the small end.

"For once we lillies don't get the short end of the stick" He chuckled "Alright, so... truth or dare?"

"Dare... if you can dare to try me" Lillian teased but she was still mostly glancing in your direction.

"You know... I noticed that you two are wearing short denim shorts. Are you the same size?" Jim thought out loud "My dare is: swap shorts with Cindy!"

"Jim, what the-" You were just about ready to hop off Cindy's tummy and bonk him in the head with your hand but Cindy cupped her hand around you.

"Lillian's bigger but if you think mine is close I'll take it as a compliment" She giggled "Gotta respect the school's Booty Queen"

"Nice one, I thought you'd end up beating around the bush" Lillian said and slowly stood up, deciding to make a little show out of it, turning around and wiggling her ample hips to an beat only she could hear in her head.

Very slowly she pulled her shorts down and set them aside while showing that her enormous ass turned her panties into a makeshift thong that was getting lost, devoured between those massive cheeks. You couldn't help but look at them but then you felt being watched and looking up, you saw Lillian make eye contact with you, winking and smiling while giggling silently. You felt a surge of electricity sweep across the inside your head, the moment you stared into the emerald green of those eyes you sensed you had to have seen them somewhere before, there was a contradictory feeling of it being distant yet incredibly close...

"My turn!" Cindy said and nonchalantly pushed you into her belly button before she stood up and took off her shorts as well, lacking Lillian's sensual mini-dance of sorts but to Jim and Joel it was still quite the literally gigantic spectacle. Cindy also appeared to feel no shame when she revealed that she was wearing gaming-themed panties. Like Lillian, hers were on their way to becoming more of a thong because they couldn't just contain the sheer amount of bouncing, jiggling pale flesh in those giant cheeks.

The two girls then exchanged shorts and Cindy was able to put on Lillian's without much issue. Unlike her own, which she filled out to the brim, this one was a bit looser on her on the butt area but her thighs still occupied all the room the shorts' legs gave, which you noticed when she pulled you out of her belly button to put back on her belly. Meanwhile Lillian was having a much harder time as her own shorts were already borderline too small for her and Cindy's definitely were, she kept trying to tug them upwards to no avail, making her immense, round and gelatinous-looking asscheeks bounce and wobble hypnotically.

"Good thing those shorts are reinforced with lillie tech, I'd be worried she'd rip them otherwise" Cindy giggled, amused at how Lillian's backside proved to be far too much for her shorts. Lillian ended up having to jump around, causing quakes only you and your fellow lillies could sense but also jiggling quakes on her gargantuan cheeks, you could even see literal waves rippling all over them, had you been on her butt those might as well have been tsunamis. It took her several minutes and a lot more jumping and jostling around to miraculously get the shorts on.

"Phew! I feel like these would explode if I tried bending over" Lillian said as she struggled to sit down. The other 3 girls glanced at Jim, realizing that besides yourself, the boys might actually be able to dish as much as they were planning to but that only made things all the more interesting. Lillian then spun the bottle on Jim's behalf and the bottle ended up pointing at Cindy with the big end and Jen with the small one.

"This is gonna get interesting, should've brought popcorn" Zuemy giggled, shifting a little on the floor to savor the feeling of Pete's tiny form engulfed by her plump buttcheek.

"Well, what's it going to be? Truth or dare?" Cindy asked with a giggle.

"We've been doing dares so let's do truth" Jen said. She wanted some dare involving you but you were to remain on Cindy's tummy until you got a turn so she decided to go easy, although it was getting harder to show restraint.

'You walked yourself into this one' Cindy conveyed nonverbally with her eyes but Jen seemed to not only have understood the message, she nodded in response, having a strong gut feeling on what was going to happen next.
"Alright... So, is there someone you like in this room? Like as in 'like-like' for real?"

Jen's heart skipped a couple of beats. She was anticipating something along these lines but even with that, hearing the question made her feel all kinds of tingly and fuzzy on the inside. This would be one of her boldest non-physical moves yet. Would she be coming on too strong? So far, you'd been receptive to her flirty teasing. Would this cross the line? Then again, she wasn't directly saying who, that could work as a defense to save herself some embarrassment and awkwardness and yet she wanted you to figure it out instantly. Her bottom lip trembled until she bit it lightly and, unable to utter the words she simply nodded in response, earning some teasing hollering from Cindy and Zuemy.

When you saw Jen nod to respond to Cindy's question you froze for a moment and then felt as if something inside you just shattered to countless pieces.
'God fucking dammit' You thought with a frustrated sigh 'I knew this was going to happen, I dunno why I was getting my hopes up. It was game over for me the moment Jim appeared... I mean it's not his fault but well, next to me he must look so much better'
You looked down and stared at the seemingly endless expanse of porcelain white, doughy flesh you were resting on, you couldn't quite hide that you were feeling pretty dejected now though on the other hand you thought that maybe you should feel relieved, your mom asked you to be cautious around Brob girls... But then, why did you want things to happen?

Jen's little emotional high faded quickly when she saw your reaction. Instead of nervous glances or directly trying to make eye contact, you were looking down and away. You definitely seemed dejected and she scratched her head.
'Wait, how did I mess this one up? I thought he'd get it!' She thought, clenching her teeth as she found herself in a predicament that hadn't even crossed her mind but the worst part was that she didn't even know what she did wrong and thus, she had no idea how to go about and fix it. A ping from her phone then snapped her out of her thoughts:

"I think he believes you like another one of the guys" Zuemy discreetly texted her.

'But how in the hell did he misread that one?' She thought, mildly relieved that at least now she knew what went wrong.

September 8