"Well, I'm not so sure what we can do this afternoon. The guys and I either hang out at someone's place and play videogames" You said.

"Hey, we play videogames too!" Jen chirped "But we can also play other kinds of games~"

"Oh... sure, I guess" You laughed nervously, not quite sure on what games she possibly had in mind but her tone made you think she most likely will keep going with the playful teasing.

In the meantime, your friends had been picked up by the other girls though Lillian kept glancing at you repeatedly though you didn't understand why. Was there something on Jen's face? Was it you? Back in the earlier hours of the school day, she had been teasing you almost as much as Jen did but you figured that with your friends around she'd find them more amusing to mess with.

"Hold on tight!" Jen said before she placed you in her cleavage, letting you sink into the cavernous crevice. You expected relentless bouncing to start right away but to your surprise, there was no movement, Jen was actually waiting for you to brace yourself.

Once you realized this, you hugged one of her enormous boobs as best as you could and she apparently felt this, beginning her walk though she tried to be careful not to bounce her chest around too much, resulting in a gentler sway that nearly lulled you to sleep, reminding you of your earliest days when your mom would do something similar, placing you deep into her cleavage and then gently sway her chest to rock you to sleep while her bodily warmth and heartbeat contributed more to lulling you. It was like the ultimate safe space, maybe the one place in the entire world where you were 100% certain that no harm could ever come to you. But that was a feeling that only your mom and no one else could fully evoke in you, how was Jen pulling it off?! Was it a sign of something?

Your body certainly remembered those things more clearly than you consciously did because your grip remained tight even though you could feel your eyelids feel increasingly heavier and your own grasp on the conscious world weaken, the rumbling echoes from her slightly accelerated heartbeat together with the warmth her ample chest gave off only intensified the overall effect. You almost fell asleep, feeling safe and protected for reasons not even you fully understood but right before Dreamland could snatch your mind, you were abruptly woken up by a rush of cold air, colder air than in the cafeteria or in classrooms. You shuddered in response by reflex and Jen noticed, looking down at her chest.

"Sorry about that, we always have the AC as cold as it can get in our dorms" Jen explained "I dunno if I'm doing a good job keeping you warm as Lulu taught us, what do you think?" She then asked with a subtle smirk.

"Y-You're doing great! Don't worry!" You replied almost instinctively the same way you reassured family and family friends whenever they asked you for your opinion on things like the size and weight of their overabundant curves. Only a few seconds after the fact was that you caught on to what you had just responded to and that realization hit you in the face like a bucket of arctic cold water.

"I'm glad" Jen said softly, adding a playful wink to her little smile, both things melting your heart with tremendous ease "We arrived anyway"

"Hmm? Where?" You said, looking around and seeing that it was somewhere completely unfamiliar, it resembled more of a bedroom than any classroom or other school facilities. As you scanned the room, you noticed that there were some open suitcases with lots of clothes, clearly, whoever lived here was barely just starting to unpack.
"Oh, the dorms" You said, looking away in mild embarrassment as you'd seen several panties and bras on a bed.

"Yeah, this is Zuemy's and Cindy's dorm" Jen said.

"Also Pete's" Zuemy chimed in, shaking her hips to tease the guy that was stuffed once more down into her back pocket, not that he was complaining too much, finding himself essentially pressed into an enormous bouncy house, one that was making him way flustered though.

"Well, damn, Pete got lucky!" Jim said, poking his head out of Cindy's cleavage.
"Man, at least you two got nice girls, I'll probably have to deal with some random chicks that will treat me like a bug"

"I'd like to say Brob girls aren't that bad but, yeah we kinda are the exception to the norm" Jen sighed.

"Guess that means we're all the luckier we ended up with you" You then said, trying to lift her spirits without realizing how smooth that delivery had been. Both Jim and Jen gave you a wide-eyed look, their jaws dropped and Jen blushed quite a lot but only for a split second, regaining her composure faster than Jim. The two then exchanged a brief look. In the distance, Lillian also froze upon hearing you, feeling both flustered as her heart melted but also increasingly worried with how much Jen was beating her at their competition on the first day.

"Glad that you're happy here" Jen said somewhat timidly herself, gently petting you with her fingertip, unintentionally pressing you a bit into the bouncy, squishy flesh of her boob though she figured you didn't mind at worst and enjoyed it at best.
"Please excuse the mess, it's the first day and I guess nobody's gotten enough time to unpack their stuff yet" She then said while giving Cindy a sharper glance, prompting her to go to the bed and pick up her various panties and bras she'd left haphazardly all over one of the beds, pushing Jim deep into her cleavage before doing so.

"Not exactly a bad view anyway" Cindy giggled and took her sweet time picking up the bras and panties, all of which looked pretty big yet unable to fully fit her own massive curves. It also looked like she was showing them off to you and your friends and you noted that most of those were actually themed around games you enjoyed like Courageous BorderlandHyperman Incognito and even Era of Kingdoms, plus some anime of which you only recognized like half of them all.

You thought you had been able to take a look at them discreetly until you saw Cindy's piercing deep blue eyes focus on you as she giggled softly and pointed at her shirt, which featured not just the Courageous Borderland logo but also quite a badass-looking pic of the 6 starter heroes. Then she winked and bent over a bit exaggeratedly to show off her enormous rear. Her already too short denim shorts slipped down a little, allowing a bit of her buttcrack to peek out and with it, the back of a surprisingly skimpy thong bearing the logo of famous gaming company Mint-endo and its signature console called the Swap. The moment was then interrupted as Jen loudly cleared her throat.

"You might wanna pull those shorts up, Cindy" Jen said with a hint of annoyance.

"You know, Cindy would be happy to let you dive in there if you like it that much, all you have to do is ask" Zuemy "whispered" to you as she approached but Jen definitely heard her, growling and glaring at her.

"So, uh... what's the plan" Joel's voice was heard and when you all turned to look, saw that he was standing on Lillian's open palm.

"We're gonna play some games if you don't mind, things to break the ice" Zuemy replied "Or maybe more~"

"What kind of games?" You asked with a curious yet slightly confused expression.

"Fun games" Jen giggled "Let's start with some Truth or Dare!"

In mere moments, all girls were sitting in a circle on the ground with their respective lillie boy on their chest or tummy but then picked them up and placed them on the spaces between each of them. You noticed that Cindy then placed an empty bottle in the middle. You then remembered about an old game where people spun the bottle to determine who'd kiss who, your parents told you all about it and how they enjoyed it themselves when they were your age.

"Wait, is this really truth or dare?" You asked, looking at the bottle in the middle.

"Yeah! We're using 'Spin the Bottle' for randomness! Big end points to the person to give the challenge and small end points to the person who has to choose between truth or dare and answer or do the dare"

You couldn't help but chuckle about the mention of "Big end" and "Small end", as Lilliputians had literally gone to war many times over their silly debate on which side a boiled egg was to have its shell broken from.

"Alright, here we go!" Cindy enthusiastically spun the bottle with considerable strength. That bottle was probably around the same size as some of the largest lillie cargo ships but it spun so fast as if it weighed almost nothing. Even to someone as used to Brob presence as yourself, their strength remained awe-inspiring. In fact, you even missed that the bottle ended up pointing at you with the small end while the big end pointed to none other than Jen herself.

"Ooh! Truth or dare?" She asked enthusiastically. You gulped hard, you didn't think you'd be first! Your heart pounded hard while your hands felt all tingly and shaky.

"Umm, let's go with truth for starters!" You said with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of your head while trying to survey the room. Jen's eyes had a renewed gleam to them that hadn't been there before, but had been earlier in the day when she was teasing you.

"Sure, truth then" Jen smirked "I'm sorry I'm using the game to ask but I really wanna know: Has any girl ever captured your heart? Meaning... have you ever had a girlfriend before?"

Your heart was already beating fast but when you heard that question it went into overdrive, feeling a bit weak for a moment but you managed to hold on. You knew that these games often featured embarrassing questions but you didn't expect Jen to go there right off the bat. You also felt obligated to tell the truth but maybe you could omit some details...

"N-No, technically I've never had a girlfriend before" You replied, looking Jen in the eye despite how much your face was warming up.

"Technically? Boy, you better give a full answer to that question" Zuemy teased with a cheeky smirk.

"Okay, well, you see..." You then said as you were about to tell part of a very old story of yours.

September 5