"There was this one girl... way back in kindergarten. She was my friend, she protected me and made me feel safe too and one day, we confessed to each other. We were boyfriend and girlfriend until the end of kindergarten, for about 3 years but after that we got separated and I never saw her again" You said, feeling quite embarrassed and despite having no mirror at hand, you were certain that you were blushing pretty hard because you felt your face heating up.

[Lore note: Kindergarten in most countries in the Gulliverse lasts 3 years, covering preschool education from ages 3 to 6. But to be honest this also applies to regular canon]

"Awwww. That's actually sweet" Cindy said "To have a first love at that age, that's how destined lovers have it in a lot romantic anime"

Jen glared at Cindy for a split second but then focused back on you giving you a sweet look of her own "Yeah, that's a pretty sweet story. I thought lillie girls weren't nice to boys though"

"She wasn't a lillie" You replied by reflex but then realized you'd just made a massive mistake right there. Unseen by you, both Pete and Jim were trying their absolute hardest not to laugh, it was like watching a free show, they didn't even have to ask for it but at the same time, they felt a bit bad for you although that didn't outweigh their amusement. Seeing you deal with a girl that's clearly interested in you was too rare of an occurrence after all.

At your comment, all 4 girls visibly froze for a few seconds. Jen blinked a few times in confusion, one could almost feel that her brain just rebooted hard from that one but the rest were caught off-guard about just as much.

"She wasn't a lillie?" She asked in disbelief but you could tell it was exactly what the other girls were thinking. Your friends knew, of course as they were there and witnessed it themselves but not even Jim expected you to self-incriminate this quickly.

'Well, that confirms what he said, he wouldn't make it as a lawyer or a politician. Too honest for his own good' He thought.

Meanwhile, you sighed and shook your head. Trying to lie would end up badly because you'd probably be unable to keep up with it and at some point it'd all degenerate into a senseless downward spiral and at the end, the girls would find out you lied to them and they'd be hurt. Sometimes you wondered if you were so painfully honest because it was your actual nature, because of how you were raised or simply because you sucked too much at lying.

"No, she was a Brob actually" You said quietly, ashamed not of the answer in itself but of revealing such an intimate thing from your past so early.

"HUH?!" Jen gasped and almost choked on the air she breathed but Cindy and Lillian were also quite shocked at the revelation. Zuemy seemed less surprised, weirdly enough.

"That bit about 'protecting you' and 'making you feel safe' makes a whole more sense now" She remarked, eyeing Lillian first but then Jen, making her blush and giggle.

"Yeah. It was one of the schools where they ran an earlier version of the current Gulliver Exchange Program, there were gullies, brobs and lillies. She mostly protected me from other lillies though" You said, at this point there was no reason to hide info anymore. Once again, unseen by you, Jen glared at Jim and mouthed the question 'Why didn't you tell me?' only for him to shrug somewhat cheekily.

'So his first love was a brob? Then I definitely have a chance' She thought, dismissing the thought that that first love would be able to find you again after such a long time. What where the chances she'd know you were attending Gulliver High? Better yet, what were the chances SHE attended Gulliver High?

"Wow, that's pretty amazing! I mean, at that age and if I were a lillie I think I'd be scared, trying to imagine it" Cindy chimed in "But you were able to open up your heart and find love for someone no matter how different you two were. It almost sounds like something from a fairytale... Do you ever wonder what became of her?"

"I can't remember her name anymore but I didn't forget her. But yeah, sometimes I wonder what happened to her, I just never saw her again because I got enrolled in a lillie-only school for my elementary to highschool years. I'd still be there if I didn't get picked for the Gulliver program" You replied.

While you were mostly focused on Jen's reactions and to a lesser degree Cindy's, you failed to notice that Lillian was deep in thought as she heard your story, bearing a cryptic look on her face as her mind was trying to dig deep, seeking to dust off some of her oldest memories ever.
'That sounds awfully similar to my story... could it really be him?' Lillian remembered that lillie boy she met while in kindergarten, how they became friends and eventually confessed their love, becoming a couple.

She tried her hardest to reach for the boy's name but every time it felt like it slipped from between her fingers like sand. But she remembered what she called him, her "little prince", a nickname that stemmed from a sort of joke from a talk with his mom... Her features too were nebulous in her mind but there was one thing she remembered for certain: It was a Brob lady. She wasn't too sure on her then-boyfriend's look, though she felt somewhat confident that she'd recognize him still if she saw him nowadays.

"By what you guys have told us, that wasn't a good place. Besides, I wouldn't have met you if you were still there so I think the program choosing you was for the best" Jen said, slowly bringing a finger to carefully pat you with her fingertip.

"Oh damn, I didn't think the game would start off this intensely. But hey, what a story! Like a real-life fairytale. Maybe you'll find that past love somewhere around here in this school?" Zuemy teased, earning another wrathful glare from Jen.

"Sorry, I didn't want to spoil the mood" You apologized.

"What are you talking about? That was sweet!" Cindy said.

"Besides, it was I who asked you that question" Jen spoke "For the record, I haven't had a boyfriend myself. I guess I simply haven't found the right guy yet" She said in a smoother, silkier-sounding voice, getting back to how she'd been teasing you earlier, making you get goosebumps all over as you shuddered.

"Yeah, Lillian was the only lucky one among us. She had a boyfriend once but she fumbled him" Zuemy chuckled.

"Excuse you?! It wasn't even my fault! He and his family moved and it's not like we could keep in touch" Lillian quickly got defensive as well as heavily embarrassed but she didn't see a whole lot of reaction from you or the other lillie boys for that matter.

"Anyway! Let's spin the bottle again" Cindy chirped, giving or trying to give Lillian an out of the awkwardness that was about to ensue.

"I can spin it on your behalf if you want" Jen offered and you nodded, feeling relieved that it was finally over, hopefully the rest of the game would be less focused on you.

Jen grabbed the bottle and spun it with even more strength put into it than Cindy. Watching something so massive spin so fast made you think of the machines the government uses to train astronauts while the sounds it made were downright impressive. The bottle slowly came to a stop and much to your chagrin, the smaller end once again pointed at you. You looked up and saw that this time the big end was aiming at Cindy, who smiled and waved.

"Hey Blaise, what do you think of this?" She asked, patting her tummy, whose belly button peeked out as her shirt struggled to contain it in full. You had barely noticed it but now fully took note that hers was the largest among the 4 girls but it still didn't quite match the sheer size of either her chest or hips. It added to her sweet and dorky aura though.

"Uh... I think it looks good on you. Makes you look cute" You replied as honestly as ever but found the question a bit odd. There was less pressure than when Jen asked you a question. Cindy giggled and smiled in response but before she could speak, Zuemy interrupted.

"Hold on, you didn't ask truth or dare!"

"Oh..." Cindy said but she didn't seem as surprised, almost seeming as if she'd done this on purpose but could she really have? "So, truth or dare?"

"I suppose I should go with a dare" You said, not wanting to seem too boring though by your own admission you probably were or at least saw yourself that way.

"In that case, I dare you to lay on my tummy!" She said with a surprising amount of enthusiasm, swiftly picking you up.

"Wait, there has to be a time limit to the dare!" Jen said.

"How about... until he either gets another truth or dare or is his turn?" Zuemy suggested.

"But how will that happen if he's on Cindy?" Jen asked.

"Just put a bottle cap where he was, if the bottle points there we count it as pointing at him" Lillian then proposed, grabbing the bottle to remove the cap and putting it on the spot between Jen and Cindy where you had been.

"Works for me" Cindy said and carefully placed you on her belly, fairly close to her belly button. She couldn't help but shudder slightly when you landed and easily sank into her squishy flesh "Try not to fall in the belly button... unless you wanna stay longer" She teased.

"Welp, that was fast" Lillian said, eyeing you on Cindy's belly and thinking about what to do when she got you. Jen then spun the bottle once more and this time it ended up pointing at Zuemy and Pete. The ebony-skinned Cuban girl smirked and licked her lips.

"Alright! Truth or dare, Pete?"

The tiny redhead wanted to go for something safer from the truth but he could almost feel Jim nudging him, even though in his view, he was sitting several hundred meters away from him.
"I'll go with a dare" He said though not sounding entirely convinced.

"I dare you to let one of us sit on you for 5 minutes" Zuemy said with a shark-like grin.

"That's a bit much, isn't it?" Jen said but both Lillian and Cindy had a more inquisitive look, wondering who'd be chosen...

September 5