Jen was having a hard time to keep herself under control, her insides were not just warm but hot! The tingly, fuzzy feelings inside her became nearly overwhelming. She was trying not to look too flustered but feeling you climbing her body wasn't helping at all, she could feel her temperature raise when you reached her neck, feeling her own heartbeat more intensely with each passing second as you got closer to her face... and yet, she already had a plan, one that she intended to stick to.

You weren't much better, you were even surprised at yourself for holding onto her skin without slipping. Were you really going to do this? Come to think of it, if Jen were into Jim why didn't she object to you being dared to kiss her? You shook your head and tried to gather courage, inching closer towards her cheek to plant a kiss and get done with the dare.

"Sorry Blaise" Jen's voice snapped you out of your thoughts before you went and kissed her. You blinked twice in confusion and surprise.

"Huh? Did you mean the other side then?" You asked, scratching your head. You had climbed Jen from the left side because that was the closest to you but you didn't stop to think if that actually mattered.

"More like the other other side" Zuemy giggled, though you found her teasing rather cryptic.

"Okay, I'm not following at this point" You sighed and stopped "Can someone tell me what I'm supposed to do then?"

"You heard her, Jen said you got the wrong cheeks" Cindy giggled cutely but then she pointed down at her own hips and stared at you intently. You could practically feel your face redden as the realization hit you.

"Cindy's right" Jen said softly, making you experience the same heating up feeling on the rest of your body while your hands trembled and felt weak and it took you a few minutes to recover enough that you weren't worried about falling. You almost felt like you weren't even in your body anymore, like you were seeing things from outside of it, as is observing from behind some sort of glass panel, all while feeling tingly and fuzzy, as if your "body outside your body" was getting surges of static electricity all over.

"Hey, you don't have to climb all the way down" Cindy then said and her words managed to bring you back into the world proper, making you feel again like yourself.

"Huh?" You raised an eyebrow "What do you mean exactly?"

"All you have to do is drop down from there, bounce on Jen's boobs and then land on her thighs below. Much faster than climbing" Cindy said with such a sweet voice that it seemed to contradict the rather outrageous things she was saying.

"What are you even saying?" You asked, once again feeling extremely flustered while both Cindy and Jen found your reaction utterly adorable.

"Go ahead!" She said, wanting to encourage you.

"Wait, really?" You scratched your head and laughed nervously. She nodded again, dispelling the notion that you were somehow hallucinating this.

Truth is, these sort of shenanigans weren't entirely unknown to you but this was the first time you'd try this sort of stunt with someone outside the family-zone and whose opinion of you mattered quite a lot. You then closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down and muster your courage, after which you looked down to gauge distances and, well... given Jen's very generously endowed chest, you could see that those plump, fleshy mountains stuck out quite a considerable distance and if anything, it'd be hard not to land on them.

You loosened your grip on Jen's face and slid down a bit in a similar fashion to one of your favorite videogames characters: Hyperman Incognito, sliding down walls was a key gameplay feature and you often used it for precise platforming though this was one of the few times you tried applying those skills to real life. You only slid down enough to get a better view of the "landscape" below, then you took a deep breath and focused your strength on your legs, jumping off from Jen's face and taking what to you was a massive leap of faith, a free fall straight downwards, closing your eyes out of sheer embarrassment because all you could see otherwise was just one of Jen's monumental boobs growing larger and larger as you got closer.

Thankfully and as expected, you get a soft landing, sinking quite a lot into the incredibly soft and squishy flesh that felt more like an enormous marshmallow, bouncing on its surface several times while both Jen and Cindy giggled cutely. You sighed in relief but without realizing it yourself, to others it looked like you were sniffing Jen's boob, which made her blush yet again and elicited more soft giggling from her though you paid that no mind.

"You know what, there's no rush" She spoke "Feel free to rest if you need to"

"That looked like it was quite the fall" Cindy said, finding the whole thing incredibly cute and imagining that you landed on her own chest rather than Jen's.

You didn't really have that much of a need to rest and in part you didn't want to leave this area so quickly though the longer you stayed the warmer your whole body felt and you couldn't tell if it was from the gentle warmth that it gave off, radiating into you or if it was simply from you getting that flustered. In any case, you couldn't get the feeling out of your mind, it was like standing on squishy dough, maintaining your balance was somewhat difficult but not impossible.

Trying to walk around caused some tremors as Jen felt tickled and there was quite a lot of surface area to cover, her boobs really were the size of mountains. Despite your best attempts you faceplanted on her soft flesh several times, with Cindy and Zuemy joking that maybe you wanted to motorboat her instead, only adding to your embarrassment. Due to the round shape, as you advanced further towards the front, the curvature increased and it became quite a lot harder for you to keep your balance.

'Now that's a fall' You thought, looking down and seeing Jen's thighs and... lap? She was sitting cross-legged. Unlike with her boobs, you weren't so sure you'd stick the landing this time but you sensed some pressure from taking too long with the dare. Thus, you forced yourself to keep going and to do so, you took several steps back and then ran with some difficulty, bouncing off Jen's boob for an even greater jump than before. The 3 girls saw in amazement how Jen's entire breast rippled and jiggled from the force you took impulse with.

This was an even bolder dive than the last and the cold wind chilled your skin as you felt like you were flying downwards, just like a falcon. Even though you weren't that overly fond of extremely high speeds, there was something thrilling about this. Probably the rush of adrenaline in your body, which was most likely in effect since the dare started but you were only consciously noting it now.

You saw the black of Jen's denim pants rapidly approaching but something looked odd, the area didn't look quite like Jen's thigh. However, you didn't get much time to wonder what it was because you smacked face-first right into it.

Jen shuddered and blushed intensely for the first time in a while. Tingly shockwaves traveled up her body and the epicenter was one of her most sensitive spots for you had landed right on the middle of her crotch. She definitely didn't expect that outcome but she wasn't complaining either although she could feel that she was rapidly heating up down there and it was getting moist as well.

"Ugh. Did I get it wrong?" You wondered out loud, laying face-down to give yourself some time to recover, the landing had been soft but not nearly as soft as you anticipated Jen's thigh to be. Soon, you noticed that the temperature was quickly increasing, a surge of warmth coming from below while a certain scent came back. You remember smelling it back in lunchtime but you still had no idea what it was, all you knew is that breathing it in messed you up in strange ways, making your heart beat faster and erratically, as well as raising your own temperature across your whole body. Your breathing accelerated too, further intensifying the effect.

'At this rate he's gonna give Twisted Twat Syndrome to those two' Zuemy thought, giving a subtle smirk while Cindy simply thought it was funny that you landed on Jen's groin by mistake.

"I guess I didn't aim correctly, sorry" You said, struggling to get up, almost feeling as if the scent that surrounded you manifested as numerous ethereal arms that tried to hold you down.

"N-No worries, it's okay!" Jen said, sounding agitated given how intensely she was feeling you down there "Take your time" She added, her voice getting shakier for some reason, which prompted you to scratch your head in wonder.

'Did I actually hurt her? I didn't think a lillie could weigh enough to make a Brob feel pain just by falling on them, weird' You thought and after a few minutes you decided to resume your task. Walking across Jen's body proved even more difficult than when you were on her boobs because Jen kept giggling and causing her body to quake from said giggling. You made a mental note to try and avoid her lap because she's apparently way too ticklish.

Several minutes later, you reached Jen's hip and looked down, figuring that all that was left was to climb down and walk to her enormous jean-clad booty. Gulping hard at the prospect to having to kiss it.

"Wait, let me help you!" Jen said and used one hand to grab her pants by the waist, pulling them down while she shimmied and shifted around on her seat, getting the pants to eventually ride down and over the great curvature her plump cheeks made. To your surprise, she was wearing a bright red thong that wasn't really much better than Lillian's yellow floss-like one. This was also the first time you saw Jen's (largely) unclothed ass, 2 immense but soft looking pale meaty globes, each larger than a mountain.
"Ready!" She said cutely, encouraging you. You took a deep breath and slowly approached, using your hands and legs to hold onto the rough denim surface but knowing you'd eventually have to touch that smooth, jiggly and doughy flesh.

September 13