A change in situation
· original author:
Life returned to you slowly. Blearily, you opened your eyes, blinking as light reached your retinas once again.


How long had you been out for?

You were in bed, but not your bed. The huge, king-sized bed was modeled like an old-fashioned four poster bed, the kind of thing you would've expected to see in Victorian England, and not off-planet far in the future. The rest of the strange bedroom was similarly decorated lavishly- not quite garishly, but still... whoever lived here was either filthy rich, or spending everything they had to try and create the image of living like a king (or queen.)

Whoever owned the bed must've had some seriously luxurious tastes...

Your thoughts focusing a little more, you realized that it was much darker right around you than it was in the rest of the room. In fact... there seemed to be a huge shadow looming over you!

Now feeling more awake (but even more confused), you looked closer at the shadow that had fallen over you.

Instead of one huge shadow, it actually looked more like two huge shadows... wait.

Looking up...

Your eyes widened in surprise! Not even a foot from your head was the single biggest pair of breasts you'd ever seen! They jutted out so far from the woman's otherwise slender torso that the shadow they cast over you covered up most of your field of vision! You couldn't even see this woman's face past her titanic breasts. Seriously, that was how large they were.

The fact that the woman's torso was currently bare except for an enormous lacy-black bra would've been a sight that you would've stared at in awe and joy for hours at, if not for the seriousness of the situation killing your libido. You were finding out the hard way that even with a ludicrously huge set of boobs almost shoved into your face, waking up in a strange place without knowing where your friends were killed any sexy thoughts you might've had.


Now that you thought about it... there was only one woman- no, one android you knew who sported a chest that gigantic.


"Oh? My sensors indicate that you've woken up. Good, I was starting to get bored."

The mighty bosom retracted from your view slightly, not enough that they left your sphere of vision, but enough that you could now see the blonde android looking down at you, an unreadable expression on her face.

Crap... When you'd woken up, you'd hoped that everything had just been a bad dream- Izumi hadn't been kidnapped by that awful woman, you hadn't lost your leg, and you and your girlfriends were back at school just having fun.

But this was real life, and you had to live with the consequences of your actions. You didn't regret them- Hotaru had been rescued, and likely had repaired herself, and the rest of your friends had gone off to mount a rescue attempt on Izumi.

The tradeoff had been that you'd been taken prisoner by this android. She was an unknown- she hadn't been in the game that now existed only faintly in your memory (in fact, you couldn't even remember your past life, where you'd been a boy instead.) Being a girl living in the far future (which was the present to you) just felt natural now, like it had always been your life.

And yet Sonya remained an enigma to you. The little you knew of her... didn't tell you much. And what it did tell you wasn't good.

But the fact that you had apparently been sleeping cozily in a huge, soft, warm bed dressed in... surprisingly comfy pajamas. They were too loose on you, but that was to be expected since they'd clearly been made for Sonya's more curvaceous figure. Well, her figure before her bust-up (whatever was going on with her breasts.)


Had Sonya... dressed you in her own pajamas? Why did an android even have pajamas?

"You look confused."

Damn right you were confused! Looking up at the now-smirking android, she spoke once more, not waiting for you to ask the question on the tip of your tongue.

"Heh. I don't need to hear you open your mouth- I know what you're going to ask. No, you haven't been taken into custody by local law enforcement. You haven't been taken away by Tusk Recycling Corp's 'legal' team, and no, you are not about to be whisked off to prison."

Phew! That was a load off of your mind... but why hadn't you been locked up? Despite your good intentions, your plan to rescue Hotaru had involved you breaking several laws...

"The reason you haven't been taken away to a prison facility is quite simple! This facility is under my jurisdiction! I am the queen here, and this is my kingdom... I mean, my queendom! Which means that I am the one who makes the decisions here! Me, and me alone!" Sonya stated forcefully, her voice rising slightly... though she seemed to be purposefully trying to keep her emotions in check, as despite sounding irritated she didn't get any angrier.

"So... what... what happens to me, then?"

"Oh, that's up to you."

"Then... I'm free to go?" You dared to hope.

"What? Of course not!" Sonya frowned, looking down at you past her hugely-inflated breasts, with the look on her face suggesting that you'd just said something really, really stupid.

"You are absolutely not free to go, girl! What I meant was that depending on your words and actions in the next few minutes, the outcome could change quite drastically!" Sonya huffed, looking a bit frustrated. Could she cut you some slack? This was scary!

But at least she didn't look like she did when she'd had you in her grasp during that fateful confrontation...

Yeesh, you got chills thinking about the murderous look in her eyes...

Sonya, still looking down at you, spoke again.

"What would drive a human to risk life and limb for a robot? I reviewed the security footage at least a dozen times. If your timing had been off by even a second or two, you would've lost your life instead of your leg. Not to mention the sheer idiocy of coming to my facility in the first place! Between your little group of girls, you've each broken over a dozen sector laws! If I'd chosen to mention your friends in my incident report to Tusk Recycling Corporation, regional law enforcement would've stopped them before they even lost the planet! Every one of them would've been expelled and facing serious jail time!"

Oh... that was... that was a lot worse than you'd thought. You'd been prepared to risk a lot for Hotaru- and you didn't regret anything- but hearing the consequences out loud maid your heart sink into your stomach.


Sonya had said 'if she'd chosen;' meaning she hadn't reported your friends. What in the world?

"Hmph. That's another question I can see you're about to ask. I didn't report your friends for a few simple reasons. First- if I'd admitted that it had been a group of people, and not just one individual student causing trouble at my facility, this place would be swarming with inspectors, law-enforcement, security bureau personnel... my reputation would be tarnished! Inside my own kingdom! Ahem, I mean, in my own facility..."

That was an easy enough reason to understand. Sonya had apparently downplayed the incident to her corporate superiors/supervisors to prevent losing control over her facility; a place that she treated like her own kingdom.

"Secondly, with the insurance Tusk Corp has on this facility, I was able to apply for an increased budget and for extra funds to repair damages."

Another simple reason, but one that made sense. Guess even an Android needed money to keep her facility running in top shape.

"Lastly... I did a little research into your friends while you were asleep. You're quite a bunch of recognizable names... And I know where- or should I say 'who' they're going after next? That bimbo Minegasaki just got lucky! She might have some business skills, but to think the likes of her is running the entire Heinlein Industries..." Sonya grumbled, crossing her arms under her enormous breasts.

Seemed like there was bad blood between the two. Or more likely that Sonya just didn't have a good opinion of CEO Yaeko Minegasaki.

You couldn't blame her. You didn't have a good opinion of the cutthroat businesswoman either.

But... why was Sonya interested in what your friends were doing (their rescue plan of Izumi?)

"That oafish woman made news headlines all around the sector with that stunt she pulled at your school. A little bit of background info, Miss Kou, but despite it technically being legal that those of Izumi's species are considered property and not people, it isn't a popular law. I can count no less than a dozen major charities, activist groups, and regional governments that have spoken out against that law."

That made you feel a bit better. Seemed like there were at least a few places in this part of space that believed people like Izumi should have basic rights.

"That's... that's interesting, but why does it matter to you? I mean... what do you gain, knowing where my friends are going? That they're going after Izumi, I mean."
March 23
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