Sonya's grand desire!
· original author:
"Oh, it's quite simple. I want Yaeko's job."


No, seriously! What?!

"Yaeko Minegasaki, despite having earned none of her reputation- is the single most powerful person in the entire sector! Heinlein Industries is the government of the aptly named 'Heinlein Sector' in all but name! She is the queen- no, the empress of this entire sector! And that position should be mine!"

*Jiggle* *Bounce*


You did your absolute best not to point out in front of Sonya that her breasts had just once again vibrated/bounced of there own accord before swelling slightly. Though considering that she was sporting boobs that were each the size of basketballs already, this additional growth was so minute that you could barely see the difference on her ballooned-up boobs.

The gigantic brassiere Sonya wore simply stretched along with her inflating breasts. Now that was some future technology you'd be interested in learning more about...

Shaking your head slightly to clear those thoughts from your mind (they were not what you should be focusing on right now!), you thought about what Sonya had said. You really weren't sure how to respond to her- apparently the domineering blonde android wanted Yaeko's position for herself, but that seemed... impossible.

"So, um... it sounds like me breaking in actually helped you. Does that mean you'll let me go?"

And just like that, you found yourself quailing like a dear in the headlights as Sonya glared at you again.

"No, you stupid girl! I'm making the best of a terrible situation! Convincing my... grr... my superiors at Tusk Corp not to send inspectors out here was a nightmare! And between you and your friends, your stunt cost me over two million credits in damage! Do you have any idea how long you're going to be working for me to pay your debt off?!"

"A... A long, long time?" You whimpered. You should've thought of that sooner! How were you supposed to rescue Izumi if you were stuck working here? What were you even supposed to do? Did Sonya have a job lined up for you, or were you stuck more or less as an indentured servant?!

"YES! A LONG TIME!" Sonya yelled at you, though at least now she seemed less angry and more exasperated.

"I won't even go into how many years you'll be working for me if you were making minimum wage. Suffice to say, it'd be a significant portion of your human life. However! I think both us would benefit more from some... changes to that plan."

You'd accept pretty much anything Sonya offered at this point. You didn't want to be stuck working here for decades.

Even if it was with a galactically-stacked hot blonde.

"What's... what's your offer?"

"It's quite simple. In the short-term... I will hire you on as an official employee of Tusk Recycling Corp! I've been needing a personal assistant anyway. In the long-term... You help me take my rightful position as queen of the world! Ahem... I mean, as the CEO of Heinlein Industries.

Well, easier said then done. You had zero ideas for how to pull off such a feat.

"Not to worry, Miss Kou, I'll take care of the heavy lifting... I'll just need your involvement at a few key times.


"What, did I say something funny?!" Sonya glared, looking a little pissed off that you'd seemingly laughed at her right to her face.

"N-No... sorry, it's just... Hee hee... You said... heavy lifting..." You couldn't help but giggle, pointing with one hand at the enormous and very heavy load that Sonya was already lifting. Well, that her bra was lifting, but still.

Sonya looked down, sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, that was a joke? You humans can be so strange sometimes... Though I suppose sometimes humor can be beneficial. You seem to be regaining some of the fire I saw in you earlier. I still haven't forgotten that your original goal was to rescue your... 'girlfriend' from this facility. A girlfriend who was a robot. I hope I can expect the same level of loyalty from you that you showed that defective Hotaru bot."

You couldn't help but blush hotly at those words. Had... Had Sonya just--

Sonya realized the slip of her tongue too, seconds after saying what she'd just said.

Now you were treated with the sight of the android's cheeks turning pink- not nearly as red as your own face was, but still, Sonya was unmistakably embarrassed at her slip up.

"N-Not like that, you stupid human! I mean I just want a human I can count on to help me out! Do you know how rare it is to meet humans who treat robots like people?! And as an android, someone who is superior to a robot like Hotaru, I am hoping that you won't treat me like some common mindless garbage-duty bot!"

Okay, that... that made more sense.

Despite the situation you found yourself in, the thought of an insanely beautiful, buxom woman like Sonya asking you to be her girlfriend had just about stopped your heart.

"Hmph... moving on. As my personal assistant, you'll be at my side helping me with all manner of tasks. Worry not, I'll be sure to provide adequate training and guidance for you."

That was... surprisingly helpful of Sonya. Up till now you'd been terrified that you'd be treated as a slave by her.

"What? Why do you look so surprised? This is my facility! I want to make sure that my facility is running as best it can, and I can't achieve that if I just send you off unprepared into potentially dangerous tasks."

You still couldn't wipe the surprised look off of your face, instead continuing to stare at Sonya with wide eyes.

Sonya's face actually... softened slightly, her frown fading away as her face took on a more neutral look. It was the closest to her looking happy that you'd seen so far, and... she looked really pretty. The fact that she was only wearing her underwear (as far as you could tell) made her even more beautiful!

"Oh, for crying out loud. I'm not a monster! You and your friend invaded my facility and caused millions of credits worth of damage! It was my job to defend the facility! If someone broke into your home and started trying to destroy everything, wouldn't you try and stop them?!"

That... that actually made a ton of sense. Sonya wasn't a villain, or at least, not an evil one. Sure, she might've had some... odd personality quirks and been, well... really vain and arrogant, but she didn't seem like an evil person. Not like Yaeko was.

She'd been within her rights to defend herself and her property. You would've been pretty fucking pissed off too if someone had come into your home under the guise of being a friend only to turn around and start wrecking your place.

Sonya let out a lengthy sigh, an action which set her titanic chest wobbling and jiggling within her bra. Despite the seriousness of the situation, you couldn't help but glance at them.

"Look, I'm not happy that you and your friends caused so much damage. But it doesn't serve me any purpose to torment you for no reason. Instead of punishing you further, I'd rather spend that time and energy repairing my facility and trying to make up for all the credits lost. So... to use an old human phrase, I'm offering you an olive branch. Work for me as my personal assistant, and once enough time has passed, I won't hold the property damage, financial debt, and broken laws over you and your friends' heads."

This was probably the best deal you could've gotten. Sonya could've very well had you imprisoned or worse- you were a criminal causing trouble in her kingdom- but instead she was offering you a way out, and not just that, but one that would help your friends out too! You'd just have to resign yourself to this being your future for now. You had no idea how long until Sonya was satisfied, but it was infinitely better than being an indentured servant working off yours and your friends debt.

"Okay... I'll accept your offer. I'll be your personal assistant."

The ghost of a smile formed on Sonya's face, so faint that it didn't look like much more than a faint quirk to her lips.

"Good. I think, in the long run, we'll both benefit from this. And... well, it isn't hard to see what your 'tastes' are, human. I think you'll enjoy working for me..."

And at that, Sonya actually bent down over her bed where you were lying, letting her mind-blowingly huge breasts dangle down in the confines of her giant bra, nearly brushing your face!

The heat coming off of your beet-red face was enough that Sonya could feel your blush!

'Heh. Thought so. She'll be an easy human to control, being so obvious about her desires!' Sonya couldn't help but admit to herself that she preferred this Shujiko Kou over many of the humans she'd met in the past. For one thing, she was honest. She was upfront. Sonya wanted an assistant like that- someone who was genuine.

1) Sonya leaves, letting you rest in her bed more. She'll have work for you in the morning (that you can do with only one leg)
2) Sonya yanks the sheets off of you! She wants you to get out of bed and help her out right now! Wait... what's this? Your leg is back?!
3) Sonya... gets in bed with you?!
March 23
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