Panic in the Classroom
· original author:
Hanako was exhibiting a thousand-mile stare and she wasn't snapping out of it. Those teary, amethyst eyes stared right at you, or more accurately right through you.

"Hanako?" You call out before coughing. Your throat was burning, likely due to the acidic fumes you had been exposed to.

"Ikezawa, are you OK?" Misha asks from somewhere behind Shizune. "Everything's going to be alright, Nick is safe and were going to take you guys back to your rooms." She appears beside you and gives Hanako a light shake. Hanako however remains inactive. "Oh no, we really did it this time," Misha sighs. She signs something to Shizune.

A few moments later, Shizune takes one of Hanako's hands and pries open her fingers. Before you could ask Misha what they were doing, you found yourself being dumped into Hanako's tense palm. As soon Shizune lets her go, Hanako snaps her hand back to her chest and her fingers close around you. You were startled by the sudden darkness but fortunately, her grip wasn't crushing you. You could feel her body trembling. Her breathing was shallow and her heartbeat was elevated. A film of cool sweat glazed her soft hand.

"Are you OK in there Nicchan?" You hear from the outside world.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," You reply, hoping that your words won't be too muffled. "Just give us a few minutes."

You felt a the grip around you tighten a bit as Hanako gave you a small squeeze. You couldn't move much, but you didn't feel unsafe in her warm embrace. You just stayed there with this giant, scared girl as she seemed to gradually calm down. Soon enough, her fingers pealed away and the classroom was again visible. You looked up and saw that Hanako was looking right at you and her expression had finally changed. It still wasn't a happy face, but it was better than the hopeless look she had before.

From behind you hear a familiar voice. "Let me help you up Ikezawa. I'll escort you two back to your rooms. Shicchan is going to stay behind and clean up." Misha holds out her hand for Hanako to grab, but she doesn't move.

"Let's go Hanako," You say trying to sound supportive. "I think we've all had enough for one day."

A slight nod, so slight that it was probably only visible to someone your size, was the only reaction you got. She slowly reached for Misha's hand and rose from the ground.

"Umm... who's room should we go to first? Nicchan?"
February 17