She Really is Shy
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Without warning, your giant classmate takes off down the hallway. "Hey!" You shout after her. "Don't leave me here! Please!" You don't know if she heard you but after another second she is gone. You sigh and wonder what went wrong. At least you didn't have to worry about getting stepped on up here. You look around the table and find it completely barren. The seats are wood and about a full foot below you, the floor another few feet below that. You then realized your new predicament. You were now stranded on the table. If the floor was carpet or there was something soft to fall on you could jump off but if you fell that far at your current size onto something hard, you'd probably break a leg, or worse. You cursed your luck and try to replay the conversation over in your head.

It's hard to say how long you were there but the light coming in from the windows was diffidently setting. A few students walk through the hall but they are to engrossed in their own conversations to notice your tiny pleas for help. You start to run out of hope. You were getting hungry and tired. With nothing better to do, You lie down on the hard table and try to rest.


You hear a soft, almost angelic voice call out your name.

"N-Nick, a-are you ok?"

You hear the voice again. Someone was talking to you. You pick yourself up and open your eyes to see your dark-haired classmate again. "You came back?" You ask, still a bit out of it.

She nods sheepishly.

You rub your eyes and look around.
February 17
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