The Inner Workings of the Student Council
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As you reached out to get the last of the junk stuck in her teeth, there was an unexpected shift in gravity. The slick tongue you were standing on went completely vertical and you plummeted towards Shizune's dark throat. Before you could even react, you collided with her uvula and triggered a reflexive swallow. You tried to grab hold of something to stop your decent, anything at all, but there was nothing in reach other than frictionless wet flesh. You tried to cry out, but the clamping of the throat muscles smashed the air out of your lungs before you could utter a peep. You had one last look at the outside world before you were completely engulfed by the esophagus. The florescent lights of the classroom shinned in, framed by a gasping jaw.

The pressing of peristalsis was an unreal experience. The kneading of the slimy, warm, supple flesh made it hard to tell where your body ended and Shizune's began. You could hear the whooshing of her lungs above you, the squirming of the bowels below, and the pounding of her heart right next to you. The incredible thumping seemed like it was speeding up. You had more important things to worry about than her heart rate though as you soon felt the pressure release from your legs. You fell a short distance into a pool of sickly brown liquid. The pool had a strange current in it that seemed to be pushing in every direction. You couldn't see, but you could feel tiny bits of what must be food swirling around in the soupy mixture. When you finally broke the surface to get some much needed air, your nose was stabbed with a horrid stench. Seeing as you were swimming in vomit, you shouldn't have been surprised that it smelled like it too. As you tried to stay above the surface while gagging, you realized that your skin was feeling itchy. Digestion. Was it really kicking in so quickly? You didn't have the luxury of sitting around in your classmate's stomach all day. You had to get out NOW! You strained your lungs to take in enough of the caustic air to scream out, "HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" If you weren't in such a panic, or at least been at school for longer than a day, you might have remembered that your plea was falling on ears that were actually deaf. You tried to swim to the stomach walls so that you could pound on them and get out of the acid. At your size however you were no match for the randomly churning waves. It took everything you had just to stay floating so you were at the total mercy of the human digestive process. You weren't the new transfer student here, just another scrap of meat.
February 17
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