"preforming a service for the council."
· original author:
"What do you mean by 'service'?" You ask wearily.

"Well..." The pink haired one starts as the blue haired one signs, "your student council has been hard at work preparing for the school festival. Some students have not been the most cooperative in getting their work done or helping out their class." The blue haired girl glares at Hanako at this point, causing her to look away. "As such, we have been forced to neglect ourselves in order to make sure that the festival is a success. If we are going to still provide services for our fellow students such as running the lost and found during this trying time, we are going to make sure those who utilize them are giving back to the school by aiding the student council."

"So what, you want us to help with the paperwork? Run an errand or something?" You ask, sincerely hoping that they weren't going to try to take advantage of your size for their own twisted desires.

"Kind of you to offer Nicchan but no," She continues. "We were actually just wrapping up for the night and heading back to the dorms when we discovered you two. However, we are stressed and exhausted from our work and the building pressure of getting everything ready. You can best help your school but helping us keep in tip-top shape."

"Great, so you want me to pamper you," You groan.

"Nicchan please. This isn't going to be anything so lavish. Shicchan and I have been running ourselves ragged. We haven't had anything to eat all day except for junk and we're going to go straight to bed once we get home. You're just going to do one little thing for us so that we can keep going. We're practically relying on you Nicchan!"

What a load. Hanako was right to warn you, they probably try to get away with as much as they can in the name of the greater good. Unfortunately you were not in much of a position to argue. "Don't you think I might be better able to help you if I was normal sized?" You query hoping to appeal to logic.

"Tsk tsk, we can't just give you our only leverage Nicchan. You might try to weasel out of our agreement if we give you the chance. Sorry, but we don't know what kind of person you are yet Nicchan. Don't worry about your condition though, we'll give you something easy."

So much for that. They diffidently wanted to play with you in your present form, something you were woefully familiar with. With no other options, you had to relent. "Fine, what do I need to do?"

They begin another silent conversation. You could only look on as their smiles grew larger as figured out what they could do with you. The silence is broken by another "Wahaha~" They turn to face you, "All right Nicchan. Shicchan says to get your bag back you have to..."
February 17
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