Surviving Your First Day of School
· original author:
As much as Hanako looked like she needed to lie down, you were tried of being bug-sized and in danger of everything. Plus, seeing you returned to your normal height might help put her at ease. You gave Misha directions and slowly made your way to the boys' dorms. Hanako silently cradled you in her hands the entire way. Misha fished your key out of the bag and opened your door. Your room was very plain, most of your things were still in boxes and you hadn't had any time to decorate. Your medicine was right on your nightstand, you really had no excuse for forgetting it. Misha opened it for you, got a drop on her finger, and let you lick it off. The medicine was fast acting and withing moments, your body began to tingle and expand. You tumbled out of Hanako's hands as your weight quickly became too much for her to handle. You picked yourself up and thankfully found yourself a few inches taller than your classmates. Misha was in awe of what she just witnessed while Hanako's face was still blank.

"Hanako..." You say softly trying to get her attention. "We did it. I'm back to normal. I'm safe now." You reached out to put a hand on her shoulder when she suddenly leaned into you. Her now tiny hands clung to your shirt and your face was buried in her hair. She smelled lovely. As you moved to put your arms around her, she suddenly jumped back and clutched her face. "Hanako?"

Misha, trying her best to stifle her laughter spoke up, "Nicchan, I'm glad you are better and I'm sure you're tired, but you should really consider taking a shower. You stink, really bad."

Inspecting yourself you finally noticed that your white uniform shirt had been dyed a sickly brown color. Everything you were wearing was going to have to go straight into the trash, even your shoes.

"Come on Ikezawa, let's leave Nicchan alone for now. I'll take you to your room OK?" Misha puts her hand on Hanako and started leading her to the door.

"I'll take to you in class tomorrow, OK Hanako?" You call out before they go. She looks back at you for a moment. She looked tired, but better than she did before. She didn't give you and answer, or at least not one you could hear. As soon as they were out of sight, you grabbed your soap and spent a good bit of time in the shower. You didn't want to think about how many bacteria you had been swimming with today but you scrubbed until the bar was unusable. With that you put your medicine in your bag and crashed for the night.

You didn't sleep very well that night as nightmares plagued your dreams. Shadows towering over you, hunting you. They would catch and devour you before doing it all over again. Your screams made them laugh and they would taunt you and your powerlessness. Perhaps today's experience had effected you more deeply than you first though. Eventually, your alarm saved you from the terrors and you woke up coated in sweat. You collected your thoughts and reluctantly got your things together to go to class. It was fortunate you didn't have any homework due yet as you were not up for doing anything mentally strenuous. You forced down some breakfast in the cafeteria but you felt extremely uneasy the entire time. For some reason, you couldn't look at any of the fellow students while they were eating. You could barely even look at your food. You left before you began to feel too sick and flopped down at your desk, remembering which floor it was on this time. You watched your classmates gradually file in. Does Hanako show up for class this morning?
February 17