Entering the Lion's Den
· original author:
You supposed that made sense, student councils served the students and keeping lost and forgotten items safe seemed like a respectable duty. The look on your new friend's face however was one of worry. Was she perhaps a delinquent? From what this skittish lady has shown you so far though the seemed unlikely.

"I don't suppose you could show me to the student council room is?" You ask.

She jumps a little as if you woke her from deep though. Even after that she doesn't respond right away. "O-okay," She finally says, a note of discomfort in her voice.

Before you can ask why she seems so bothered, your view is blocked out by her other hand. Your world went dark and you felt your carrier began moving again. After a short walk, she moved her hand and allowed you to see that you were at your requested destination.

"Umm..." A quiet voice whispers behind you. Turning around you find that you had been brought up to her breasts. Her face was quite close and she was speaking very softly. "The s-student council... can be difficult to work with. The president... likes to u-used people in t-the name of 'helping the school as a whole'. She also... umm... doesn't like m-my f-friend."

She looked scared but you could hardly do this on your own. "I want you to know that I really appreciate this Miss..."

"H-Hanako!" She quickly interjects. "Y-you can call me Hanako, Nick." She blushes and looks away.

The intimate moment between the two of you is interrupted by the sound of the door in front of you opening. Hanako lets out a gasp and quickly covers you back up.

"Ikezawa?" A booming, somewhat familiar voice cries out. "What are you doing here?"

"Umm... I... ummm," Was all Hanako could reply with.

"Don't tell me that Satou sent you here on business she couldn't be bothered with. Boy Shicchan that's not very hospitable. Ikezawa is still our classmate. Come on in!"

A sudden jerking motion tells you that Hanako was just yanked into the room and from this person's odd way of speaking, it sounded like someone else was there too.

"Now *Clap* to what do we owe this surprising, late visit to the student council to Ikezawa?" the loud voice continued.

You could tell that Hanako was nervous as you could feel her hand shaking beneath you. After some stammering, she finally got out, "I... need to get... a b-bag from... l-lost and found." She was so quiet compared to this new girl that you could barely hear her.

"A forgotten bag? Well we did find a bag in our classroom today but it belongs to that new kid, right Shicchan?"

"T-that's the one... that I need."

"Shicchan says that lost items can only be picked up by the person who they belong to. Trying to find out things about the new boy? Looking for an edge so you can win his heart? WAHAHA~"

You were taken off guard by the roaring laugh . Even if you weren't tiny it seemed like it would rattle your bones. It was then you remembered the voice. It belonged to one of your classmates, the one with the pink drill hair. You didn't speak with her but you could her from across the classroom and her choice of hairstyle was certainly eye-catching.

"You're not missing much anyway. All that was in there was some textbooks and a set of keys. Shicchan wants to know what you are hiding there, and now I'm curious too."

Crap, now they were suspicious. "I-i-it's... I-I-I..." Hanako wasn't handling this interrogation very well. Knowing this was only going to get worse if it went on, you tried to make your presence known.

"Hanako!" You shout out in hopes that she can hear you. "It's okay, you can show them." The trembling stops and after a moment, the hand carefully shielding you began to move.

The room lights were eclipsed by the massive head of the pink haired girl. She looked closely at you as she tried to figure out what you were. "Is that... what on Earth?" She was understandably perplexed by what she was seeing.

Before you could introduce yourself, a hand shot out from behind the side and snatched you up. "H-hey!" Hanako cries out. "P-please be gentle with him."

The hand brought you to a gigantic set of spectacles. Behind the glasses was a pair of piercing blue eyes that looked at you intensely. You were quite startled by the sudden grabbing and you began to struggle out of reflex. A look of surprise slowly replaces the stern gaze and she begins moving her free hand in a strange way.

"What is going on Ikezawa?" The pink girl asks Hanako.

"That's um... This is Nick, the new boy. His... condition causes him to shrink."

The girls both look closely at you, the blue haired one poking at you.

"Hey, cut it out!" You shout. She doesn't react immediately, but you see the pink one flashing several hand signs before your captor stopped prodding you. "Would you mind giving me back to Hanako?" You continue. More hand signs are exchanged before a pout appears on the blue haired girl's lips. Reluctantly, she turns to Hanako and places you back in her palm. Hanako on the other hand looked relieved. She cupped her hand and pulled you closer to her chest.

"He... w-we need his bag so he can take his medicine. I-it helps him... be normal." Hanako states, trying to steer the focus back on the reason you came here.

While Hanako was talking, the pink haired girl's hands were a flurry of motion. When she finished speaking, the two girls continued moving their hands with great speed and precision, sign language maybe? After what might have been a heated discussion, they turn to you and Hanako. "Forgetting your medicine is serious Nicchan," The pink one says while signing. "This school is a supportive environment for those who need it but you are still responsible for your own well-being. Because of this, the student council does not return items entered into the lost and found so easily." They both are sporting mischievous smiles. "You need to earn your misplaced items and you can do that by..."
February 17
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