The Human Floss
· original author:
"What?!" Was the only thing you could manage to say to the bizarre request. You had suspected they would try to take advantage of your unique characteristic for this task, but you didn't expect something so bold. "You are out of your damn mind if you think I'm going to let you put me in your mouth! I'm not going to get eaten today thank you."

"Wahaha~ Nicchan, please don't be so dramatic. We care very deeply about the well being of our fellow students. The last thing we want to to hurt you, let alone kill you. Shicchan says that she has some food stuck in her teeth and she just can't get it out by herself. You know how popcorn is right, it gets in there and sometimes you can't even brush it out for days? Well she had a bag earlier and she still has some stubborn kernels that are wedging into her gums. How can you expect her to get everything ready for the festival if she has to endure this constant irritation? She's just going to pop you in, let you work, let you out, and then you can take a quick look at mine!" Pink punctuates this by flashing you a big, toothy grin. You look over at Blue and she appears significantly more curious than in pain.

Then you look back up at Hanako, though you weren't really sure what she could do to help at this point. You met her big, purple eyes as she was already looking right at you. This time though, she didn't look away, allowing you to see her face. Her scarring was quite extensive and went down to her neck. It probably didn't stop there if her hand was any indication. You wondered how long she had had it, if she had ever been made fun of or taken advantage of because of her condition. You let out a sigh and looked back at the student council. Before you could tell them to get it over with, you heard a tiny voice from behind.

"L-let m-me do it."

You all looked to Hanako, causing her to flinch at suddenly becoming the center of attention.

"It's dangerous... to make Nick do this. Please Misha, ask Shizune if she will let me help in his place!"

"Hanako..." Was all you could really say. You were touched that this girl that you barely know, with noticeable social anxiety, would stand up for you like this. The student council also seemed shocked by this interjection and begin conversing again.

"Whaaaat?! Come on, that's not fair Shicchan," Misha wines. A stern look and some more hand movements seem to indicate that Misha didn't like Shizune's decision. After another moment, they turn back to you. "Shicchan agrees to let you two split the work. This way it will get done faster. Ikezawa will do me..." Misha pouts.

Meaning that Shizune will get you all to herself. You were glad that Shizune at least lightened your workload but it also made it clear that you weren't going to talk your way out of this. "Fine, you win. Let's get this over with." Hanako looks worried but you try to put on a brave face and flash her a reassuring smile. She gulps, nods, and moves over to Shizune.

Shizune plucks you from Hanako's hand and looks at you like a cat that cornered a mouse. She didn't waste much time before showing you where you were going. Her lips parted silently and the temperature began to rise as a warm, humid wind rolled out. Her teeth were quite white and straight. While she doesn't have to worry about people seeing them very often with her not talking, she certainly seemed to take good care of her chompers. As she brought you closer you felt more and more intimidated. It was very unlikely that they would hurt you, at least on purpose, but there was something unnerving about being at the mercy of another's body. You passed through the threshold and dropped a short distance to the tongue where you promptly fell on your face. The soft impact didn't hurt but if felt super gross and wet. You pushed against the wiggling muscle as you tried to stand but only succeeded in tumbling over. You had almost forgotten what it was like to be completely covered in a near stranger's saliva.

Wahaha~ looks like fun in there."

You look back and see a big, golden eye looking down at you framed by a set of smiling lips. Looks like Misha was enjoying your slapstick moment and Shizune could feel you moving around.

"C-come on, leave him alone," You hear Hanako say from somewhere you couldn't see. You then see Misha move away as Hanako stepped in between them. You couldn't see her face, but you could see her long, dark hair. She probably didn't want to see you like this and you were a bit glad she didn't.

With the peanut gallery distracted, you scanned the interior of your student council president. Her breath was pretty stale and ripe with the scent of assorted junk foods. The salty air burned your eyes a bit but you managed to endure it. You could in fact see some bits of popcorn kernels wedged in between several of her teeth. Eager to get out as fast a possible, you made your way around and struggled to remove the leftover food. Each piece was about half as big as you, but with your tiny fingers you were able to get a good grip on them. Eventually, you manage to yank out all of the bits that you could see.

"Hey! I think I'm done in here. Get me out of here!" You shout out to your host. No response other than your own echo, the rushing of her lungs, and the not so far off rumbling of her belly. "HEY!" You call out louder. Still no reaction, not even a tormenting laugh. Wait... was she deaf? That would explain the hand signs and the fact that she had yet to say a word to you. You could wait for Misha to check on you, but you were sick of soaking in your classmate's spit. You grab one of the kernels you removed and poke a pointy bit into her tongue, hoping to at least get her attention.

You do get a reaction this time, but not the one you were expecting. Her tongue begins to move lower, squishing down as far as it could go. The sudden terrain shift caused you to slide to the lowest part in the middle. A finger came in but not to give you a lift. The digit went to the back side and pointed out one piece that you missed. You groan and climb up the slimy flesh to get the spot you missed.
February 17
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