Ejected From the Student Council
· original author:
The stomach seemed to be kicking into high gear as the waves appeared to get bigger. A wad of indeterminable food smashed into you and forced you under. Was this the end? The foul juices stun your eyes so you forced them shut tight. The movement and noise around you continued to intensify and you realized that resisting was pointless. With no other option, you held your breath and waited for whatever was going to happen. What you felt next was not your life slipping away, or even your flesh being ripped from your bones, but a hard impact on a cool surface. What's more, you no longer felt the pushing and pulling of the stomach walls. Hell, you weren't even floating anymore. Confused, you wiped the slime from your eyes so you could see.

"Is that him?" A loud, familiar voice says.

You open your eyes to see the giant figures of your student council looking down at you. Before you can muster the energy for a response, Shizune reaches down and scoops you up from the puddle of vomit on the floor.

"Oh my God it is! Oh God Nick I'm so sorry!" Misha cries out. She sounded like she was fighting back tears. Shizune looked down at you with a hard to read expression. It was like a mix of shock, discomfort, stress, and relief. She brought you in closer to her chest as she reached for something.

"I... I'm ok," You say weakly.

Shizune lightly drapes a handkerchief next to you, giving you an opportunity to wipe her sick off. You gladly take her offer and begin rubbing the corner of the cloth all over your body.

"It all happened so fast," Misha continues. "I coughed and startled Ikezawa which made her jump back into Shicchan and knocked her over and she swallowed and... and... oh Nicchan!" Misha couldn't stop a few tears from coming out, she was too worked up.

It looks like the brush with death was an accident seeing how upset they were and the fact that they got you out. Shizune bent over you a bit more, a small smile creeping over her face.

"Ikezawa, he's ok. We got him out alright," Misha says to someone behind you. She tapped Shizune on the shoulder and signs something to her. Shizune turns around and you see Hanako.

She didn't look good. Hanako was sitting against the wall, curled up in a fetal-like position. She didn't seem to be responding. Shizune walks over to her and holds you out for her to see. What little bit of her face you could see behind her hair had a look that reminded you of sheer terror. "Hanako," You call out to her. Her visible eye looks down at you. "I'm ok I'm going to be ok." You give her a tired smile and use a strained, reassuring voice.
February 17