Making Progress
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"Well I'm glad you came back," You say trying to lighten the mood a bit, "I could really use a hand getting back to my room. That's where I left my medicine."

"O-ok," she replies. She seems to have calmed down a bit. "Do you live in the b-boy's dorm?"

"Yeah, but I forgot my key in my bag back in the classroom," You confess. "We'll need to head there first."

"Ok. It's just up another floor," She tells you, clearly not fully realizing that you were going to need help getting there.

"I'm sorry but, would you mind giving me a lift?" You ask carefully, unsure if this might cause her to bolt off again.

Your fears were partially right as she diffidently reacted as though you had just asked something very shocking. She clutches her hands and starts staring a hole into the floor. "Um... mmmm...... sure. Of course. Sorry." She looked like she was going to pass out. Maybe she was afraid of physical contact, or boys. She slowly reached out her hand to you much like when she got you off of the floor. This time though she used her left hand. There was no visible scaring on this hand, not that you cared which hand she used.

With you in tow, she began walking towards the staircase. Her movements were slow and deliberate, likely due to her nervousness. You didn't mind at all though, as her slow movements made the trip much easier on you. It might not be fast for a normal sized person but when you got this small, relativity made a simple stroll feel like you were on top of a speeding car. She was holding you close to her stomach. You could hear it churning away like mad, again likely due to her nervousness. Her face was blocked by her modest breasts. They bounced slightly as she stepped up the stairs. You blush and are glad that she can't see you right now. It had been a while since you were this close to a girl your age, and she was pretty cute past the scars and excessive shyness. Before long you were at your classroom. She opens the door and moves to your desk. You see that you bag is...
February 17
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