In the Hand of a Huge Hanako
· original author:
A deafening crash of rubber on tile rings out and you feel a wave of air rush over you as the giant foot lands right where you were standing before. Your heart was pounding from the near-death experience. Over your heavy breathing you heard a high-pitched gasp from above. You looked up to see a big, purple eye looking right at you. You picked yourself up and called out to the giantess, "Hey! Down here!" Her eye twitched in surprise, a look you had seen a few times before when people found you. She bent down closer, giving you a look up her skirt. You snap out of your gaze as you notice that she stuck out her hand for you to climb onto. You step up to her finger and notice something different. There was a large amount of scarring on the side of her hand. You finish pulling yourself up and crawl into her palm so she doesn't drop you. Gravity pressed you into her soft skin as she raised you up to her face, something that always happened when strangers handled you. She brought you very close to her face as she was still trying to figure out what you were. From here you could see her entire face like a movie screen, including what was behind her hair. The entire right third of her face was covered with scar tissue and it looked like it ran down further. You can't help but feel a little creeped out by the sight, especially this close up. Fortunately you seem to be too small for her to see the look on your face. You decide that you'd best try to make friends with your classmate now that your life was literally in her hands. "Hi," You call out as friendly as you can.

"Y-you're the n-new boy, aren't you?" She stammers, almost not believing the words coming out of her mouth.

"Yeah, that's me. I'm Nick," You introduce yourself to her.

"I-I know. I'm i-in your class," She replies meekly. Suddenly she moves her hand away from her face and lets out a sharp gasp. Crap, did she see you looking somewhere you shouldn't have been? She looks around franticly before moving to a table on the side of the hallway. She turns her hand at an angle and begins shaking a bit. The unexpected motion causes you to tumble off her hand and onto the hard surface. It takes you a moment to pick yourself back up as you try to figure out what happened. You see that she was still looking at you but from an arms length away. Guess she really is shy. "Sorry. What... what h-happened to you?"

You didn't like talking about your condition, but you couldn't really avoid it when people bore witness to it. "Well I sorta... I guess you could say that this is the reason I'm here at Yamaku. I shrink."

She looks on at you, her visible eye so bright that you could see your own reflection. "You... shrink?" She parrots.

"Yeah," You sigh frustrated. "I forgot to take my medication and I had an episode in class. Sometimes I just lose a few inches. Sometimes it's... this." You throw up your hands to accentuate your point. "I'm glad you spotted me before I got stepped on by someone."

"S-stepped on?" She repeats in a scared voice. An unhappy look appears on her face.

"Yeah, can you take me back to the classroom, I could really use a hand," You ask. This girl seemed nice so you figured she was sure to help you.

"I..." She stammers, clearly conflicted by something. "I..."
February 17
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