You've Got to Pay Better Attention
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The twinges swell within your body again and you feel your vision blur. You have to put down your bag and rub you eyes to relieve the sensation. When your sight returns you are surprised to see that you had yet to shrink any more. The sensation seemed to pass and you tried to relax a little. You were now fighting a bit of a headache and the sound of your schoolmates bumping around in the hallway seemed like it would make you feel worse. You decided to sit for a moment and collect yourself before heading out. As you stood up to leave you noticed that everyone had already left, except for the dark-haired girl you noticed before. She was looking down at her desk but there was nothing on it. Her face looked a bit red and she had a nervous expression on her face. She looked up at you as you walked to the door but quickly looked back down when she caught your eyes. She seemed really shy, but you couldn't help but think she was kinda cute. You felt the twinge again suddenly and it made you stop mid step in the doorway. You realized that you likely didn't have much time left so you began to book it back to your room.

It wasn't until you made it outside that you noticed that you forgot to take your bag with you, the bag that you had you new room key in. You wanted to kick yourself at your absentmindedness. You were so focused on getting back to your pills that you neglected to make sure that you could even get into your room. You turned around and began running back up the stairs. You felt the twinge again, even stronger this time. You tried to resist at you continued to climb the stairs. You staggered down the hallway looking for the 3-3 class sign. You saw 2-3, then 2-2, and then you realized your error. You got off of the stairs too soon and only got up to the second floor. It was too late now. You felt severe nausea as you began shrinking rapidly. By the time it stopped you were the size of a bug. You cursed you luck and your own stupidity. If you had managed to avoid any one of your errors you might have gotten your medication, or at least your phone to call for help. Stupid pocketless uniforms. Now you were stuck on the second floor of a strange new school. There was no way you could climb up to your bag and it would take forever to get to your room.

Before you could figure out what to do, you heard what sounded like footsteps. The rhythm wasn't consistent with someone walking but it did sound like shoe on floor. You looked towards the noise and saw the dark-haired girl from your class, only now she was a hundred times bigger. She was walking very strangely, was that her issue? She was looking intently at the ground, more hopping than walking. You didn't really want to share your condition with people, if you had your pills at all times you might have been able to finish the year without incident. Given the situation though she was your best chance for getting back to normal. She was getting closer and you began waving and calling out to her. You see her look towards you, and then you saw her foot heading right for you. Terrified, you tried to scramble back to safety.

February 17
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