Misha suddenly leaves, and is clearly upset…
· original author:
In that moment, it felt like you and Shizune were the only people on that roof. What you wouldn’t give for that to be true… but a reminder that you weren’t alone came in the sudden exit of Misha; her sneakers scuffing against the gravelly rooftop as she stood up and quickly walked away without a word. Shizune looked over her shoulder - noticing your attention was diverted - just in time to see her friend disappear though the door. Her shoulders dropped. She looked back at you, sullen. You couldn’t help but feel guilty.

Before you turned up, it was Misha and Shizune. You’d never seen a friendship like it; the way they communicated, the mutual respect despite their obvious differences… and then you had to go and ruin the dynamic. It’s not like it was wrong of you two to have feelings for each other, but it can’t be easy for Misha who probably feels more and more like the third wheel as you’ve grown closer.

“[Should we go after her?]” you asked.

Shizune thought for a moment, then nodded. She stood up and carried you to the girls’ dorm.

You both stood before Misha’s closed door. Well, Shizune did. You stood on her hand. She gave the door several reserved and characteristically efficient knocks, but no response came.

“Misha, it’s us! You left in a hurry, we just wanted to check you were okay!” You shouted through the door. “Can you let us in..? Please?” Still no response. It was then an idea entered your mind. One that seemed invasive but, given the circumstances, you felt appropriate. You turned to face Shizune who wore a look of concern that didn’t suit her.

“[I might be able to get under the door.]” You signed to Shizune. She set you down on the floor, freeing her hands to respond.

“[Be careful. I’ll wait here.]” you were surprised that she was agreeing to this. Maybe her concern for Misha outweighed her concern for you, or maybe she just trusted you not to get stepped on. Either way, you crawled on your belly and shuffled under Misha’s door, entering her room.

It wasn’t much different from the last time you were here - same surprisingly tidy bedroom, the only noticeable difference was the cork board on the wall which was adorned with a collage of photos taken over the past few months. Most were taken at your student council meetings, but there were a couple from The Shanghai and some of you three in town just enjoying the day together. It was clear that the council - her friends - were incredibly special to her.

You spotted Misha sitting on her bed, her shoes idly discarded nearby. You approached her foot and gave it a few taps.

“Oh, hey Recruit.” She sounded surprised, but not angry at your sneaking in here. You figured this was a good start. Her eyes were red and puffy, and from the way she sniffed, it was clear she’d been crying.

“Hey.” You said, “We were worried about you. Is everything okay..?” You absently stroked her big toe, but stopped when you realised that was probably a little weird.

“I’m fine.” Her voice cracked a little, “I just didn’t want to spoil your moment. You’re both so great together, and I’m really happy for you.” Her lip quivered as she rubbed her eyes.

“…can I join you up there?”

Misha nodded and let you climb aboard her waiting palm. She hoisted you up like you were on an elevator with no walls, and you found yourself wrapping your arms around her pinky for balance. You were expecting to be let off at the bed, but you noticed you continued to travel upwards until you were level with her face. Or more specifically, her lips.

“Do you like me, Anon?” She brought you closer, until you were close enough that you could touch her lips by simply reaching out.

“Of course I do. Why would I cram myself under a door if I didn’t like you?”

Her lips turned into a smile. It was nice to see her smiling again, even if the rest of her face was too large and too close to see in its entirety. You were about to elaborate, to invite her back up to the roof to spend the rest of the night together, as friends. But before you could open your mouth, her lips changed once again into a pout and you found yourself suddenly being pressed into them. You tried to protest, to ask her to stop, or wriggle yourself free, but her lips had you completely pinned down. You held your breath and closed your eyes, wondering what you were going to say when she finally stopped.

But then, did you even want her to stop? It was hard to deny she was a beautiful girl. Her pink hair and outward personality certainly grabbed your attention the moment you stepped into class on your first day at Yamaku. You just assumed that a girl like her would never be into a guy like you. You wondered if you’d even be with Shizune if Misha confessed to liking you first… sure, you and Shizune have grown closer these last few months, but Misha didn’t grow any less attractive to you. She was still beautiful, still funny, and - as you were quickly learning - a really good kisser. You realised you weren’t resisting any more. Her soft, plump lips continued to caress you for a few more blissful moments before she yielded.

“Oh god…” she whispered, her eyes wide and teary. “I’m sorry. I didn’t… I’m not…” a tear fell down her cheek. “I’m just so confused…”

You laid in her hand, your mind spiralling with emotions. You never imagined a girl would find you attractive with your condition, let alone two. But your newfound ‘MacDaddy’ status would need to take a backseat to the turmoil at the centre of all this; the awful truth was you like both girls. But Shizune is your girlfriend; no matter how you and Misha feel about each other, pursuing it right now would be wrong. On the other hand, turning Misha down might devastate her. She’s already made herself extremely vulnerable, and you can’t pretend you didn’t enjoy that!
February 17