Shizune manages to capture your ant sized body!
· original author:
Despite your efforts, Shizune catches up with you in a matter of seconds. You hear her footsteps crashing down at your heels until her foot slams down in your path, stopping you dead in your tracks. You look up at the titan schoolgirl looming over you as her hand descends upon you. You raise your arms in resistance but she makes short work of your struggles and you find yourself being lifted like a toy in a claw machine. You marvel at the length of Shizune's legs as you're carried past them. Considering the sheer enormity of them, it's a wonder she didn't catch up to you sooner. She holds you up to her eye level so that she can get a good look at you. The playful glint in her eye and almost hungry smile suggests that perhaps she somewhat enjoyed chasing you just now.

"Shi-chan! What's gotten into you!?" Misha pipes says as she catches up with you two. Shizune dangles you in front of Misha like a prize she just won. "What is tha-- Oh... my..." her eyes widen as the realization hits her. "That's the new guy!!" Shizune nods and starts making her way back into the classroom. Misha follows.

You feel so defeated as you are placed back at your desk with the girls sat around you. You were so out of breath, you felt like you'd run a mile but Shizune got you back here in mere seconds and that was just at a walking pace. As you go to sit down in an attempt to catch your breath, Misha pokes you, knocking you on your ass.

"Hey, stop that!" you call up to her.

"You can talk?!"

"Yes, you've already talked to me today, you know I can talk!"

"But, that was when you were normal sized."

"Why would that make any difference?"

"I don't know, I'm not really familiar with my classmates shrinking." there is a pause before she lets out an obnoxiously loud laugh. "So, is this why you're at Yamaku? 'Cuz you get all tiny sometimes?" you notice Misha has been signing both yours and her parts of the conversation. Most likely for Shizune's benefit.

"Yeah. Look, girls, I could really use your help here. I need to get to my room to get my medicine."

"Hmmm, I don't know, new guy. We're two very busy ladies." Misha smirks at her own attempt to be playful.

"I'm serious! As students reps, it is your duty to help a fellow peer in need, right?"

"Ooh, good point! See, that's the type of debating we could use on the Student Council!"

"I've already said, I'll think about it. But, right now I'm more focused on other things like getting back to normal size again!"

Shizune's eyebrows perk up and she quickly taps on the table, scaring you witless. Misha looks over to her and you realize that's how Shizune gets her attention. The two girls sign to each other, giving you no clue what they're talking about. Misha giggles a couple of times, though, so it can't be good whatever it is.

Misha lets out one more giggle and a nod before turning back to you.

"Okay, new guy. We'll help you."

"Thank you."

"Buuuut!!" Misha pushes her finger on your chest, effectively pinning you down.

"What are you--!?"

"You have to join the Student Council." the girls smile wickedly at your predicament. Shizune shows an unnerving amount of glee to see you pinned down like this.

"Are you crazy!? I said I will think about it!"

"Then we'll just think about whether or not we should help you. I mean, you can get to your room by yourself. At your size it'll only take about, I don't know... All day? Maybe longer! Wahahahaha~!"

They've got you there. She makes a compelling argument; the journey to your dorm is not a short one and certainly not a safe one. It seems as if you have no choice.

"God dammit, fine! I'll join your stupid club. Now get off of me!" Misha raises her mighty finger and pats you on the head.

"Atta' boy!"

"Let's just go..."

Shizune picks you up and you all begin the trip to the boys dorm. "Don't worry new guy!" Misha says, "Even at this size, there's loads of jobs you can do for your Student Reps! Wahahaha~!"
February 17
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