You take your meds and go see the fireworks
· original author:
After taking your meds and returning to your normal size, Misha and Shizune lead you to the roof. You stepped outside and enjoyed the feeling of the brisk evening chill - a welcome change from the hot environment of Misha’s cleavage - and saw numerous groups of fellow students dotted around the rooftop. A large chain link fence surrounded the perimeter, suggesting it was safe, and even encouraged, for students to hang out up here. It was certainly a good spot to watch the fireworks that would conclude the festival for another year.

Shizune stopped and both you and Misha faced her, anticipating her militaristic orders. “[I will find us a place to sit.]” she turned to you, “[We’ll need blankets.]”

“Aye, aye.” you said with a semi-sarcastic salute, making your way to a pile of blankets in a box nearby. Misha followed you.

“Nice night, huh?” She stared at the sky as she walked, causing a few students to hurriedly get out of her way, lest she bump into them.

You looked up too. The night sky was adorned with an almost unrealistic amount of stars, each taking their turn to shimmer and glisten. “It is nice.” You concurred. “The day really got away from us. Feels like only five minutes ago you had me on the end of a fishing rod catching ducks!”

Misha laughed, “They’re so going to change the rules for that game next year!”

“There will be other games we can cheat, I’m sure of it.”

You reached the box of blankets, all neatly folded in their respective stacks. You helped yourself to two; one for Misha, one for Shizune. Misha quickly took hers from you and draped it over her shoulders like a cape.

“Don’t you want one?” She asked.

You shrugged. “Maybe Shizune will share with me…”

Misha took a moment to respond. “Are two, like… a ‘thing’?”

It occurred to you that no formal discussion with Misha had taken place yet in regards to yours and Shizune’s relationship. “A ‘thing’ as in..?” You asked as a stalling tactic. You needed more time to think, even if it was only seconds. What were you and Shizune? Friends, definitely. More? You’d be lying if you said you weren’t hoping. And you were almost certain she felt the same way. But are either of you ready to put a label on it yet?

“Are you dating?” Misha’s reply came back sooner than you’d hoped. For once, she sounded serious.

“Uh… truth be told, I’m not sure. We’ve been spending a lot of time together, and we like each other…” you trailed off, hoping you weren’t making things weird. The truth was, you’d grown to appreciate Misha’s friendship, and if dating Shizune would jeopardise that, then maybe you should stay friends after all.

Then the all too familiar laugh returned. “Wahahaha~! That’s great!”

You looked to her. “It is?”

“Of course! You like each other! That’s a good thing!” She said sincerely. “Seriously, I’m really happy for you both!”

You let go of a breath you didn’t realise you were holding and smiled. “Thanks, Misha.”

You returned to Shizune who found a good spot to sit and handed her the blanket.

“[It’s almost starting.]” Shizune said and pointed to the sky.

With faint pops, the sky erupts into bursts of colour that rain down and fade into the dark. With each flash, the rooftop is illuminated, and you take these chances to look at Shizune. She is transfixed on the sky, her eyes lit up with wonder and joy. You let your hand rest on hers, and she softens as she leans on you. You open your mouth to speak, but stop when you remember she wouldn’t hear you anyway. And the darkness - only broken up by brief seconds of light - provided no way for you to sign to her, but that was okay. Moments like these didn’t need words. You turned to face each other, and leaned in until your lips met in the middle.

This was your first kiss. And while you weren’t exactly an expert on the subject, you had a feeling it wasn’t normal for the girl’s lips to grow. You rolled your eyes as you diminished in size, but remained determined to keep kissing her. You held her cheek as it seemingly grew in your hand, and kept your eyes closed so as not to be confronted by the ever-increasing scale of her face. You felt her hand at your back as she wrapped her fingers around your torso, holding you in the air and against her lips until they were large enough to cover your entire face. Soon, you were small enough to sit in the palm of her hand, and Shizune decided this was too small to continue. She pulled you away and smirked as she considered your size.
February 17