You sleep like a rock.
· original author:
2 months later...

Your first month at Yamaku went by fast and the second month even faster. You’d finally settled in and didn’t feel so odd anymore - the other students barely looked up from their desks when you’d shrink in the middle of class. It was honestly kind of nice. Like you belonged.

Being part of the Student Council has proven to be good for you and for the girls - you’d learned from your classmates that Shizune and Misha have always come across as kind of unapproachable with Misha being known as over-the-top and loud and Shizune being, quite frankly, scary. Having you on board gives the council a friendly face that doesn’t intimidate the students.

The bell rings, signalling the end of class. You pack up as usual but you’re stopped by Mr. Mutou on your way out. He motions for you to sit at the desk in front of his and you both wait for the rest of the class to clear out.

“Is everything okay, sir?”

“Of course! Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble.” Mr. Mutou gives a reassuring smile. “I’m just checking in, we haven’t spoken one-to-one for a while.”

“Oh. Well, things are good. I’ve been pretty busy with the whole Student Council thing.”

“And you haven’t let it effect your studies. I’m impressed, Anon. I hear Misha is also teaching you sign language.”

“Yeah, I think I’m getting the hang of it. Never learned a language before so it’s been tough but she’s a good teacher.”

“Again, I’m impressed. And I’m sure Shizune will appreciate having someone else to talk to.” Mutou chuckles. “Anyway, I won’t keep you. Student Council duties await, am I right?”

“Right. Thank you, sir.” you shake his hand again and leave the classroom where Shizune was waiting for you.

“[Hey.]” you signed.
“[No Misha?]”
“[No. I sent her on a task, you and I have other business.]”
This was different. Every council meeting included all three of you. For Shizune to send Misha away was - in a word - weird. Regardless, you headed to the usual meeting room, walking beside Shizune. You struggled to keep up with her as she marched on with deliberate strides. You hated to admit it but you kind of preferred being carried. The journey was predictably quiet, any attempts to sign to her would probably go unnoticed anyway. Sadly this meant you couldn’t ask her to wait while you grabbed a soda from the vending machine.

The door to the meeting room opened with its regular squeaky fanfare, yielding the darkened room you spent most of your evenings. Shizune flicked the light on, adding some much needed life and took a seat.
“[We need decorations in here. It’s very boring.]” you joined her at the table, taking the seat opposite.
“[Misha is of the same mind. We only decorate for Christmas.]”
“[I guess that makes it more special.]”
Shizune nodded in agreement. You sat for a moment, occasionally glancing at the door hoping Misha would show up. As much life as the light added, nothing can brighten up a room quite like her.

It’s strange to experience an awkward silence with someone who cannot hear.

“[Is there something you need to speak to me about?]”
Shizune watched your hands then looked around the room. Something was on her mind but she was impossible to read.
“[Is that why Misha isn’t here?]”
Shizune nodded.
“[Are you going to kick me out of the Council?]”
Shizune frantically shook her head, wide-eyed.
“[So what’s wrong?]”
Shizune thought for a moment. Her shoulder dropped and she began to sign.
“[I was hoping you’d shrink by now. It would be easier to say if you were small.]”
You smiled. You got up out of your chair and got on your knees.
“[How’s this?]”
Shizune laughed. It was a unique laugh, one you came to enjoy. She couldn’t vocalise, sure, but laughter is innate; for Shizune, it came out similar to panting. But her eyes creased with happiness just like everyone else. She stopped laughing and her eyes narrowed, her smile turned wicked; flirtatious.
You sat down and lowered your head, looking up for approval.
You lied on your back, your head towards her. You watched her as she pondered your new height.
“[I can’t go smaller.”] you told her. She raised an eyebrow. “[I can’t go smaller ON COMMAND.]” you clarified. She laughed again.
“[But I can go bigger.]” she stood up from her chair and stepped forward, her legs either side of you. You looked away upon realising you could see up her skirt but reasoned you’ve seen up the girls’ skirts when you’ve been tiny and looking away from Shizune removes your ability to listen to her. You looked back.
“[Can you tell me now?]”
She thought for a moment, perhaps relishing the position you two were in. “[I suppose.]”
She began signing but the door burst open, presenting Misha triumphantly holding a trumpet and an alarm clock.
“I got the stuff, boss! What did you need these for any—“ she stopped when she noticed the scene before her; you on the floor with Shizune stood over you and all of you looking bug eyed at each other. It was at that moment you shrunk.

You were still laying on your back as you watched the now giant Misha stomp over to her friend. She looked at you and then back at her.
“Waaaait a minute... I don’t think you wanted this stuff at all, Shi-chan! You just wanted to get rid of me so you two could be alone!”
She kneeled down and pointed a finger at you, large enough to almost block your view of her stern face. “Was this your idea, Recruit?”
Before you could respond, Shizune placed a hand on Misha’s shoulder. She stood up and faced her friend to hear her out.
“[It was my idea. The truth is, yes, I felt I needed a moment with Anon to discuss his future with the Student Council. Think of it as a monthly review. I’d like to do one with you also, now that we have more members.]”
Misha considered her words. She looked at you again and smirked.
“And I just barged in and made Anon shrink! Wahaha~! I’ll leave you two to your review in that case. If you need criticisms for him; he needs to work on staring up our skirts. Byeeee~!” and with that, she was gone.

Shizune scooped you up and placed you on the desk.
“[So, where were we?]” you asked, not wanting to take the wind out of your previously very flirty sails. But Shizune seemed deflated. “[Is everything okay?]”
“[I had every intention of telling you that I liked you. Because I did, and I still do.]”
“Oh...” you spoke aloud unintentionally, but it seemed Shizune got the message.
“[Seeing Misha just now has made me realise, if we were to start anything, it could completely change the council’s dynamic. Perhaps Misha and I wouldn’t be as close, perhaps she’d feel pushed to the side. I would hate for her to feel that way.]”
You stayed quiet for a moment, formulating a response. The beauty of learning sign language is there’s no room for ‘ums’ and ‘errs’, you can take time to think about what you’re saying. You can say the right thing if you just think.
February 17