The girls take you back to your dorm for your meds
· original author:
You sat on your bed, staring at the giant stuffed panda ominously sitting before you.

“[These things really aren’t so cute at this size.]” you signed to Shizune who was also on the bed with you, laying on her side.

“[He’s pretty cute to us big people.]” she gave the panda’s paw a squeeze.

“[Cuter than me?]”

Shizune shrugged. “[I can give him hugs without hurting him.]” she picked him up and squeezed him into her chest, demonstrating your nemesis’ cuteness advantage. Despite the pain, you figured you wouldn’t mind being squeezed like that by Shizune. Misha, on the other hand, would probably suffocate you. Speaking of, where the hell is she? She left for snacks almost an hour ago. Knowing her, she probably got distracted by some game or, come to think of it, literally anything.

You were watching the door, expecting Misha to burst in at any moment when Shizune tapped the bed in front of you to get your attention. You spun around to listen to her. Or watch her.

“[Thank you for today.]”

You tilted your head in confusion. “[What for?]”

“[For helping Misha win this.]” she gestured toward the panda. [“I know it doesn’t seem like much, but, I can assure you it means a lot to her. She has so much energy and such an aptitude for fun and including others in that fun and sometimes I fear that I may be too boring for her.]”

“[You are not boring. Misha and I have tonnes of fun with you.]”

“[You have to admit, Misha is the driving force behind that fun.]”

“[What about our dates? That’s been just the two of us and I enjoy those.]”

Shizune smiled at you, her eyes narrowed. She was getting that look again. “[When did we start calling them ‘dates’?]” her hands moved differently when she got like this. More seductive, somehow. They moved slowly, more deliberately. It was subtle, but still noticeable enough for you to tell when she was flirting.

You felt your face get hotter. Did you really just misspeak in sign language? You were about to respond but the door behind you burst open and Misha came in with a box of muffins under her arm.

“I’m baaaack~!” She called out as if she entered a two storey house rather than a dorm room where the only other occupants were within arms reach of her. “Did you miss me?”

Before you could answer, she kicked off her shoes and jumped on to the bed. She wasn’t exactly delicate in her landing and before you could prepare for the impact, you found yourself being thrown into the air by the sudden rise in the mattress. You screamed as you began your descent, wondering how many bones you’d break if you landed on the floor. You flailed your arms hoping to grab on to something, anything that might save you, and then you landed with a sudden stop but no impact, as if you’d been caught between two pillows. And you weren’t exactly wrong.

You landed somewhere almost unbearably hot. You pushed at the walls to find them very pliable and as you started to suspect where you had ended up, you heard something that confirmed it:


You’d hear this laugh before, but never like this. This time, it was as if the sound was all around you. You looked up and saw Misha’s face looking down at you, holding back another laugh.

“Shi-chan, look!” Misha bent forwards and, as if looking out of a window, you saw Shizune staring at you with an expression of worry and disappointment. “He landed right in between my boobs! Wahahaha~!”

“Misha! Get me out of here!” You reached up at her face, begging to be rescued. Her still laughing face was eclipsed by her fingers which descended upon you like a claw machine, grabbing a tuft of your shirt and lifting you out from between the shapely mounds. You took a few deep breaths of cool, non-humid air.

“Can I please have my meds now?”
February 17