· original author:
You walked around with Shizune and Misha holding onto an arm of yours each. You were blown away by how different everything looked; the same school grounds you walked every day had transformed overnight into a city-like market with stands boasting numerous fried foods and drinks and games - all of which Misha stopped to check out - making the whole place unrecognisable. If it wasn’t for the girls, you’d have gotten lost several times by now. It wasn’t just the scene that had transformed; the students, all wearing their casual clothes, looked and behaved completely different too. More care-free, happier, sillier, even the teachers were getting involved, surrounding a punch bowl that, mysteriously, students weren’t allowed to drink from. But joking and smiling nonetheless.

“Hii Mr. Mutou!~” Misha called out, dragging you along.

“Ah, if it isn’t the Student Council! Hello you three, enjoying yourselves?”

“Yep! Anon’s gonna win us some prizes, aren’t ya?” Misha nudged you with an elbow. You rolled your eyes.

“Apparently so.”

The teachers smiled back at you. “Well, don’t let me keep you. Have fun.”

“We will!” Misha waved as she dragged you away again.

“Winning you some prizes..?” You asked, wondering why you weren’t savvy to this plan.

“Oh yeah! I have a plan... do you think you’ll shrink at some point today?” Misha spoke in a hushed tone, as if trying to thwart any prying ears.

“Uh, I hope not. My medication is back in my room, so...”

“We can get it after! You need to shrink! Shrink! Shriiiiink..!” She held her hands out at you as if casting a spell, willing you to be tiny.

“That’s not how it works, Misha... why do you need me to shrink anyway?”

“There!” She pointed at a nearby game stand. It was one of those fishing games where you have to use a rod and a piece of string to hook a duck and lift it out of the water. “With our powers combined, we will win the ultimate prize.”

You noted the giant stuffed panda up for grabs. “You want me to abuse my condition in order to cheat at an, already super easy, carnival game?”

“Super easy?!? How can you even- it’s not ea- Shi-chan! Tell him it’s not easy!” she pouted and waited for her friend to back her up.

“[Why don’t you show us how easy it is?]”

“Hey, yeah! If it’s soooo easy, then go win me that panda! Come on, go go go!” Misha pushed you toward the stand where a fellow student wearing a flat cap was manning the rods.

“Hey guys. Fifty yen for a try. Catch the duck in the centre in less than a minute and you win the panda. You interested?”

Misha slapped fifty yen on the surface. “Yep! Anon, you got this!” She stuffed the rod into your hands.

You surveyed the small pool of water in which many ducks bobbed up and down, teasing you with their hooked heads. The ones on the outer ring had bigger, easier hooks which got smaller the closer to the centre they got. And right in the middle was the king - literally. A duck bearing a crown, atop which stood the smallest hook of them all. Your target. You gently lowered the string, your hands shaking. You took a dastardly swipe at the kings head but he bobbed just in time to dodge your hook. Curses! You readjusted your grip and went in again with clenched teeth. Another miss! Misha had a fierce grip on your shoulder as you both leaned in with determination, only to be thrown off by several beeps from a timer.

“That’s your minute up. Bad luck, man. Fifty yen for another try?”

You looked at the king, still bobbing around in the water like the arrogant prick he is. You looked at the panda and you looked at Misha. You handed the rod back and walked away.

“Fuck it, lets just wait until I shrink.”

Misha punched the air. “Yessss!”


You spent the morning checking out the other stands and trying your hand at the other games until, inevitably, you shrunk. You were walking happily with the girls when suddenly their steps were getting longer and you fell behind. Then you found yourself stranded on the concrete floor with hundreds of careless students surrounding you with their thunderous steps.

Misha came to your rescue; quickly scooping you up and holding you up like a prize.

“It’s time!” She declared, rushing you back to the duck stand. She slammed another fifty on the counter. “Let’s do this!” The student on the other side took the money and handed her the plastic rod, clearly not as excited as she was. Misha slipped her hand into her back pocket to retrieve you. You made your protests clear when you realised where she planned on putting you - you didn’t like your chances being squished up against Misha’s ass cheek - but you were either not heard or simply ignored. As her fingers came in, you reached up and grabbed them, glad to be free from the hot, cramped prison and soon found yourself being dangled in front of Misha’s face.

“Okay, you know the plan?”

“Yeah, yeah, grab the duck and win the panda. Can we just get this over with?”

Misha didn’t say another word. She quickly fiddled with the hook and threaded it between your pants and your belt. She let you go and you were swinging wildly back and forth. Luckily, it seemed your belt was strong enough to keep you attached to the hook like bait. The other student didn’t appear to notice you as Misha moved the rod into position and you soared past his face. You took a few deep breaths, focusing on your target, as you listened to the countdown.

“3... 2... 1... Go!” The timer started and you were quickly lowered just above the water. When you played this the first time, it’s seemed still. The ducks bobbed calmly in a satisfying fluid motion. But at this size, the ducks bounced into each other with each wave and the water splashed you with droplets to small for anyone else to notice. You could see the king’s crown in amongst the colourful crowd of plastic ducks. You started grabbing them and pushing yourself forward, climbing from duck to duck while Misha turned the handle on the rod to give you more slack. It wasn’t long before you made it to the centre.

“Hello, old friend.” You whispered to the crowned duck, grabbing his beak and pulling yourself up. Once Misha saw you were on top and had a firm grip on the hook, she raised you up. The duck was heavy and the thin, wire hook threatened to cut your hands but you held on with all your strength until you were back in front of the flat capped student. He was amazed - no student had managed to get the king so fast - but his amazement soon turned to frustration.

“Hey, you cheated!” He pointed at you. “You used the tiny kid!”

You couldn’t hold on anymore. You dropped the duck and it landed in the student’s waiting hand below. “Hey man, it doesn’t say anywhere we CAN’T do that...” you argued, twirling around on the end of a string.

Flat Cap looked at the rules listed on the stand then at you and Misha. “...Fine! You win! Congratulations!” He spoke sarcastically, climbing his step ladder to retrieve the panda. Misha cheered and laughed in celebration, causing you spin around even more erratically.

“Ahh! Misha, unhook me first, unhook me!”

“Oh, right! Sorry!”
February 17