“[I like you too.]”
· original author:
“[I like you too.]”

Shizune took a quick, sharp inhale and her back straightened as she looked, for the first time, surprised. You continued.

“[And I care about Misha too, a lot. Both of you are my friends. So you can trust me when I say I would never do anything to hurt either of you. You’re right; maybe us pursuing something could ruin everything the three of us have. But no matter what happens, Misha will be there for you. I know she will. So, how about we do more of this; just you and me. But we won’t let it take away from our council meetings, or class, or time with Misha. And see where we go from there. Deal?]”

Shizune looked at you for a moment, you wouldn’t remember how long. It could’ve been seconds, it could’ve been minutes. But it felt like hours. You hoped she would immediately say yes, that your words would be enough to convince her and you needn’t say more. But silences can be deafening.

“[If I screw up, you and Misha can still keep me as a pet.]”

She laughed. “[Deal.]”

Perhaps it was a bad idea to make that particular promise, but, for now, you were happy with the outcome of this deal. Shizune hopped up from her chair and fetched a binder which she dropped on the table with nearly enough force to send you flying across the room.

“[What’s this?]”

She stopped flicking through the pages and smiled. “[Your review. I mentioned it to Misha...]”

You shook your head, laughing. “[Of course.]”


It had been a week since your talk with Shizune. Since then, it’s been business as usual for the council. The talk of the school, and the topic at every council meeting, has been the festival; a yearly event organised and run by the students.

“You never had anything like this at your old school?” Misha asked, decorating the banner you were both working on before you shrunk.

You scoffed. “God, no. The kids at my school couldn’t be trusted with group projects, let alone school-wide festivals involving the exchange of money.”

“That’s a shame... what did you do for summer in that case?”

You watched her make brush strokes across the enormous canvas, pretending not to hear her.


“Hm, yeah?”

“If you didn’t have a festival, what did you do all summer?”

The answer was you stayed home. You didn’t go outside because your parents were scared you’d be taken by a hungry bird or a curious stray dog. You argued with your mom over how unfair it was that you were treated like a baby and you didn’t get to go out with your friends who, for some reason, never called or text to see if you were free. Except you knew the reason - it was because, despite being a normal kid, nobody would see you that way. You weren’t normal. And summers were an ugly reminder of that. Summers were the worst.

You shrugged. “I don’t know. Hung out with friends, I guess.”

Shizune entered the room with supplies - snacks and more paint. She noted your empty chair then looked at Misha, who pointed at you. Shizune nodded and sat in your seat.

“[Been tiny long?]”

“[Happened shortly after you left.]”


“[Left it in the classroom.]”

Shizune rolled her eyes and shook her head as she tore open a bag of gummy candies. Misha immediately helped herself, digging around with her kraken-like fingers. She triumphantly pulled three out at once and dropped them into her mouth. Shizune plucked one out between her thumb and forefinger and gently placed it next to you. It came up to your chest and was easily longer than you. Note to self: don’t be close to one of these when Misha is hungry.

With an effort, you ripped a piece off for yourself and popped it in your mouth. Shizune took the rest and held it between her teeth for a moment before letting it fall helplessly into the abyss.

The three of you continued decorating the banner - Shizune working on the cursive lettering spelling out ‘Yamaku’ while Misha focused on colour and ‘miscellaneous decoration’, as Shizune puts it. At your size, you couldn’t do much except watch. The fumes from the paint were giving you the occasional spell of dizziness which Shizune eventually took notice of.

“[Are you okay?]”

“[I’m fine.]” you insisted, not wishing to slow the progress being made.

Shizune put down her brush. “[Misha. I think we’ll finish early today.]”

“Really?! Nice one, boss!” She didn’t seem upset which was good, and she excitedly began to put the lids back on the paint but Shizune stopped her.

“[I’ll pack everything up. You go ahead, I’ll see you at the dorm.]”

“Uh, okay. Do you want me to take Anon back to his room?”

“[That won’t be necessary. I’m sure he won’t mind helping.]”

“At his size? Wahahaha! He’ll have his work cut out for him but if you say so. Sorry, Recruit. Byeeee!”

“Good night, Misha!” You called after her but the door closed behind her before you could finish. You watched Shizune put all the equipment to one side and weigh down the corners of the banner to allow it to dry overnight.

“[So, what gives? You guys were making good progress, you didn’t stop because of me, did you? I said I was fine.]”

“[I know. I wanted to stop.]” she walked over to a nearby closet and pulled out a tea set. “[You’re not supposed to boil water in the classrooms but I won’t tell if you won’t.]”

“[Miss Hakamichi! Am I hanging out with a delinquent? What if we get caught?]”

“[I’ll just tell them it was your idea.]” her eyes narrowed, trained on you like a hawk stalking it’s prey. This look, one she only gave you when you were small, frightened you as much as it intrigued you. “[I’ll tell them you’re a bad influence on me.]”

“[It’s not like I’d disagree.]”

“[Not if you know what’s good for you.]”

“[I meant because I’m such a bad boy.]” you struck a pose imitating a rugged outlaw which earned a laugh.

Shizune’s tea finished brewing and she took a sip before exhaling and sinking into her chair.

“[I like to do this from time to time; cancel a meeting, lock myself in here and just relax.]”

“[You certainly earn it. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as hardworking as you. And I’ve spent the majority of my life around doctors. We all need some ‘me-time’.]”

“[I wouldn’t mind sharing it.]”

“[As long as you’ll have me.]”

Shizune smiled and carefully rested her hand next to you, her finger twitching as it got closer and closer until it was gently brushing your side.


More weeks went by, each one containing at least one instance of shared ‘me-time’ between you and Shizune. You started frequenting a placed called The Shanghai - a quaint tea shop close to the academy, proving to be a well chosen location based on the number of customers donning a Yamaku uniform. Another familiar face worked here too; Yuuko, the librarian. It was nice seeing her outside of school and extra nice having someone around familiar with your shrinking episodes. Shizune once told you that, when you weren’t at the table, she would inspect the seats and under the tableware before cleaning up just to make sure you weren’t lost in amongst the mess.

Today was the day of the festival and you had to admit, you were getting a little swept up in the school spirit. It was all the students wanted to talk about, especially Misha, and it was hard not to be excited. You got up extra early to hit the showers before anyone else and spent the morning catching up on some written assignments for various classes; you didn’t want work hanging over you while you’re trying to enjoy your weekend. Several restrained taps on the door signified your dates had arrived.

You opened the door and Misha burst in, wrapping her arms around your neck in a big hug.

“Happy festival day!” she sang, squeezing tighter.

“Morning to you too.” you managed to choke out between desperate mouthfuls of oxygen. You tried to look at Shizune but your vision was blocked by Misha’s sweet smelling hair. You signed behind her back ‘good morning’ but you couldn’t tell if the message was received.

Misha released you and you could finally see Shizune. She wasn’t wearing uniform, which made sense given it was the weekend, opting instead to wear a black sleeveless dress with her usual thigh high socks and school shoes.

“[You look nice.]” you understated.

Shizune smiled as her cheeks reddened and she looked your outfit up and down. “[So do you.]”

“Uhh, hello?? What about me?!” Misha interjected, standing back to give you full view of her look. Dark green shorts which came half way up her shapely thighs and a white vest that struggled to contain her breasts which - of course, being a gentleman - you tried not to linger too much on.

“You look lovely as ever, Misha. Shall we?” You motioned her out of your room and locked the door behind you.
February 17