The Student Council Meeting
· original author:
         Class came to its usual creeping end as you gathered your stuff and put it all in your bag. As you check to see if you remembered your medicine for the third time (you don't want a repeat of yesterday at the meeting, after all), Misha manages to sneak up on you.

"Boo!" she grabs your shoulders and shakes you a bit. "Ready for your first meeting, Recruit?"

"As I'll ever be..." you reply, "don't try and scare me, by the way. It's not good for my condition."

You didn't know if that was true or not. When you were diagnosed, your doctor theorized that sudden changes in heart rate may be a factor in your size change and its severity but it was as much a mystery to him than anyone. Not many people shrink these days.

"Noted! But from now on, myself and Corporal Shi-chan will be the ones making orders!"

"And maybe less military speak?"

"Wahaha~! Affirmative!" she salutes as Shizune approaches, "Looks like we're all here! Shall we?"

You shrug and nod, following the girls out of the classroom until Mr. Mutou interrupts.

"Sorry girls, but, might I borrow our newest student rep for a moment?"

"Sure thing, sir! You remember what room we'll be in right?" Misha turns to you.

"I know the one." you say, waving them off. You lean against a desk while Mutou finishes talking to another student. He asks the boy a couple of questions about his condition and you wonder whether or not you should be listening. You opt to feign ignorance and look around the room pretending not to hear.

Eventually, Mutou wraps up their conversation and summons you over. You sit at his desk and pass the other kids bag over to him, getting you a smile and a thank you.

"New student. Like you." Mutou explains once the room is empty. "I'm just wondering how the two of you are getting on."

"Like me, sir?"

"Oh, no, no! Not the same condition!" Mutou chuckles, "Hisao and yourself are just new together." he smiles.

"Oh, right." you say, a little embarrassed. As if you would find another person who could shrink. "Well, I'm doing okay. Thanks." you hope to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Evidently. I've seen Shizune and Misha try and rope countless students into the council and you're the first to agree."

You considered reporting them for their behavior towards you yesterday. You didn't exactly agree as much as you were forced into it against your will. Against your better judgement, you stayed silent. Maybe the student council won't be too bad and hanging out with two cute girls for a couple of hours can't be the worst thing in the world. Not to mention they did help you get your medicine.

"Well, it's nice to see you getting involved in the school spirit." Mutou says in a blatant attempt to fill the awkward silence.

"I should get going, sir. Sorry, I just don't want to keep the girls waiting."

"Of course, don't let me keep you. Just stay on top of your studies and we'll get along famously!" you shook his hand and left, closing the door behind you.

         Your journey to meeting room was an uneventful one. School was over and the halls were practically empty. You spotted Hisao in his gym kit with a short girl walking around on prosthetic legs. Weird time for a run but you assume they're a pair of fitness freaks. You smile to yourself at that thought. 'What kind of place am I in when I question the time to go for a run before I question the girl with no legs even running!?' you think to yourself.

The door to meeting was open ajar, you peer in to see Misha sat with her feet up on the table and shoes kicked off to the side. You walk in and she looks over.

"You're here! We thought you'd bailed on us!" Misha stood to give you a hug which ended up being a face full of breasts and a death squeeze.

"We..?" you noted once you were free, observing the lack of Shizune.

"Shi-chan went to get some drinks from the vending machine. She was hoping to bump into you so she could drag you here."

"I see." you take a seat and Misha follows suit, perching herself on the table this time. "So, what do you do in these meetings?"

"Usually, we discuss tactics to make people join the council."


"But, we're a lot busier around this time of year with the festival going on. We make banners and flyers and talk about what our class is going to do as a project. But today we figured we'd get to know you a bit. Like an initiation!"

"Okay..." you can't help but say nervously.

"Oh! Board games! We play board games sometimes, too!"

"Right. So, getting to know me? Do you mean questions?"

"Mostly, yeah."

The door opens, interrupting the two of you and Shizune walks in with cans of soda in her arms. A devious smile creeps across her face when she sees you.

"Alright! Now we can start with the questions!" Misha says, rolling onto her belly. Shizune sits next to you and leans in as if examining a new specimen for an experiment. She looks over to Misha and begins signing.

"Alrighty, then! Question one: can you control it?"


"The shrinking! Can you shrink whenever?"

"Um, no. It just kind of happens whenever." Shizune's shoulders drop when Misha relays the message to her. Was that disappointment? She wishes you could control it?

"Question two! What makes you the perfect candidate for the student council?"

"Perfect candidate? You remember how I ended up here, right? You pinned me down and forced me to agree. I'm the 'perfect candidate' because you chose me."

"Ooh, nice! Shi-chan liked that answer. Good going, new guy! Question three..."

Misha's voice began to fade and you felt yourself getting sweaty. Fuck, not again. Not now. Your bones began to ache and your legs start to tingle. Here we go again. You close your eyes and open them to find yourself still sat on the chair. Still sat on the gigantic, wasteland of a chair. To your left you see, for the second time, the titan Shizune smiling down excitedly at your small form.

"Did he just do it?" Misha says, looking over the edge of the table. "He did!" she cheers, reaching out for you. Before you can even fathom what's happening, you are once again lifted into the air by a giant hand. You are dropped onto the table and Shizune brings her face right up close to you, examining you again at your new size.

"Alright, guys. We know the drill. Just get my medicine from my-" Shit. Your bag. You left it in the classroom. How did you forget it again!?

"What's wrong? Did you forget your medicine again?" you bent over backwards trying to get a look at Misha's face and nod. "Wahahaha~!" she booms down at you.

"I left it in the classroom. Can we go get it?"

Misha looks at the clock. "The classroom will be locked by now. We'll have to get it tomorrow."

"Great. That's great. Perfect. So what now then?"

Misha and Shizune had another one of their private conversations before coming back to you.

"Well, Shizune and I both agree that...
February 17
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