"You'll have to stay in my room!" (...
· original author:
"You'll have to stay in my room!" Misha chirped. This worried you. She wasn't exactly a subtle girl and after the day you've had, you were hoping for some peace and quiet when you turned in for the night.

"Have to..?" you figured you'd challenge her before it was too late. Maybe she has a genuine reason.

"Well, you can't stay with Shi-chan! She won't hear you if you need anything! What if you have to go pee and she has her back to you? Wahaha~!"

As much as you hated the idea of hearing that laugh all night, she had a valid point. At least you can communicate with Misha.

"Alright, you win. Your room it is."

"Wahaha~!" Misha celebrated, swooping you up like a prize. "Let's go then! I can't wait to show you around!"

You met Shizune's gaze and raised your eyebrows at Misha's hyperactive antics. Shizune raised her eyebrows back understandingly. You shook your head and laughed. You'll have to learn sign language for 'Help!' at some point.

Being held by Misha was strange. You were used to being picked up and carried but mostly by family and doctors. Everyone tended to be careful. Every movement was very deliberate, as if the slightest step too fast or fist too clenched would cause you to detonate. They could've used you in the hospital to train heart surgeons in developing a steady hand! But Misha was different; as you sat in her palm, holding onto one of her fingers for stability, she practically jumped with every step. You'd be forgiven for thinking you were on a roller coaster with the amount of sudden jolts and fast turns you'd endured but she didn't carry you like a baby bird or someone with a disability. She carried you with confidence. She knew she had you and wouldn't let you fall and part of you knew you were in safe hands too. You weren't being carried by some overpaid doctor or an overbearing parent. You were being carried by a friend.

Shizune matched her pace, if not her giddy mannerisms; her back remained straight and her eyes focused forward. She even walked with determination. You hoped she didn't mind you and Misha sharing a room tonight but she seemed like a pragmatic girl who'd understand the reasons. You'd have to let her know that given the choice, you'd stay with her.

"Well, Shi-chan, this is where we part ways!" Misha announced, signing with one hand. Incredible.

Shizune signed something to her then looked down at you and signed something. You stared blankly.

"Shi-chan is saying good night." Misha explained.

"Oh, right, uhh..." you stood up and waved, "Good night!"

Misha giggled, "Here, let me show you." you were brought forward towards Shizune and slowly dropped onto her hand. You turned around and watched Misha. She made some slow hand signals and narrated them for you, "Gooood... niiight... now you try!"

You turned back to Shizune and cleared your throat (you're not sure why you did this to talk with your hands), "[Good night.]"

Shizune handed you back to Misha and returned the same sign, only faster and somehow more fluent. You watched her go through the door behind her into her room and then you were alone with a pink-haired giant.

"And this is my room!" she turned around and opened the door. You laughed. Of course she'd have a room directly opposite Shizune's. You looked around and found yourself surprised; Misha's room was neat. Everything was tidy and she even had some box files on a shelf on her desk, each labelled for a different class. The only file in your room was the one that you think was left by whoever stayed there before you. "I guess I'll just.." Misha lowered you to the ground and you climbed down from her hand. "Make yourself at home!"

You took a few steps across the vast carpet before you. As you made your fifth step, a shadow cast over you. You looked up and noticed Misha was stepping over you. You quickly looked back ahead of you so as not to see any more of her up skirt than you already had.

"Sorry, I just need to take my shoes off." she explained as she crouched down to slip them off. "Feel free to take yours off too, just keep them next to mine. I'm sure we won't get them mixed up! Wahaha~!"

You obliged and and headed over to where she placed her shoes. As you passed her socked feet, you couldn't help but notice a faint odour, one which would no doubt become stronger if you were to come any closer. You made a mental note to avoid her feet at all costs. You kicked off your shoes and placed them next to Misha's, feeling slightly emasculated as you noticed her enormous loafer completely dwarfed you.

Misha excused herself and left the room, offering you free range to explore until she came back. Though it was nice of her, there wasn't much to look at on the floor unless you had a fiery passion for carpet fibres. She returned after about twenty minutes with a slice of cake wrapped in a napkin. She placed it on her bedside table and laid her hand flat in front of you. "All aboard!"

She placed you on her bed and sat cross legged with the cake between you. "One of the girls in the dorm had a birthday yesterday so I swiped us some cake. I was going to get two slices but I figured you wouldn't eat a whole one by yourself. Wahaha~!" she broke off a piece about the size of you and popped it in her mouth.

"Thanks." you said before taking a few crumbs from the mountainous cake for yourself. "So, how long have you and Shizune been friends?"

“Since the day we met! Shi-chan's great and it's really a shame not many people can understand her because she's always saying really funny stuff! Like this one time...”

Misha went on talking about every little anecdote and memory she'd shared with Shizune. Which is to say, she talked for a long time. The cake had been devoured (mostly by Misha, of course) and after listening to maybe a million more words, you glanced over at the clock.

“Woah, it's late!” you keenly observed, “Or early, I guess.”

It was 1:30AM. Misha really can talk. She looked over at the clock too.

“No way! Wahahaha~! I haven't stayed up this late for a long time! We are so going to sleep in tomorrow!”

“You think Shizune will let us skip class?”

“Probably not. We should turn in.”

“Uhm, Misha...” Your heart thudded at the idea of sharing a bed with this giant. “Maybe we shouldn't... y'know... sleep together. Not only is it wildly inappropriate, it's very dangerous for me.”

She stared blankly at you until her lips twisted into a smirk, then quivered before letting out a laugh.

“Wahahaha~! Anon! We are not sleeping together! I already have a place for you to sleep!”

You pretended not to be offended that she found sleeping with you such a novel concept and watched as she opened a drawer on her bedside table and start rummaging.

“Aha!” she declared as she triumphantly pulled out a sock.

A sock.

Of all things.

She placed it on the table and picked you up, gently setting you down on the sock.

“Here you go! It's like a sleeping bag! Wahahaha~!”

“Really, Misha? A sock?”

“What?! It's clean! C'mon, just try it!” She beamed down at you expectantly. You sighed and shimmied your way into the opening of the sock.

You wanted to argue that you should be able to sleep somewhere a bit more dignified than a garment meant for one's foot but as soon as you cocooned yourself in the soft material, your body begged for sleep. You were tired and had to admit it wasn't so bad after all.

“Y'know, it is actually very cosy in here!”

“Wahaha~! I knew you'd like it! Good night, Anon!”

“Good night, Misha.”

And with that, it was lights out.
February 17