Our story begins
· original author:
It's your first day at Yamaku Academy. You were transferred there because of a unique illness that you've been plagued with from birth. Simply put, at periodic intervals you randomly begin shrinking! This dangerous and potentially life threatening ailment has been stalled for several years now, by regularly taking several types of medication, and in the end, the decision was made for you to be transferred to your new school, where your condition might be better accepted. As you take a seat in your new classroom, a pink haired girl sitting next to you, greets you enthusiastically.

"Hi! You must be new here! I'm Misha!" The girl next to Misha begins signing something with her hands. Could she be mute? Regardless, Misha immediately begins translating for her. "And this is Shizune! But I call her Shii-chan! She wanted to tell you welcome!" The three of you converse for a short period of time, before Misha gets down to what she really wanted to talk about.

"Shii-chan was wondering if you might be interested in joining the Student Council! It's really fun, and we need all the hands we can get right now!" After some contemplation, you give a simple reply.

"I might like to check it out, but not right now. I'm still trying to get settled in." Misha's face sets into a frown as she hears that.


Class continues as normal, with Misha not saying a word. Then, in the middle of class you feel it. Those twinges that usually proclaim the onset of your shrinking! This is terrible! You can't shrink in the middle of class! You scramble through your bag, attracting a reproachful glare from Shizune, but you don't care. Anything to avoid what was going to happen if you didn't get your medication. After searching your bag thoroughly, you begin to realize with horror, that, in your anxiety to start the new day, you'd left your medication in your dorm room! You could try sprinting out of the class but it's too late now! You feel the onset of the shrinking coming on.... and then it stops. It was a small one (no pun intended). Phew. It doesn't look like anyone noticed. You must have only lost an inch or two. Totally unnoticeable. You think you catch a Shizune giving you a curious look out of the corner of your eye, but it's fine. She's suspicious it seems, but doesn't know anything. You'll have to explain it to her at some point if you ever join the Student Council... which you're doubtful about.

Class proceeds as usual, and when the bell finally rings, everyone starts packing up. The teacher leaves in moments, leaving you to try and gather your things. Misha and Shizune leave the room with a glance that tells you that this isn't over. They must really want people to join the Student Council. That level of dedication actually scares you to a degree. They'd probably be waiting for you outside the room, now that you think of it, so there's no reason to go out right now. You're busy thinking of how you're going to get back to your dorm and get your medication when you feel it. A second twinge. Oh no! You're going to start shrinking again any moment! Shizune and Misha take a back seat as you get up from your desk and sprint for the door. But you're too late! Everything around you blurs, and begins to grow exponentially, as you shrink much more than last time.

When at last, everything stops, you look around in despair. The desks tower over you. Your bag, that you left by your desk, may as well be a mountain. You don't think you could be any bigger than one or two inches tall. And then things got worse. The door opened up, and Shizune and Misha re-enter the classroom. "Shii-chan is it worth waiting for him? He's taking so long!" You see Shizune sign something to Misha and the girl laughs loudly. "You're right Shii-chan! We really do need the he- huh?" She looks around the classroom in a confused manner, while Shizune seems to ponder your apparent disappearance. As you try to quietly creep by the two girls, passing through the space between them, suddenly one of them glances down and notices you! Which one is it?
February 17
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