English Class
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The experience was rather jerky, as you could see what was going on through a little peep hole in the fabric. The woman in her thirties that was clearly a teacher dragging Rin by her ear to a certain location.

The long-haired woman paused before a classroom door, using her free hand to open it with a slight creak. Slowly, she dragged Rin inside and the jerky motion began once again.

"Ow, owowow!"

The teacher hauled Rin up to the desk, the teacher raised his eyebrow at the scene while the students giggle at what was unfolding.

"Here you go, Mr. Numa. Caught this one wandering around the campus yet again. Though, she seems to have developed a penchant for dirty jokes. I'll let you take care of her, okay?" she said, winding up and giving Rin's ear one final twist for good measure.

The girl cried out in pain, before the teacher's long talons let go of her red ear. Rin rubbed it quietly, before she turned to take her seat as the other teacher walked out the door.

Well, that was inconvenient. Rin certainly hadn't forgotten you, but did you have to get through this class stuck in your musky prison?
February 17
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