Getting a New Ride
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Traveling back across campus in Rin's sandal was not something you wanted to experience again if you could help it. Not to mention that you would likely be doing again as soon as she grabbed your key. Best speak up now while you have a chance.

"Hey Rin. is there maybe another way you could carry me?

She looks down at you, her poker face unreadable. "No hands remember." She accentuates her point by waving her stubs she has for arms around, causing her sleeves to fly through the air.

"I know but is there any way you could keep me secure other than you feet? A pocket or something?" You don't want to offend her. If you just tell her that her feet stink she might get mad make you ride underneath her toes. "I'm really grateful for the transportation but it's not exactly comfortable for me to get pinned between your toes. It's hard to breath and honestly, quite scary to have all of those other feet stomping around so close."

"Sure, whatever short stuff. It doesn't really matter to me."

Uncaring acceptance, that's probably the best you could hope for with what you've seen of her personality.

She sits town suddenly and pops off one of her sandals. "Hold still."

You were ready this time as you feel the familiar pinch of her toes as she plucks you off the ground. The next thing you know, she drops you into...
February 17
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